Healthcare Workers Facing COVID-19: The More Exposed, the Less Stressed
Nadia El Ouni,
Ahlem Mtiraoui,
Houda Kalboussi,
Jihene Maatoug,
Amel Braham,
Najib Mrizek
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
8 October 2021
27 October 2021
12 November 2021
Abstract: Background: Since the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus, healthcare workers found themselves on the front lines, exposed to a high risk of contamination and to an enormous psychological impact. Objective: The current study aimed to assess the perceived stress among healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine the associated factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 254 healthcare professionals in the health region of Sousse from March to September 2020. Socio-demographic and professional characteristics were collected using a self-administrated questionnaire. The perceived stress level, work belongingness, resilience, and coping strategies were assessed using the PSS10 scale, the Workplace Belongingness Scale, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and the Brief Cope questionnaire, respectively. Results: The overall mean [±standard deviation (SD)] age of the participants was 32.9 ± 8.76 years with a sex ratio (M / F) of 0.51. The assessment of perceived stress level among participants revealed a mean score of 30.69 ± 7.67 with an estimated high stress level prevalence of 22.4%. The majority of participants evinced a moderate stress level (59.5%) followed by a high stress level (22.4%). Women and health professionals with a parent in charge have higher level of perceived stress. On the other hand, perceived stress was significantly lower among healthcare professionals working in COVID units than those not working in COVID units, with p <10-3. The multivariate analysis revealed that working in a COVID circuit, resilience, work belongingness, problem-focused coping strategies and avoidance strategies were factors associated with perceived stress among healthcare professionals. Conclusion: Based on these results, the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare professionals is undeniable. However, working by personal choice in COVID units, work belongingness, resilience and problem-focused coping strategies appeared to be protective factors.
Abstract: Background: Since the outbreak of the 2019 coronavirus, healthcare workers found themselves on the front lines, exposed to a high risk of contamination and to an enormous psychological impact. Objective: The current study aimed to assess the perceived stress among healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine the associated...
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Mindfulness as a Mediator Between Mind-Wandering and Creative Abilities
Rehab Mohamed Ahmed Abd-Eldayem,
Nabaweya Abd-Elaziz Ali Shaheen
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
21 October 2021
8 November 2021
17 November 2021
Downloads: 126
Views: 1096
Abstract: In this study, the integrated roles of mind wandering (MW) and mindfulness on creative thinking were explored even though these have been regarded previously as separate and antithetical constructs. the current study attempted to refute this notion that mindfulness sit on one end of a spectrum apart from which mind-wandering sits opposite. Instead, it argued that mind-wandering is a core human state, and that healthy human functioning sits in the balance between MW and mindfulness. Objective: The study hypothesized that mindfulness mediates the relationship between MW and creative abilities (fluency, flexibility, originality and maintenance of direction). In particular, MW was analyzed in the light of a recent approach that posits a differentiation between deliberate and spontaneous MW. Mindfulness was analyzed by means of distinguishing its five different constitutional dimensions: observing, acting with awareness, describing, non-reactivity, and non-judging. Materials and methods: The participants comprised 321 undergraduate students aged between 18 and 23 years and enrolled at Cairo and Helwan universities in Egypt. The participants completed deliberate and spontaneous MW questionnaires, a mindfulness questionnaire, and subscales from the Arabic version of Guilford’s creative thinking battery and Torrance’s creative thinking battery. Results: The results revealed that mindfulness partially mediates the relationship between deliberate MW and creative abilities—namely, verbal and figural fluency, verbal flexibility, and maintenance of direction—whereas it completely mediates the relationship between deliberate MW and figural flexibility. However, mindfulness did not mediate the relationship between spontaneous MW and creative abilities.
Abstract: In this study, the integrated roles of mind wandering (MW) and mindfulness on creative thinking were explored even though these have been regarded previously as separate and antithetical constructs. the current study attempted to refute this notion that mindfulness sit on one end of a spectrum apart from which mind-wandering sits opposite. Instead,...
