Seroprevalence of Foot and Mouth Disease in Bulls of Borana Origin Quarantined in Adama
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016
2 June 2016
4 July 2016
9 October 2016
Downloads: 186
Views: 4577
Abstract: Across sectional study of FMD was conducted on apparently healthy bulls which were quarantined for export in Adama from December 2011 to May 2012, a total of 1071 blood sample were collected from the jugular vein of individual animals. Serological investigation was performed using 3ABC ELISA kit. As a result the over-all prevalence of FMD infection was 10.8% (116/1071), FMD is the most important livestock disease in terms of economic impact on export earnings; about US$ 71026.8 losses observed in the current study. The result of the current findings indicates that FMD is prevalent in bulls for export from Ethiopia, thus posing major loss in the country’s economy. This warrants the necessity of further study of the epidemiology of the disease nation-wide. Investigation of the strains of the virus, climate, and host factors can assist in identifying amenable control options.
Abstract: Across sectional study of FMD was conducted on apparently healthy bulls which were quarantined for export in Adama from December 2011 to May 2012, a total of 1071 blood sample were collected from the jugular vein of individual animals. Serological investigation was performed using 3ABC ELISA kit. As a result the over-all prevalence of FMD infection...
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Review on Diagnostic Techniques of Bovine Tuberculosis
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016
2 June 2016
30 June 2016
9 October 2016
Downloads: 194
Views: 4677
Abstract: Bovine tuberculosis is a major infectious disease of cattle, other domesticated animals and certain wildlife populations. It is one of the zoonotic diseases and can be diagnosed with different techniques. The currently used techniques are acid fast staining which is a cost-effective tool for diagnosing tuberculosis case and to monitor the progress of treatment and it has also drawbacks such as the low sensitivity in the immune-suppressed individuals; After death, infection is diagnosed by necropsy, histopathological and bacteriological examination and biochemical tests like nitrate reduction, niacin production, deamination of pyrazinamide and urease tests. Immunological diagnostic techniques like tuberculin skin tests: Single intradermal test, comparative intradermal test, short thermal test and stormont test; Blood based diagnostic techniques like gamma interferon assays, Enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assays and lymphocyte proliferation assay, culture of mycobacterium and molecular diagnostic techniques which involves polymerase chain reaction, is a method that allows direct identification of the M. tuberculosis complex. Spoligotyping, restriction fragment length polymorphism, variable number tandem repeats typing are the techniques used for concurrent detection and typing of mycobacterium species at strain level. Its clinical usefulness over the other techniques is determined by its rapidity, both in identifying causative bacteria and in providing molecular epidemiologic information on strains. However, it holds drawbacks of being expensive and requiring well-equipped laboratory and skilled laboratory personnel, which are not always available in endemic areas. Thus, both conventional and molecular tools should be effectively used to diagnosis Tuberculosis.
Abstract: Bovine tuberculosis is a major infectious disease of cattle, other domesticated animals and certain wildlife populations. It is one of the zoonotic diseases and can be diagnosed with different techniques. The currently used techniques are acid fast staining which is a cost-effective tool for diagnosing tuberculosis case and to monitor the progress ...
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Major Reproductive Health Problems of Dairy Cows at Horro Guduru Animal Breeding and Research Center, Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, Ethiopia
Akinaw Wagari,
Jirata Shiferaw
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016
2 July 2016
11 July 2016
9 October 2016
Downloads: 224
Views: 4733
Abstract: Questionnaire survey together with longitudinal study (regular follow-up) were conducted from November, 2011 up to April, 2012 on major reproductive health problems of Horro and Horro-Jersey cross bred cows in and around Wollega University Horro Guduru Animal Breeding and Research Center. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of major reproductive health problems in Horro Guduru Animal Breeding and Research Center. From 402 (303 local and 99 cross breeds) assessed, employing questionnaire survey (n=261) and regular follow-up (n=141); 39.5% (n=159) had at least one of the major reproductive health problems. The reproductive health problems according to their relative importance at the study site were; retained fetal membrane, dystocia, metritis, abortion, milkfever, pyometre, repeat breeder, uterine and vaginal prolapse with their respective prevalence rate of 10.0%, 9.2%, 7.0%, 4.42%, 3.73%, 2%, 1.24%, 1.7% and 0.5%. This particular study indicated that clinical reproductive problems, which include retained fetal membrane, dystocia, metritis and abortion, were found to be the three most prevalent reproductive problems in the center. And from the risk factors, it is found out that as age increases almost the prevalence of all the three most important reproduction problems shown to decrease. Specifically there was a significant association between age of 3 - 5 years cow (p < 0.05, OR=5, CI (0.15, 0.88) and metritis. Similarly the effect of parity (lactation stage) on the prevalence rate of reproductive problems was assessed and there was non-significant (P > 0.05) association between prevalence rate of reproductive problems and the parity of the individual dairy cow. The reproductive problems were also assessed in relation to body condition score of the cows and the associations were found to be statistically not significant (P > 0.05). However, factors like hygiene practice at and around calving (HAC), was found to have an association with the occurrence of retained fetal membrane(P < 0.05) and statistical association indicates the presence of less exposure for retained fetal membrane for animals kept at good hygienic status (OR=8, CI (0.2, 0.76). This particular study showed that; clinical reproductive health problems, which include retained fetal membrane, dystocia and metritis, were one of the major reproductive problems responsible for the low reproductive performance of Wollega University Horro Guduru Animal Breeding and Research Center and its surrounding dairy cows, Horro Guduru Wollega, West of Ethiopia.
