Epidemiological, Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Evolutionary Profile of Patients with Follicular Lymphoma from 2012 to 2015 in Casablanca (Morocco)
Bienvenu Houssou,
Marième Camara,
Romaric Massi,
Mohamed Rachid,
Abdellah Madani,
Meryem Qachouh,
Asma Quessar
Volume 6, Issue 3, May 2018
1 April 2018
15 April 2018
21 May 2018
Downloads: 130
Views: 2537
Abstract: Background: Follicular lymphomas are indolent lymphomas of low incidence in Africa. They are considered incurable, but recent progress has led to a significant increase in survival. The aim of our work is to describe the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary profile of patients followed for follicular lymphoma in Casablanca, Morocco. Patients and methods: During the period of January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2015, were included, all patients diagnosed of follicular lymphoma on a histological and immunohistochemical study of the ganglion or the affected tumor tissue. The treatment was either a therapeutic abstention or chemotherapy with or without Rituximab. Results: 53 (6.4%) of the 841 patients followed-up for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma had follicular lymphoma, only 35 were included in this study. The median age of diagnosed patients was 56.1 years [27; 87] and the sex ratio 2. The primary site was the ganglion in 28 (80%) patients and 71.5% of the patients were at stage III and IV of Ann Arbor at diagnosis. According to the FLIPI score 1 about 1/3 of the patients were classified as low risk, intermediate risk and high risk, respectively. 3 (9.4%) patients were under supervision/observation, 1 patient under CVP, 13 (40.6%) patients on CHOP, 1 patient on R-chloraminophen, 14 (43.6%) on R-CHOP. In the R-CHOP group, 85.7% of the patients were on CR with a median remission of 25.8 months. 3 patients in the R-CHOP group had/received maintenance with rituximab. Discussion and conclusion: Follicular lymphoma is of low frequency and is often revealed by lymphadenopathy. The patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage. The R-CHOP protocol with rituximab maintenance is the most used and best protocol for our patients.
Abstract: Background: Follicular lymphomas are indolent lymphomas of low incidence in Africa. They are considered incurable, but recent progress has led to a significant increase in survival. The aim of our work is to describe the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary profile of patients followed for follicular lymphoma in Casablanca, Mor...
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Study of Right Ventricular Pacing Threshold at National Teaching Hospital of Cotonou in Benin
Arnaud Sonou,
Tchaa Tchérou,
Philippe Mahouna Adjagba,
Murielle Hounkponou,
Léopold Codjo,
Salimatou Assani,
Wilfried Gandji,
Yessoufou Tchabi,
Martin Houénassi
Volume 6, Issue 3, May 2018
2 May 2018
21 May 2018
14 June 2018
Downloads: 159
Views: 2458
Abstract: The main purpose was to study the right ventricular pacing threshold of patients who benefit from cardiac pacemaker’s implantation at the National Teaching Hospital of Cotonou in Benin. This was a retrospective study from January 2007 to September 2013. The right ventricular pacing threshold measured during successive checks has been studied. A threshold greater than 1 volt was considered high. The conventional causes of threshold’s rising were sought. 35 files were examined. The average threshold of our patients amounted to 1.24 ± 1.17 volts at the first control and remained high until the end of follow-up. The prevalence of threshold elevation was 17% (6/35). The causes of threshold elevation were: late displacement of the lead (1 case), faulty lead (1 case), and suspected lead’s micro dislodgment (1 case). There was no formal etiology found for 3 cases. Half of threshold elevation cases involved a problem of pacing lead. Similar findings have been reported by previous studies. This study has confirmed that threshold elevation mainly involved pacemaker lead. The premature need to change the pacemaker caused by this elevation has considerable consequences in a Beninese local context marked the lack of governmental facilities.
Abstract: The main purpose was to study the right ventricular pacing threshold of patients who benefit from cardiac pacemaker’s implantation at the National Teaching Hospital of Cotonou in Benin. This was a retrospective study from January 2007 to September 2013. The right ventricular pacing threshold measured during successive checks has been studied. A thr...
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