Normalization of Psyche by Healthy Lifestyle of Various Groups of the Population
Evgeniy Bryndin,
Irina Bryndina
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2017
7 July 2017
20 July 2017
15 August 2017
Downloads: 209
Views: 2584
Abstract: In the conditions of the increasing information loads of consciousness of the person, stabilization of mental health of the population becomes a main objective. The World Health Organization considers that the state of health of the person for 75% his way of life and a power supply system, for 10% - heredity defines, another 10% - environmental conditions, and only for 5% of service of health care. Health of the person most of all depends on a way of life. The healthy lifestyle will provide to the person mental and physical health all life.
Abstract: In the conditions of the increasing information loads of consciousness of the person, stabilization of mental health of the population becomes a main objective. The World Health Organization considers that the state of health of the person for 75% his way of life and a power supply system, for 10% - heredity defines, another 10% - environmental con...
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Psychoeducation Effectiveness on Expectations About Counseling for a Mental Illness Among the Youth: A Case Study of Teacher-Trainees in Kenya
Eunice Jemalel Nyavanga,
Ivy Mmbone Chebet,
Mourice Barasa Wafula,
David Musyimi Ndetei
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2017
10 June 2017
20 June 2017
21 September 2017
Downloads: 151
Views: 2712
Abstract: Expectations are subjectively held statements that represent an individual’s estimate of likelihood that an event will occur. Several researches has explored on expectations about counseling in various populations globally related to a number of situations. This study aims to determine effectiveness of psychoducation on expectations about counseling for a mental illness among the youth in Kenya. Sampling of four colleges out of the existing twenty public teacher-training colleges was done. Participants were divided into two groups, experimental and control groups and presented with self-administered questionnaires at baseline. Psychoeducation was done to the experimental group and second assessment was done, the third assessment was done three months after the psychoeducation and a fourth assessment was done six months after the psychoeducation using same instruments. The control group was assessed three times, baseline, three months after and six months after. Ethics Committee followed ethical protocol from approval to informed consent from the participants. This study found out that psychoeducation improved expectations about counseling for at least six months and recommended that mental illness and expectations about counseling should be included in the teacher trainee curriculum.
Abstract: Expectations are subjectively held statements that represent an individual’s estimate of likelihood that an event will occur. Several researches has explored on expectations about counseling in various populations globally related to a number of situations. This study aims to determine effectiveness of psychoducation on expectations about counselin...
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Organizational Commitment, Occupational Stress, and Core Self-Evaluation as Predictors of Workplace Deviance
Emenike Samuel Ugwu,
Chiedozie Okechukwu Okafor
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2017
4 February 2017
17 February 2017
18 October 2017
Downloads: 204
Views: 3137
Abstract: The study investigated organizational commitment, occupational stress, and core self-evaluation as predictors of workplace deviance in the Nigerian civil service. Two hundred and eighty four (284) adults drawn from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka campus participated in the study. Questionnaires were used to elicit information from the participants. Results of regression analyses show that there was a significant negative relationship between organizational commitment and workplace deviance. Also, core self-evaluation was negatively correlated to workplace deviance. This implies that individuals with positive core self-evaluation are less likely to engage in workplace deviance, while individuals with negative core self-evaluation are more likely to engage in workplace deviance.
Abstract: The study investigated organizational commitment, occupational stress, and core self-evaluation as predictors of workplace deviance in the Nigerian civil service. Two hundred and eighty four (284) adults drawn from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka campus participated in the study. Questionnaires were used to elicit information from the participant...
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Recovery Orientation Among Individuals with Serious Mental Illness
Aaron Fernandez,
Kit-Aun Tan,
Ruziana Masiran
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2017
17 April 2017
27 April 2017
18 October 2017
Downloads: 203
Views: 2659
Abstract: In the present study, we examined differences between individuals with schizophrenia and individuals with neuroses in a suburban clinical sample with respect to recovery orientation. A sample of 100 psychiatric patients from one public hospital in Selangor, Malaysia participated in this study. Participants’ recovery orientation was assessed by the Recovery Assessment Scale Questionnaire. The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was significant. Univariate tests further showed that there was a significant difference across two different diagnoses on reliance on others. In particular, individuals with neuroses had higher reliance on others than individuals with schizophrenia did. In an attempt to promote recovery orientation among individuals with serious mental illness, social connection and social support are domains that mental health care providers could target on.
Abstract: In the present study, we examined differences between individuals with schizophrenia and individuals with neuroses in a suburban clinical sample with respect to recovery orientation. A sample of 100 psychiatric patients from one public hospital in Selangor, Malaysia participated in this study. Participants’ recovery orientation was assessed by the ...
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A Mediating Role of Relational Psychological Contract on the Relationship Between Work Place Spirituality and Employee Turnover Intention in Nigeria Banks
Oyekunle Oyelakin,
Agu Godswill Agu
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2017
3 June 2017
28 June 2017
18 October 2017
Abstract: The study examined the effect of workplace spirituality (meaningful work, inner life and community) on employee turnover intention in Nigeria banks mediated by relational psychological contract. Data were collected from a sample of 357 employees in 21 Deposit Money Banks located in Kaduna State. Structural Equation Model was used to explore the effect. Findings revealed that meaningful work has positive, significant effect on employee turnover intention while inner life and community were found to have insignificant effect on employee turnover intention. Relational psychological contract was found to have fully mediating effect between workplace spirituality (inner life, meaningful work and community) and employee turnover intention. The most explanatory variable of the study is the relationship that exists between meaningful work and relational psychological contract. The study recommends that management of Banks should attach more importance to meaningful work and relational psychological contract of employees to reduce employee turnover intention.
Abstract: The study examined the effect of workplace spirituality (meaningful work, inner life and community) on employee turnover intention in Nigeria banks mediated by relational psychological contract. Data were collected from a sample of 357 employees in 21 Deposit Money Banks located in Kaduna State. Structural Equation Model was used to explore the eff...
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Left Hemineglect After Ischemic Stroke to the Left Brain Hemisphere: A Case Study
Malkhaz Makashvili,
Salome Nikoleishvili
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2017
25 December 2016
5 January 2017
18 October 2017
Abstract: Patient, male, 67, was diagnosed as having ischemic degenerative changes in the fronto-parietal cortical area of the left hemisphere due to the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Clinical picture was characterized by right-sided hemiparesis in the upper right shoulder and relative weakness in the right leg, as well as motor aphasia. Patient was tested on hemineglect (HN) after 2 years of the initial stroke. No signs of HN were revealed in line bisection and cancelation tasks, as well as in copying the clock and Rey-Osterrieth figure from a sample. Drawing clock and Rey-Osterrieth figure from memory was characterized by omission of details from the left side of figures, suggesting left HN at a representational level.
Abstract: Patient, male, 67, was diagnosed as having ischemic degenerative changes in the fronto-parietal cortical area of the left hemisphere due to the occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Clinical picture was characterized by right-sided hemiparesis in the upper right shoulder and relative weakness in the right leg, as well as motor aphasia. Patient w...
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