Expression of NF-κB and Occludin in Intestinal Mucosal Barrier During Severe Acute Pancreatitis and Its Clinical Significance
Qingyun Zhu,
Shigang Yang,
Xinting Pan,
Chonggao Yin,
Shijie Liu,
Fuguo Liu,
Ying Sun,
Huimin Wang,
Yajun Jing
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
5 July 2017
14 July 2017
7 August 2017
Downloads: 120
Views: 3311
Abstract: Objective to investigate the expression of NF-κB and occludin in intestinal mucosal barrier during severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and its clinical significance. Method Twenty-four Wistar rats were randomly divided into a normal control group, an SAP group, and a PDTC group. The rats were sacrificed at 24h after modeling, and general appearance of the abdominal cavity, pathological changes of the intestinal mucosa, changes in intestinal mucosal permeability were observed, serum inflammatory factor IL-1 was measured, and expression of tight junction protein occludin in the intestinal epithelial cells were determined by immunohistochemistry. Results Rats of the SAP group showed obvious inflammatory reaction in the abdominal cavity, manifested by enlargement of intestinal tract, intestinal edema, and increased permeability of intestinal barrier, whereas NF-κB inhibitor alleviated intestinal damage and intestinal mucosa edema, upregulated intestinal epithelial tight junction protein occludin, decreased intestinal permeability, and lowered the level of inflammatory factors. Conclusion Impairment of intestinal barrier function during SAP may be associated with increased NF-κB and decreased intestinal tight junction protein occludin; inhibiting NF-kB may alleviate intestinal mucosal barrier dysfunction during SAP.
Abstract: Objective to investigate the expression of NF-κB and occludin in intestinal mucosal barrier during severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and its clinical significance. Method Twenty-four Wistar rats were randomly divided into a normal control group, an SAP group, and a PDTC group. The rats were sacrificed at 24h after modeling, and general appearance of ...
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Phenotypic Characters of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolates from Clinical Samples in Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria
Abdulhadi Sale Kumurya,
Hamza Sule,
Nasidi Abba Ahmed
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
19 April 2017
26 May 2017
11 August 2017
Downloads: 189
Views: 3195
Abstract: Bacterial colonies can differ greatly in their morphologies. These differences can help us in identifying different species of bacteria. The clinical isolates of Staphylococcus Aureus are subjected to standard biochemical tests, to observe the biochemical characteristics. One hundred and ten (110) pathogenic Staphylococcus Aureus strains were used in this study. Characteristics of these strains were determined by biochemical tests such as catalase, coagulase, DNase test, test for beta haemolysin, fermentation of mannitol and lactose. Staphylococcus Aureus [American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 25923] was used as a reference control organism. From this study, males were more infected than females, having 60 (61.8%) and 42 (38.2%) respectively. The age group with the highest number of isolates was (0-10) years while blood culture had the highest frequency of Staphylococcus Aureus isolates with a frequency of 42 (38.1%). It was also observed that 100% of Staphylococcus Aureus showed positive results in catalase and tube coagulase, about 101 (91.8%) were positive for slide coagulase production test, 102 (92.7%) strains were positive to DNase test, 63 (57.3%) were positive to beta haemolysin while 79 (71.8%) and 106 (96.4%) strains fermented Mannitol and lactose respectively. This study reveals that no single test that can be used for the identification of Staphylococcus Aureus, hence the need for sequel testing using proper biochemical tests should be used for the identification of Staphylococcus Aureus isolates.
Abstract: Bacterial colonies can differ greatly in their morphologies. These differences can help us in identifying different species of bacteria. The clinical isolates of Staphylococcus Aureus are subjected to standard biochemical tests, to observe the biochemical characteristics. One hundred and ten (110) pathogenic Staphylococcus Aureus strains were used ...
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Outcome of Tuberculosis Control Program in Red Sea State, Sudan
Bashir Abdrhman Bashir,
Yousif Mohammed Saeed
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
2 March 2017
23 March 2017
23 October 2017
Downloads: 151
Views: 3504
Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is an endemic disease in Red Sea State. Efforts to control this disease started in 1996 with the establishment of a national tuberculosis control committee. Field application of a national tuberculosis program (NTP) was implemented in Port Sudan by the ministry of health, according to the guidelines of the WHO. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the outcome of tuberculosis control after the application of this program since 2002 to 2010. The active TB cases admitted and treated in Red Sea tuberculosis diagnostic center were studied. The outcome of control was evaluated, and comparison was made between the years 2002 to 2010. 12506 subjects were enrolled in this study. 8337 (66.7%) were males and 4169 (33.3%) were females. The ages ranged between 14 – 76 years. The total number of TB cases were decreased by 61% (from 1803 in 2002 to 1100 in 2010). The total Pulmonary TB (PTB) positive cases were reduced from 579 (32%) cases in 2002 to 240 (22%) cases in 2010. Default rate decreased in 2002 (11.9%) and increased in 2010 (16.7%). However, there was no substantial improvement in the cure rate, but inversely increased the default rate and death rate (16.7% and 9.6% respectively). The study demonstrated a positive correlation of mortality rate with the default rate (P< 0.023). Accordingly, the overall outcome of the application of the NTP was relatively satisfactory. A recommendation for speedy improve the infrastructure accompanied by supporting material of the health care system to create a suitable successful program is essential.
Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is an endemic disease in Red Sea State. Efforts to control this disease started in 1996 with the establishment of a national tuberculosis control committee. Field application of a national tuberculosis program (NTP) was implemented in Port Sudan by the ministry of health, according to the guidelines of the WHO. A retrospective cro...
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Hypereosinophilic Syndrome - A Case with Churg Strauss Vasculitis
Blerina Dhamo,
Arben Pilaca,
Gentian Vyshka
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
31 January 2017
21 February 2017
23 October 2017
Downloads: 166
Views: 3675
Abstract: The hypereosinophilic syndromes represent a group of disorders marked by the sustained overproduction of eosinophils, with eosinophilic infiltration of tissues and mediator release, leading to multiple organic damages. Churg-Strauss syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by systemic small vessel vasculitis, extra vascular granulomas and hypereosinophilia, characteristically occurring in people with background late-onset asthma and allergic rhinitis. Its annual incidence is between 0 and 4 per million of population. The authors present the case of a 72 year old Caucasian female patient, admitted at the Hygeia Hospital Tirana due to a hypereosinophilic syndrome. The thorax CT scan verified bilateral pseudo nodular pulmonary infiltrates; the head MRI showed vascular bilateral lesions in periventricular white matter and centrum semiovale, right internal capsule and left caudate nucleus, and the nerve conduction study (NCS) revealed a distal mixed polyneuropathy. A fibro-gastroscopy with biopsy suggested an atrophic gastritis. The patient underwent a course of treatment with intravenous methylprednisolone, tapered thereafter to oral prednisone together with cyclophosphamide, with a prompt improvement of the clinical picture.
Abstract: The hypereosinophilic syndromes represent a group of disorders marked by the sustained overproduction of eosinophils, with eosinophilic infiltration of tissues and mediator release, leading to multiple organic damages. Churg-Strauss syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by systemic small vessel vasculitis, extra vascular granulomas and hypereos...
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Unusual Specific Lesion of Pleura as Result of Delay in Diagnosis of Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis: A Case Presentation
Iryna Liskina,
Elena Rekalova,
Ludmila Zagaba,
Nataliia Grabchenko,
Nicolay Bryansky
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
27 February 2017
18 March 2017
23 October 2017
Downloads: 149
Views: 3208
Abstract: The fungus Aspergillus spp. causes infections in immunocompromised hosts and produces a variety of clinical syndromes including lung tracheobronchial, chronic necrotizing or cavitary pulmonary and allergic bronchopulmonary manifestations, as well as aspergilloma, depending on the type of host-fungus relationship involved. Aspergilloma is usually colonized by Aspergillus spp. lesions in the bronchial tree, while invasive or semi-invasive forms are characterized by the presence of hyphae below its basement membrane. The objective of the present study was to describe the case of a patient with chronic pulmonary aspergillosis in the form of cavitary lesions of lung with infiltrates complicated by pleural empyema, including the clinical course, diagnostic approach and paraclinical care provided. The patient was a 28-year-old female with a history of thymoma who initially presented with febrile and pneumonia 12 years after surgical treatment of tumor. Traditional antibiotic treatment to pneumonia provided no improvement in the patient’s condition and computed tomography of the thorax revealed cavities of destruction and pulmonary opacities. Later a bronchopleural fistula (BPF) was formed. A pleura lesion biopsy was performed after Video assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS) revision of pleural cavity showed a white exophytic lesion and pathological changes of pleura. Since pathologic examination revealed numerous septate fungal hyphae exhibiting 45° branching compatible with Aspergillus spp., the patient was treated with voriconazole. We emphasized on the reasons of delay of true diagnosis due to mistakes in management and treatment of clinical syndromes for a long time. In patients with tumor pathology in anamnesis who present with febrile and respiratory symptoms, it is essential to consider fungi as potential etiologic agents including Aspergillus spp., which is common and causes a variety of clinical syndromes.
Abstract: The fungus Aspergillus spp. causes infections in immunocompromised hosts and produces a variety of clinical syndromes including lung tracheobronchial, chronic necrotizing or cavitary pulmonary and allergic bronchopulmonary manifestations, as well as aspergilloma, depending on the type of host-fungus relationship involved. Aspergilloma is usually co...
