COPD: Perspectives of Immune Peptide Therapy and Lung Cancer Prevention
Igor Panashchuk,
Oleksii Tatskyi,
Sergii Konovalenko
Volume 9, Issue 6, November 2021
22 July 2021
30 August 2021
10 November 2021
Downloads: 100
Views: 719
Abstract: Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occurs due to chronic inflammation, which leads to thickening of the airway walls, increased mucus production and, ultimately, permanent changes in lung structure. Meta-analysis indicates an increased risk of lung cancer in patients with COPD, so timely and comprehensive cancer prevention is extremely important. Objective: Determine the mechanisms of interaction between immune peptides and immunocompetent cells, which lead to the elimination of pathogens and prevent the development of metaplasia on the background of chronic inflammation. Methods: Selection and analysis of open access scientific publications. Results: Restoring the ability of secretory cells to synthesize IgA and maintaining this synthesis at the appropriate level can provide the necessary protection of the respiratory system from infection. Strengthening immune surveillance over the mucous membrane promotes not only the elimination of pathogens, but also to the destruction and removal of disabled and infected cells and cells that have undergone metaplasia - this is how the immunity program is implemented to counteract infection and prevent cancer. Conclusion: The use of exogenous anti-infective peptides for the treatment and prevention of exacerbations of COPD in the context of antibiotic resistance, to stimulate airway immune function and to prevent cancer is currently considered a promising area in clinical pulmonology.
Abstract: Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occurs due to chronic inflammation, which leads to thickening of the airway walls, increased mucus production and, ultimately, permanent changes in lung structure. Meta-analysis indicates an increased risk of lung cancer in patients with COPD, so timely and comprehensive cancer prevention is ...
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Diagnosis and Management of Rocuronium-induced Perioperative Anaphylaxis
Ivana Stojanovic,
Jelena Vuckovic,
Matej Suntic
Volume 9, Issue 6, November 2021
28 August 2021
18 September 2021
24 November 2021
Abstract: Introduction - Perioperative anaphylaxis is a hypersensitivity reaction that occurs after exposure to drugs used for anaesthesia during a surgical procedure. The most common triggers are neuromuscular blocking agents and antibiotics. Case report - A 71-old man, with a history of anaphylaxis during previous anaesthesia, was scheduled for elective coronary surgery. The clinical signs included skin rash, swelling of the upper part of the body with angioedema of the eyelids and lips, without bronchospasm. Based on the assumption that rocuronium was the most likely causative agent, percutaneous coronary intervention was performed during the same hospitalization. After recovery, he was sent for a prick skin test and intradermal test, where sensitivity to rocuronium and insensitivity to the anaesthetics used were determined. Two months later, he developed an acute myocardial infarction. Chronic total occlusive percutaneous coronary intervention was attempted, but without optimal results, so the patient was prepared for elective surgery. Due to potential further complications during anaesthesia, the medical team decided to send him for a skin allergy test for neuromuscular blocking agents. The only neuromuscular relaxant available was Cisatracurium, and it was tested for sensitivity by intradermal test. The intradermal test showed insensitivity to Cisatracurium and Suxamethonium chloride. Conclusion - Early recognition and management of anaphylaxis is based on clinical presentation. The diagnosis by in-vivo and in-vitro tests is useful to determine the cause of anaphylactic reaction and safe alternatives for future anaesthesia.
Abstract: Introduction - Perioperative anaphylaxis is a hypersensitivity reaction that occurs after exposure to drugs used for anaesthesia during a surgical procedure. The most common triggers are neuromuscular blocking agents and antibiotics. Case report - A 71-old man, with a history of anaphylaxis during previous anaesthesia, was scheduled for elective co...
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Cardiac Diseases During Systemic Inflammatory Diseases in the Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology Department of NTHC-HKM of Cotonou
Azon Kouanou Angèle,
Wanvoegbè Finagnon Armand,
Agbodandé Kouessi Anthelme,
Saïzonou Franck,
Ahmed Adama,
Alassani Adébayo,
Dovonou Comlan Albert,
Zannou Djimon Marcel,
Houngbé Fabien
Volume 9, Issue 6, November 2021
29 October 2021
16 November 2021
25 November 2021
Abstract: Systemic inflammatory diseases are characterized by multivisceral involvement at some point in their evolution. This involvement can concern almost all organs, including the heart. Each systemic condition has a unique cardiac expression. The target of this study is to determine the frequency of cardiac involvement in systemic inflammatory diseases. This study is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study that was conducted within 07 months. The aim was to screen 23 patients followed for systemic inflammatory diseases for cardiac involvement. The mean age was 44 (±12) years old with a minimum of 24 and a maximum 64 years. Most of patients were women with a sex ratio (M/F) of 0.09. An echocardiographic abnormality was found in 26.1% of patients and 73.1% had an ECG abnormality. They included left atrial hypertrophy (43.4%), left ventricular hypertrophy (30.4%), right axial deviation (26.1%), low voltage (21.7%), right atrial hypertrophy (8.6%), S1Q3 appearance (8, 6%), pulmonary hypertension (8.6%), repolarization disorders (8.6%), sinus tachycardia (8.6%), middle tricuspid insufficiency (4.3%), middle pulmonary insufficiency (4.3%), and pericarditis (4.3%). Patients with systemic inflammatory diseases had cardiac disorders with rare clinical manifestations but with an incidental discovery either on ECG or on cardiac echodoppler. Hence, a systematic cardiac exploration in these patients was essential.
Abstract: Systemic inflammatory diseases are characterized by multivisceral involvement at some point in their evolution. This involvement can concern almost all organs, including the heart. Each systemic condition has a unique cardiac expression. The target of this study is to determine the frequency of cardiac involvement in systemic inflammatory diseases....
