Psychological Experience of Hemostasis Hysterectomy in Patients at Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital (Burkina Faso)
Sebastien Yougbare,
Moussa Ouedraogo,
Alberic Clovis Toe
Volume 11, Issue 6, November 2022
5 October 2022
27 October 2022
4 November 2022
Downloads: 59
Views: 437
Abstract: The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 500,000 women die each year during pregnancy or childbirth. In Burkina Faso, according to the 2020 statistical yearbook, in hospitalization, there were 6,116 cases of postpartum haemorrhage and 101 deaths. Haemostasis hysterectomy is a treatment for postpartum haemorrhages. This presents physical and psychological complications in patients. The objective of this research was to investigate the specific reactions of patients from the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Yalgado OUEDRAOGO University Hospital Center to the announcement of the diagnosis preoperatively or postoperatively, the experience of their own body and the experience subjective sexuality and relationships of these patients. We proceeded by the clinical method through two clinical cases. Interviews and clinical observations were carried out for the collection of data which were analyzed through the technique of thematic content analysis and according to the psychodynamic approach. The results reveal that the patients present a disorder related to the postoperative announcement of the diagnosis such as negative emotions, a disturbance of the perception of the body specific to a type of alteration of perception, and a disorder of sexuality.
Abstract: The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 500,000 women die each year during pregnancy or childbirth. In Burkina Faso, according to the 2020 statistical yearbook, in hospitalization, there were 6,116 cases of postpartum haemorrhage and 101 deaths. Haemostasis hysterectomy is a treatment for postpartum haemorrhages. This presents ph...
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Adult Attachment Behavior and Alexithymia in a Nonclinical Sample from Italy
Ornella Montebarocci,
Paola Surcinelli
Volume 11, Issue 6, November 2022
19 October 2022
7 November 2022
22 November 2022
Downloads: 48
Views: 430
Abstract: The present research explored the relationship between adult attachment style and alexithymia in a non-clinical population of adults. The quality of attachment developed during the child's growth remains stable over time, and determines, even in adult relationships, various phenomena including the ability to regulate emotions. Alexithymia is a particular form of inability to recognize and regulate emotions that originates from childhood relational dysfunctions and persists into adulthood. As suggested in literature, an overall insecure style is consistently associated with higher levels of alexithymia, while the results are conflicting when it comes to associate a specific insecure pattern with alexithymia and its several dimensions. The purpose of the research was to study the relationship between different dysfunctional types of attachment and the level of alexithymia in a population of healthy adults. Participants compiled the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) and the TAS-20 to assess adult attachment patterns and alexithymia characteristics, respectively. A group of 53 subjects (28 females) participated in the study. Consistent with the literature, results showed that the insecure style, as a general factor, predicts greater levels of alexithymia. The fearful and dismissing patterns appear predictors of high total scores on the TAS-20. Considering the TAS-20 subscales, a fearful style is predictive of greater difficulties in identifying and describing feelings, while dismissing style is associated with the concrete way of thinking of the TAS-20. No association was found between the preoccupied pattern and alexithymia and its three dimensions. Present results, while not implying a causal nature of the identified relationship, are overall promising and have confirmed the relevance of a significant association between attachment behavior and alexithymia. It would be interesting to investigate the association between adult attachment behavior and alexithymia using interview-rated instruments. Finally, the presence of differences between frightened and distancing, is an aspect that should be further investigated, as it could be significant in clinical practice.
Abstract: The present research explored the relationship between adult attachment style and alexithymia in a non-clinical population of adults. The quality of attachment developed during the child's growth remains stable over time, and determines, even in adult relationships, various phenomena including the ability to regulate emotions. Alexithymia is a part...
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How Does the Autonomy of AI Products Affect Consumers' Purchase Intention
Volume 11, Issue 6, November 2022
16 November 2022
1 December 2022
8 December 2022
Downloads: 59
Views: 514
Abstract: As intelligent technology matures, AI products are progressively marketed in the AI era, profoundly changing consumer behavior patterns and life habits. While AI products bring convenience to consumers, they also bring negative experiences to consumers. Especially AI products with certain autonomy will make consumers feel offended and have psychological resistance. This paper explores the intermediary role of psychological resistance in the influence of AI product autonomy on consumers' purchase intention, based on the psychological resistance theory, which is a hot research topic in psychology. The questionnaire data was collected on the Credamo platform, and SPSS26.0 was used to process the data and verify the model assumptions, it is finally concluded that the higher the autonomy of AI products, the easier it is for consumers to feel the threat, generate the psychological resistance, and then reduce the purchase intention, this conclusion has certain theoretical and practical significance for understanding and improving consumers' purchase intention in the AI era. Artificial intelligence products continue to introduce new ones, but consumers generally have a low evaluation of the experience of such products. Intelligent products with a certain degree of autonomy conflict with consumers, which limits their autonomy. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between the autonomy of developing AI products and consumer demand in the era of AI.