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Effects of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies on Internet Surfing Behaviour and Text Messaging Behaviour of University Students
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
15 October 2021
23 November 2021
2 December 2021
Abstract: The study sought to examine the effects of cognitive and behavioural therapies on student’s internet surfing behaviour and text messaging behaviour at the University of Cape Coast. The sample comprised 60 undergraduate regular students from three Colleges in the University of Cape Coast (College of Health and Allied Sciences, College of Humanities and Legal studies, and College of Education studies) in the Central Region of Ghana. The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test (non-equivalent) control group design. Three groups made up of two experimental groups and a control group were involved in the study. Using an adapted form of Choliz (2012) Test of Mobile Phone Dependence, the data for the study was gathered. The instrument which was in the form of a structured questionnaire was on a 5-point Likert-type scale, comprising twenty-three items. One-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) at the alpha level of .05 was used to test the hypotheses. The result was that Cognitive and behavioural therapies had positive effects on Students’ Internet Surfing Behaviour and Students’ Text Messaging Behaviour. Students have the ability and capacity to succeed in readjusting and controlling their mobile phone addictive behaviours using cognitive and behavioural strategies. It was recommended that counsellors should be encouraged to use either of the therapies to reduce mobile phone addictive behaviours of students.
Abstract: The study sought to examine the effects of cognitive and behavioural therapies on student’s internet surfing behaviour and text messaging behaviour at the University of Cape Coast. The sample comprised 60 undergraduate regular students from three Colleges in the University of Cape Coast (College of Health and Allied Sciences, College of Humanities ...
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School Social Work in Preventing Suicide Ideation Among Minority Ethnic Boarding Students in Vietnam
Hoang Thi Hai Yen,
Do Nghiem Thanh Phuong
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
24 October 2021
17 November 2021
24 December 2021
Abstract: Background and objective: Adolescence is the time of greatest risk for the first onset of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation among adolescents is a public health problem in Vietnam, especially among ethnic minority students. This study described the prevalence of suicidal ideation among adolescents in mountainous areas of Vietnam. The paper recommended developing school social work activities to address mental health issues and prevent suicidal behaviours for the students. Method: In 2019, a school-based survey based on the GSHS questionnaire was conducted in one boarding school in Dien Bien province, Vietnam, and 164 students were included in the study. Result and Conclusion: Analysis revealed that out of a total of 164 students surveyed, 20/164 children have suicidal thoughts, accounting for 12.19%; in which male students intend to commit suicide are 7 (accounting for 35%), and female students with suicidal thoughts are 13 (accounting for 65%). Besides, the study found that schools had diverse activities to prevent student suicide such as directly supporting students through psychological counselling, awareness-raising, life skills education, organizing teacher training, strengthening the connection between families and schools. However, these activities have not achieved the expected effectiveness. This study recommends promoting the role of school social work in preventing and reducing student suicide in the area.
Abstract: Background and objective: Adolescence is the time of greatest risk for the first onset of suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation among adolescents is a public health problem in Vietnam, especially among ethnic minority students. This study described the prevalence of suicidal ideation among adolescents in mountainous areas of Vietnam. The paper recom...
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Resilience of Psychotherapists and the Relationship Between Their Personal and Professional Characteristics
Gelena Lazos,
Oksana Kredentser
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
14 November 2021
7 December 2021
24 December 2021
Abstract: The article analyzes resilience in Ukrainian psychotherapists. Empirical research conducted by the authors found that Ukrainian psychotherapists generally had an average level of resilience, which decreased with age. The authors discuss the relationship between psychotherapists' resilience and their personal (type of emotional attachment, stress-coping strategies and personal traumatic experience) and professional (emotional states and professional experience) characteristics. It was found that such types of emotional attachment as anxiety and avoidance were negatively related to the level of psychotherapist resilience, while such psychotherapist coping behaviors as assertive action and social joining, on the contrary, had a positive relationship with psychotherapist resilience. Various traumatic events faced by psychotherapists related differently to their resilience. While violence and traumatic events in the psychotherapists' lives generally related negatively to the level of their resilience, the «other events» traumatic situations experienced by therapists, on the contrary, were positively related to the level of their resilience. There was a statistically significant inverse relationship between psychotherapist resilience and secondary trauma as a result of therapists' contact with trauma victims. There was also a statistically significant positive relationship between psychotherapist resilience and such indicators of their professional experience as receiving personal therapy, ongoing supervisory support as well as trauma coping training. The findings emphasized the role of occupational psychohygiene in promoting psychotherapist resilience.