Abstract: Questionnaire survey together with longitudinal study (regular follow-up) were conducted from November, 2011 up to April, 2012 on major reproductive health problems of Horro and Horro-Jersey cross bred cows in and around Wollega University Horro Guduru Animal Breeding and Research Center. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of maj...
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Functional Characterization of Blended Starch
Bitrus Wokhe Tukura,
Florence Nkiruka Obelle
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016
10 September 2016
23 September 2016
11 October 2016
Abstract: Native starches, irrespective of their sources, are undesirable for many industrial applications because of their inability to withstand processing conditions. Functional properties of blended finger millet starch using maize modifiers at different ratios for specific applications in food processing industry were determined using standard methods. Functional properties varied according the type of modifier used and blending ratios of the native finger millet starch to that of the modifier. Higher bulk density of the blended starch makes the flour more suitable for packaging, transportation and use in some food preparations. GG starch is a better emulsifier compared to the native MS and FM starch. The blended starches have less tendency of absorbing and retaining water than its native form. Low Carr’s index and porosity indicated poor flow for the blended starch, due to cohesiveness of the blended flour. The functional properties of the blended starch did not vary significantly (P ≤ 0.05) according to mixture ratios; however, show some significant changes according to the type modifier used. Higher charring and browning temperatures of the blended starch make the starch useful in food processes that require heating at high temperatures. Depending on the desirability for use in various food products, functional properties of finger millet flour may be improved by preparing their blends with maize modifiers in suitable proportions.
Abstract: Native starches, irrespective of their sources, are undesirable for many industrial applications because of their inability to withstand processing conditions. Functional properties of blended finger millet starch using maize modifiers at different ratios for specific applications in food processing industry were determined using standard methods. ...
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Synthesis, Characterization, Theoretical and Antimicrobial Evaluation of New Mn(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes of Flavylium Salt
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016
17 September 2016
29 September 2016
26 October 2016
Abstract: A new series of Mn(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with the two ligands were prepared and spectroscopic method and elemental analysis verified their structures. The first ligand L1 is flavylium salt and the second L2 is a Flavon. Reaction between transition metal salts and the ligands have synthesized two groups of new metal complexes. These complexes have been identified by available spectroscopic tools (UV-visible and IR) the C.H.N results confirmed the proposed structures. The experimental data disclosed that the complexes were coordinated by 6-the coordinate with mono-and bidentate ligands forming octahedral structure, in which L2 acts as monodentate and L1, L2 as bidentate ligands. The metal linked with L1 through the oxygen in ortho position in ring B, were as the linkage of the metal with L3 takes place through the oxygen of the carbonyl group. A theoretical treatment of the formation of complexes in the gas phase was studied, this was done using the HYPERCHEM-6 program for the Molecular mechanics and Semi-empirical calculations. The antimicrobial activity of the ligand and its metal complexes were studied against the following strains of microorganism: Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by the well diffusion method. Metal complexes showed enhanced antimicrobial activity compared with that of the free ligand.
Abstract: A new series of Mn(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes with the two ligands were prepared and spectroscopic method and elemental analysis verified their structures. The first ligand L1 is flavylium salt and the second L2 is a Flavon. Reaction between transition metal salts and the ligands have synthesized two groups of new metal complexes. These compl...
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