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Pulmonary Histiocytic Sarcoma: A Case Report and Literature Review
Veljko Flego,
Helmut Popper,
Darian Volaric,
Ljiljana Bulat-Kardum
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
14 May 2017
6 June 2017
24 October 2017
Downloads: 535
Views: 4098
Abstract: Pulmonary histiocytic sarcoma is a rare, but highly malignant disease. Its low incidence imposes significant difficulties on physicians confronted with affected patients. The reported patient is a 24-year old male with histiocytic sarcoma of the lung. Left lower lobectomy was performed. Histologically, tumor cells had no features of carcinoma. Several entities were raised as differentials: large B or T cell lymphomas, metastatic melanoma, sarcoma, undifferentiated carcinoma, NK cell lymphoma. Immunohistochemically, melanoma, carcinoma, undifferentiated epithelioid sarcoma and also different types of lymphoma were excluded. Therefore, tumors of the histiocytic and dendritic cell lineage had to be considered. Tumors of the dendritic cell lineage were also immunohistochemically excluded, leaving histiocytic sarcoma by exclusion. The patient was followed for six years and six months, with no signs of recurrence of the tumor. Histiocytic sarcomas are tumors of uncertain behavior, with some progressing quickly, and others having a much slower course. As these tumors are rare, there is not much information, although a low number of mitosis might point to a less aggressive course. In the present patient with an unifocal disease, surgical excision was sufficient, without adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Abstract: Pulmonary histiocytic sarcoma is a rare, but highly malignant disease. Its low incidence imposes significant difficulties on physicians confronted with affected patients. The reported patient is a 24-year old male with histiocytic sarcoma of the lung. Left lower lobectomy was performed. Histologically, tumor cells had no features of carcinoma. Seve...
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Biochemical Markers of Cardiac Risk and Their Relation to Spirometric Indices of Airway Obstruction Among COPD Patients
Sudeb Mukherjee,
Debojyoti Bhattacharya,
Kaushik Manna
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
19 May 2017
5 June 2017
24 October 2017
Downloads: 165
Views: 3448
Abstract: Monitoring of the cardiac status of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and comparing them with their respiratory indices thought to be predictive markers of the general health of these patients and be indicative, even prognostic, of any impending deterioration. This study was destined to evaluate various aspect of serum prognostic factors in COPD patients. This study was conducted over a period of six months. During this time biochemical markers of 43 (34 male and 9 female) patients suffering from COPD were collected and compared them with those of 40 healthy case control subjects. The Methodology and Exclusion Criteria were strictly adhered to, and based on the statistical analysis shown below the final results were arrived at, which have been discussed at length below. The relation between smoking and COPD found to be controversial, but smoking none the less has a detrimental effect on the respiratory indices and thus, cessation of smoking would definitely benefit these patients, although the extent of the benefit is a matter of debate and further study. As for the individual markers, serum CRP and plasma homocysteine are definitely important as prognostic markers, as well as the indicators of the present stage of the disease. Serum Lipoprotein (a) was not found to be very effective indicator in this study. Homocysteine as well as CRP but not lipoprotein (a), as cardiac indices is inversely related to the respiratory indices of a COPD patient. Measurement of these parameter might help in prognostic evaluation in those patients.
Abstract: Monitoring of the cardiac status of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and comparing them with their respiratory indices thought to be predictive markers of the general health of these patients and be indicative, even prognostic, of any impending deterioration. This study was destined to evaluate various aspect of serum prognostic factors...
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Comparison of Light-Emitting Diode Fluorescent Microscopy Against Bright-Field Microscopy and JD-TB-Antigen Test for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Boja Dufera Taddese,
Abraham Tesfaye Bika,
Abay Sisay Misganaw,
Silvia Blanco Palencia,
Chala Chaburte Galata,
Abiy Aklilu Teferra
Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
30 November 2016
12 December 2016
26 October 2017
Downloads: 193
Views: 3857
Abstract: Bright field microscopy using Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stained smear has been the major diagnostic technique for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and treatment initiation in resource limited settings. However, it has its own limitation in terms of its sensitivity. Various reports have shown superior sensitivity of light emitting-diode fluorescent microscopy (LED-FM) and comparable specificity to bright field microscopy. The aim of the study was to compare the results of Auramine O-stained sputum smears by LED-FM against Ziehl-Neelsen stained sputum smears and JD-TB-Antigen test using TB culture as a reference test. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Southern Nations and Nationality People Regions (SNNPR) of Ethiopia from September 2013 to November 2014. A total of 248 sputum samples were collected from different Health Centers and Hospitals of the study area, analyzed by LED-FM and ZN stained bright field microscopy. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value were 66.12%, 95.28%, 93.02% and 74.69% for ZN stained microscopy; 81.82%, 93.70%, 92.50% and 98.35% for LED–FM, and 58.33%, 63.27%, 53.85% and 67.39% for JD-TB-Antigen test, respectively. The correlation between LED-FM, ZN and culture have shown statistically significant (p<0.001). The sensitivity of LED-FM is better than ZN-stained bright field microscopy. It is also easy to perform, save time and better choice for sputum microscopic examination. The performance of JD-TB-Antigen test was very low for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in sputum specimens. Therefore, further study should be done to use JD-TB-Ag test for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
Abstract: Bright field microscopy using Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) stained smear has been the major diagnostic technique for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and treatment initiation in resource limited settings. However, it has its own limitation in terms of its sensitivity. Various reports have shown superior sensitivity of light emitting-diode fluorescent ...
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