Abstract: The article analyzes resilience in Ukrainian psychotherapists. Empirical research conducted by the authors found that Ukrainian psychotherapists generally had an average level of resilience, which decreased with age. The authors discuss the relationship between psychotherapists' resilience and their personal (type of emotional attachment, stress-co...
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Burnout Syndrome, Motivation and Quality of Life in Ica Teachers
Walter Cornejo Báez,
Graciela Cornejo de Campos
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
22 September 2021
9 November 2021
24 December 2021
Abstract: Descriptive-comparative research aimed to study the levels of Bumout syndrome, motivation and psychosocial indicators of quality of life, selected according to the criteria of judgment in a sample of teachers. Objective: To determine the association of two psychosocial variables and one of health, outline its theoretical foundations and present empirical results. Material and methods. Representative accidental sample of 40 secondary-level teachers from the two most distinctive State Colleges in the city of Ica-Peru, men and women of equivalent values, with an average age of 36 years. Instruments: Maslach Bumout Inventory, of three factors: emotional fatigue (CE), depersonalization (PD) and personal fulfillment (PR) (1) of high internal consistency (CE, r = .99, DP, r = .76 and PR, r = .79), Steers and Braunstein motivational profile (21), measures the types of motivation according to the model (22): need for achievement (nL), need for power (nP) and need for affiliation (nA), with established high degree of consistency (4), in each of its scales (nL, r = .99, nP, r = .99 and nA, r = .99) and the Questionnaire of psychosocial indicators of quality of life of Blanco (1985), The instruments have favorable validity and reliability. Results. Statistical analyzes: descriptive and inferential using the t test, highlighted the concordance between the variables and delimited the psychosocial characteristics of the secondary teachers. Conclusions. Teachers have low levels of Bumout, high in motivation and favorable quality of life, in addition there are no differences in the variables according to sex and type of educational institution.
Abstract: Descriptive-comparative research aimed to study the levels of Bumout syndrome, motivation and psychosocial indicators of quality of life, selected according to the criteria of judgment in a sample of teachers. Objective: To determine the association of two psychosocial variables and one of health, outline its theoretical foundations and present emp...
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The Influence of Problematic Mobile Social Media Use on Adolescent Empathy and the Moderating Effect of Peer Attachment
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
9 December 2021
20 December 2021
24 December 2021
Abstract: Previous studies have found that the use of social media has an impact on adolescents’ empathy. For example, uploading photos on WeChat, playing online games, and establishing two-way communication enable teenagers to have greater emotional support and can effectively reduce social anxiety, depression, and loneliness as well as enhance intimacy and happiness. To explore the influence of problematic mobile social media use on teenagers’ empathy and the role of peer attachment in their relationship. In this study, the mobile social media use of 1,157 adolescents was measured through an adolescent problematic mobile social media use assessment questionnaire, an interpersonal response index questionnaire, and an adolescent peer attachment questionnaire. According to the theory of emotional sharing, a regulatory model was constructed, and the following conclusions were drawn: (1) problematic mobile social media use is significantly positively correlated with adolescents’ empathy and peer attachment, between which there is a significant positive correlation; and (2) peer attachment plays a moderating role in the relationship between problematic mobile social media use and empathy. When peer communication is high, the positive predictive effect of problematic mobile social media use on empathy is enhanced. The concrete manifestation is that, For low peer attachment individuals, regardless of whether teenagers use mobile social media more or less, they have lower empathy scores, while for high peer attachment individuals, regardless of the mobile social media use, they have higher empathy scores. This result shows that high peer communication can increase teenagers' empathy ability.
Abstract: Previous studies have found that the use of social media has an impact on adolescents’ empathy. For example, uploading photos on WeChat, playing online games, and establishing two-way communication enable teenagers to have greater emotional support and can effectively reduce social anxiety, depression, and loneliness as well as enhance intimacy and...