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Psychosocial Suffering as a Risk Factor of Breast Cancer: A Study Conducted at NTHC-HKM of Cotonou in 2020
Azon Kouanou Angèle,
Agbodandé Kouessi Anthelme,
Marrule Mahunan Danielle Marie Gracia,
Gnangnon Freddy Houéhanou Rodrigue,
Klikpo Elvyre,
Sokadjo Yves Morel,
Missiho Mahoutin Semassa Ghislain,
Fiossi Kpadonou Emilie Ablawa,
Murhula Katabana Delphin,
Zannou Djimon Marcel
Volume 9, Issue 6, November 2021
29 October 2021
16 November 2021
25 November 2021
Abstract: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. In addition to the known risk factors, many studies have looked at the possible influence of psychosocial suffering factors on the occurrence of this cancer. In Benin, no study has been conducted in this regard. The objective of our research was therefore to study the exposure to psychosocial suffering factors influence on the occurrence of breast cancer. This study is a case-control study, conducted at the CNHU-HKM over a period of five months, involving patients with breast cancer (cases) and women without breast cancer (controls). Two controls were recruited for every one case. Thus, 180 people were recruited including 60 cases and 120 controls. The mean age was 48.28 (±10.52) years old for the cases and 48.6 (±10.67) years old for the controls. Death of the spouse and divorce were the major events more reported in the cases than in the controls. The risk of developing breast cancer was significantly 03 times higher in subjects who reported the death of their spouse (adjusted OR=3; 95% CI=1.10-8.55; p=0.033). There were no other significant associations for other major life events. There is no significant association between psychosocial distress factors in general and the occurrence of breast cancer. Only the death of the spouse was significantly associated with the occurrence of breast cancer.
Abstract: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. In addition to the known risk factors, many studies have looked at the possible influence of psychosocial suffering factors on the occurrence of this cancer. In Benin, no study has been conducted in this regard. The objective of our research was therefore to study the exposur...
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Experience with Common Anti-hypertensives Regarding Development of Impaired Glycaemia in a Specialised Primary Care Facility in Jos, Nigeria
Volume 9, Issue 6, November 2021
31 October 2021
22 November 2021
2 December 2021
Abstract: Hypertension (HBP) and diabetes (DM) co-exist with worse outcomes. Various hypotheses explain this, one of which is the drug used to treat HBP. One therefore sought to see what drug (s) have this potential and under what conditions they manifest. This is to guide future practice, and reduce morbidity. Consequently, hypertensives attending this specialized primary care facility who had no diabetes, recent ischaemic phenomenon and not in heart failure were studied with blood glucose as outcome measure. Basic clinico-demographic data and information related to the HBP were collected. A total of 210 hypertensives seen over the study period satisfied enrolment criteria; out of whom 108 were females. Mean age was 56.42 (10.46) with a span of 31 to 88 years. Most of them were middle aged. HBP history ranged from 5 to 240 months; with a mean of 71.74 (53.35). Their mean (SD) FBG when first seen in the clinic was 5.10 mmol/l (0.94) which marginally rose to 5.20 mmol/l (0.85) by the time of the study. The glucose was more likely to rise in females (p=0.013), with longstanding HBP (p=0.000), use of beta blockers/diuretic (p=0.014), co-administration of statins (p=0.006) and with metabolic syndrome co-morbidity (p=0.028). In conclusion, chances of developing impaired glycaemia or new onset DM with antihypertensive treatment are higher in women, family history of diabetes, longer duration of hypertension, use of beta blockers or thiazide diuretics, use of statins and presence of the metabolic syndrome. These should be considered while initiating treatment in hypertensives to avoid introducing additional risk factors.
Abstract: Hypertension (HBP) and diabetes (DM) co-exist with worse outcomes. Various hypotheses explain this, one of which is the drug used to treat HBP. One therefore sought to see what drug (s) have this potential and under what conditions they manifest. This is to guide future practice, and reduce morbidity. Consequently, hypertensives attending this spec...
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Our Experience of Outpatient Treatment of Infantile Haemangiomas with Oral Propranolol
Rada Markova,
Zdravka Demerdjieva,
Jana Kazandjieva
Volume 9, Issue 6, November 2021
26 October 2021
26 November 2021
11 December 2021
Abstract: Infantile hemangiomas are the most common benign vascular tumors in infancy. Their incidence is between 3-10%. They are more frequently observed in females, in preterm babies and in case of perinatal stress. Most of the infantile hemangiomas are benign and do not need systemic treatment, only 12-15% need an oral treatment with Propranolol. The invention of their treatment with oral Propranolol makes a huge revolution in their course. Oral Propranolol (Hemangiol sir) is already well known for accurate dosing and treatment of infantile hemangiomas. The accurate diagnosis and early treatment are very important for a child prognosis and hemangioma evolution. The treatment must be started in the stage of hemangioma progression in order to have a good final response. The treatment can be started in out- patient or in- patient option with good clinical effect and results. Patients must be prepared with laboratory investigations, dermatology and cardiology consultation. The dose is carefully increased from 1mg/kg to 2 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg/day in a week interval. The dose of 3 mg/kg is the therapeutic dose. We present our experience in management and treatment of infantile hemangiomas. In our clinic as an out – patients twenty patients are observed. Our results demonstrate very satisfied results in the involution of treated patients.
Abstract: Infantile hemangiomas are the most common benign vascular tumors in infancy. Their incidence is between 3-10%. They are more frequently observed in females, in preterm babies and in case of perinatal stress. Most of the infantile hemangiomas are benign and do not need systemic treatment, only 12-15% need an oral treatment with Propranolol. The inve...
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