Abstract: As intelligent technology matures, AI products are progressively marketed in the AI era, profoundly changing consumer behavior patterns and life habits. While AI products bring convenience to consumers, they also bring negative experiences to consumers. Especially AI products with certain autonomy will make consumers feel offended and have psycholo...
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Influences and Solutions of the Cocoon Room Caused by the Intelligent Recommendation Algorithm of the E-commerce Platform
Volume 11, Issue 6, November 2022
16 November 2022
1 December 2022
8 December 2022
Abstract: With the Internet and logistics transportation developing rapidly and the popularization of devices like smartphones, online shopping has become an ordinary issue for each of us. No matter what product is needed, such as a refrigerator or just a spoon, could be available as long as we search in the website or application of the e-commerce platform, fill out an address and then pay for the product. While browsing in the e-commerce platform for the goods wanted, it is just as though we are in a large market which involves kinds of products. Consumers need to find what they want. The retailers and the e-commerce platform also need to reach for more potential customers and get more orders more efficiently. This is the reason for the adoption of recommendation algorithms. Although recommendation algorithms have somewhat achieved these in practice, there are still a few problems. This paper mainly described the application status of the intelligent recommendation algorithm of the E-commerce platform and how the cocoon room came into being in such a situation. Then there was an analysis of the cocoon room of the intelligent recommendation algorithm, making consumers feel bored or regret after purchasing and consequently harming the interests of the retailers and the platform itself. Subsequently, solutions to the two kinds of negative moods were proposed. The last is the summary, meaning in practice, and extended study direction of this analysis.
Abstract: With the Internet and logistics transportation developing rapidly and the popularization of devices like smartphones, online shopping has become an ordinary issue for each of us. No matter what product is needed, such as a refrigerator or just a spoon, could be available as long as we search in the website or application of the e-commerce platform,...
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Smartphone Addiction: Dysfunctional Coping, Maladjustments and Maladaptation
Volume 11, Issue 6, November 2022
21 November 2022
15 December 2022
28 December 2022
Abstract: One of the most pervasive technological devices in the world are the smartphones. The features and applications of a Smartphone have turned it into a portable personal computer. The New York Times, The Economist and the Harvard Research Journal have coined the expression “Dopamine Squirt” to describe the drug like effect of connecting to technological devices being a smartphone. Some of the dysfunctions of smartphone addiction are reported to be disruption of social communication, family relationships and close bonds, sleep disruption, poor academic performance and disruptive work relations leading to maladaptation and maladjustment to the environment. Numerous researches have highlighted that there are a plethora of adverse impacts due to smartphone addiction which takes a toll not only on family relationships and close bonds but also on the physical and mental health including nervous disturbances; weakening of the immune system; problems with the eardrum; experiencing pain in the wrist, neck and joints; fatigue, sleep disorders and brain tumor. There is evidence that children’s cognitive development can be damaged by prolonged internet and smartphone use, including the development of memory skills, attention span, abilities for critical reasoning, language acquisition, reading, writing skills and learning abilities. Paradoxically, people are driving at a break-neck speed, connected to the world via GPS technology, yet they are disconnected from their own sense of purpose and direction. Deep thinking, contemplation as well as introspection are getting lost sight of, and are being overlooked in this instantaneous culture. The maladjustments and maladaptation due to smartphone addiction has overarching ramifications both horizontally and vertically, as it leads to several adverse impacts on the physiological, psychological, sociological, emotional, behavioural, attitudinal as well as the mental health of the smartphone addicts. The harmful impact of smartphone addiction on the cognitive, behavioural and attitudinal aspects of human functioning cannot be underestimated. The negative outcomes of smartphone addiction on the minds of teenagers, adolescents as well as young adults are pervasive and permeates different aspects of human functioning which needs to be dealt with in a holistic manner by various stakeholders, incorporating exercise of discipline, a sense of control over smartphone usage as well as dedicated interventions by parents, guardians, educators, and individuals themselves so that the dysfunctional coping, maladjustments and maladaptation are reduced to a significant degree in order to foster effective adaptation to the environment.
Abstract: One of the most pervasive technological devices in the world are the smartphones. The features and applications of a Smartphone have turned it into a portable personal computer. The New York Times, The Economist and the Harvard Research Journal have coined the expression “Dopamine Squirt” to describe the drug like effect of connecting to technologi...
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