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Cognitive Representation of Gifted Primary Schoolchildren’s Identity
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
5 December 2021
27 December 2021
31 December 2021
Abstract: Intellectual giftedness is a factor that manifests itself not only in a child's ability to solve complex problems, but also in the nature of his/her attitude towards himself/herself and the world. The aim of our study was to identify the specific features of self-presentation of 7-8 year old gifted children. The aim of the study was to find meaningful differences in self-descriptions of gifted children. The children's narratives on the topic "I am a person" were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis. The theme of the story sets the framework for the expression of social and personal identity of the author and allows him or her to emphasize those areas of life which are relevant to him or her at the time of the story-writing. 58 first-grade children took part in the study. The experimental group consisted of 24 children with a GAI (general ability index) score above 130 (WISC). As expected, a distinctive feature of the narrative identity of intellectually gifted children is the similarity of their cognitive representation to that of older children. They find a broader range of distinguishing characteristics and are more likely to use generalized concepts rather than concrete ones. Gifted children are statistically more likely to use basic human characteristics in their stories, to use concepts to express their thoughts, to find distinctive features, to mention the meaning of life, and to emphasize their own opinions. Gifted children are more likely to show signs of overcoming childhood egocentrism and identifying with the global 'human' in their stories. Gifted children make demands of themselves as adults, so they are characterized by fluctuating self-esteem. On the one hand, they emphasize their personal and universal capabilities. On the other hand, they often point out their deficiencies, comparing themselves to "ideal" adults. Intellectual giftedness has been found to be a significant factor influencing self-perception and the formation of a child's social identity. The findings are important for understanding the natural development of gifted children.
Abstract: Intellectual giftedness is a factor that manifests itself not only in a child's ability to solve complex problems, but also in the nature of his/her attitude towards himself/herself and the world. The aim of our study was to identify the specific features of self-presentation of 7-8 year old gifted children. The aim of the study was to find meaning...
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Influence of Family Types, Peer Pressure and Parental Care on Self Esteem
Emmanuel Temitope Bankole,
Christianah Kehinde Arowosegbe,
Olubukola Ajayi
Volume 10, Issue 6, November 2021
27 November 2021
20 December 2021
31 December 2021
Abstract: This study investigated the influence of family types, parental care and peer pressure on self-esteem. Five hundred (500) research participants which include undergraduates drawn from Ekiti State University, Ado – Ekiti and Federal University of Oye, Oye – Ekiti were used for this study. Four research instruments were used for this study and this includes Brief family relationship scale used in measuring family orientations and types. Other research instruments include, Rosenborg self-esteem scale used in assessing individuals self-esteem and peer pressure inventory used in assessing domains of peer pressure. Three hypotheses were tested in this study; the first hypothesis tested the relationship between all the variables. Also, the second hypothesis tested the influence of peer pressure on self-esteem while the third hypothesis tested gender differences in self-esteem. Appropriate statistical methods were used in testing the hypotheses. The result of hypothesis one using Pearson Momentum Correlation analysis revealed that there is a significant relationship between self-esteem and family relation. Also, the result revealed further that there is a relationship between self-esteem and peer influence. Moreover, result from hypothesis two using independent t-test table revealed that peer pressure has an influence on self-esteem while result from hypothesis three revealed there is a gender differences in self-esteem. Findings are discussed according to literatures, conclusions are formulated and it was recommended that government should organize programmes and symposia to orientate parents to enhance policy formulation. This research was carried to know and understand how family types, parental care and peer pressure influence self esteem, self-esteem is defined as the feelings of affection for oneself, and there are several research that argue about self esteem and its relation to self evaluation, it also posit the imbalance within family about the equalization and acceptable of role, it also argues about how parental care can influence the person’s development and it explains that peer pressure starts becoming a real influence in a child's life as he grows older because peers interaction becomes to influence as people grow. There is an highlights about the relationship between family type, parental care on self-esteem and personality characteristics. Studies have shown that family and parental influence acts as a mediator of self-esteem and personality development.
Abstract: This study investigated the influence of family types, parental care and peer pressure on self-esteem. Five hundred (500) research participants which include undergraduates drawn from Ekiti State University, Ado – Ekiti and Federal University of Oye, Oye – Ekiti were used for this study. Four research instruments were used for this study and this i...
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