Suicides in Ilam District of Nepal
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
20 September 2015
29 September 2015
12 October 2015
Views: 4805
Abstract: This is a review of suicides through post-mortem reports committed in Ilam district of Nepal. The review is base on all total 112 post-mortem reports of three consecutive fiscal years (2001/02, 3002/03, 2003/04) available in District Health Office Ilam. Epi-Info software used to analyze the samples in the computer. Findings showed the ethnic distribution of the samples was indigenous Janajati 53.7%, Brahmin 29.5%, Dalit 8.9% and Chhetri 8%. Sex ratio of female to male was 2:1. The mean age of suicide noticed in male 34 years and in female 35 years. Suicides from Ilam municipality, Mangalbare and Maipokhari villages recorded high. Means of suicides were hanging 71.43%, organophosphate poisoning 12.5% and weapon 1.79%, fire 1.79%, fall 1.79%, and drown 0.89%. The highest suicides noted in 20-29 ages group. The trend of suicides was increasing over the past 11 years (1992-2003) in the district.
Abstract: This is a review of suicides through post-mortem reports committed in Ilam district of Nepal. The review is base on all total 112 post-mortem reports of three consecutive fiscal years (2001/02, 3002/03, 2003/04) available in District Health Office Ilam. Epi-Info software used to analyze the samples in the computer. Findings showed the ethnic distri...
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A Cross-Sectional Study of Reading Rocks: An Approach to Support and Motivate Vulnerable Readers
Sydney Kerr,
Hilary Scruton,
John McNamara
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
23 August 2015
7 September 2015
14 October 2015
Downloads: 165
Views: 4600
Abstract: The current study explores the achievement gains associated with Reading Rocks, a literacy program to support vulnerable readers between the ages of 6 and 12. The Reading Rocks program is designed based on literacy frameworks of phonics, sight words, and fluency. In addition to this, the Reading Rocks program is a one-to-one tutoring program that holds to the principles of direct, explicit instruction – a service delivery model promoted by the National Reading Panel. The current paper describes the Reading Rocks program along with its foundation principles and also demonstrates the results of a cross-sectional study of fifty children participating in the program. The paper concludes with educational and policy-based implications.
Abstract: The current study explores the achievement gains associated with Reading Rocks, a literacy program to support vulnerable readers between the ages of 6 and 12. The Reading Rocks program is designed based on literacy frameworks of phonics, sight words, and fluency. In addition to this, the Reading Rocks program is a one-to-one tutoring program that h...
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Child Victimization at Working Places in Bangladesh
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
28 September 2015
10 October 2015
22 October 2015
Views: 5256
Abstract: The study was conducted on Tangail Sadar upazila at Tangail district in Bangladesh. There were 60% boys and 40% girlstaken for the study applyingconvenience sampling method. According to the study, 32.9% respondents worked in restaurant, 18.8% in industries and households. Results showed that 41.1% respondents were sexually abused, 23.55% tortured by senior co-workers and 35.25% were physically assaulted. There were 42.4% respondents to work 5-8 hours and 30.5% above 8 hours per dayviolating the ILO regulations.
Abstract: The study was conducted on Tangail Sadar upazila at Tangail district in Bangladesh. There were 60% boys and 40% girlstaken for the study applyingconvenience sampling method. According to the study, 32.9% respondents worked in restaurant, 18.8% in industries and households. Results showed that 41.1% respondents were sexually abused, 23.55% tortured ...
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Learning Styles Among Undergraduate Nursing Students’ in School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Addis Adera Gebru,
Shahrazad Ghiyasvandian,
Noorodin Mohammodi
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
5 June 2015
20 October 2015
28 October 2015
Abstract: Background: Learning style has been the focus of numerous studies, but it remains complex and affected by many factors. Nursing students should learn large quantities of theoretical content in a short period of time. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine learning styles among undergraduate nursing students in School of nursing and midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Method: Using Institutional based cross-sectional descriptive study and self-administrated structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into two sections including (a) demographic profile, and (b) Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory. Data was collected from 232 systematically selected undergraduate nursing students from School of nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. After coding and cleaning, data was entered and analyzed by SPSS Window version 21. Descriptive statistics was used to see the frequency and percentage of each variable. P-value <0.005 was significance measurement for the result in this study. Results: A total of 232 undergraduate Nursing students on the study; the majority 143(61.6%) were female and 89 (38.4%) of respondents were male. Most of the participants (60.8%) being in the age group of 20-25 years. The most frequency learning style of students was AC (37.5%). In addition, AE (30.17%), RO (19.83%) and CE (12.5%) were in the next order in LS of students. However, there was a relationship between self management and AC of LS (F=8.485; P=0.004).In addition, female students were a high scorer than male students respectively (55.6% and 14.4%). There was no relationship between LS and self study, permanent residence, living, place and the average hours of independent study. Conclusion: Facing the various challenges of the effective learning issue, many researchers attempted to conceptually systematize the learning preferences by constructing explanatory models of learning styles.
Abstract: Background: Learning style has been the focus of numerous studies, but it remains complex and affected by many factors. Nursing students should learn large quantities of theoretical content in a short period of time. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine learning styles among undergraduate nursing students in School of nursing and midwif...
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Factorial Invariance of Academic Self-Efficacy Scale in Men and Women University Students
Judith M. Rodriguez-Villalobos,
Maria C. Zueck,
Fernando Mondaca,
Juan F. Aguirre
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
8 October 2015
21 October 2015
31 October 2015
Abstract: The present study analyses the psychometric properties of the Self-efficacy in Academic Behaviors Scale in men and women university students. The overall sample consisted of 2006 subjects: 902 women and 1104 men, with a mean age of 18.53 years (SD= 1.52) and 18.84 years (SD= 1.55) respectively. Psychometric analysis showed that a three-factorial structure (Communication, Attention and Excellence) was viable and adequate for both populations (men and woman) according to the established psychometric requirements when the informers are the students themselves. In addition, the factor structure, factorial loads and intercepts are considered invariant in the two populations; however, there are differences between groups in favor of women for the means of the three factors.
Abstract: The present study analyses the psychometric properties of the Self-efficacy in Academic Behaviors Scale in men and women university students. The overall sample consisted of 2006 subjects: 902 women and 1104 men, with a mean age of 18.53 years (SD= 1.52) and 18.84 years (SD= 1.55) respectively. Psychometric analysis showed that a three-factorial st...
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Self-Concept in Young Mexicans, a Comparison by Gender
Jose R. Blanco,
Judith M. Rodriguez-Villalobos,
Juan C. Barron,
Hector L. Medina
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
8 October 2015
21 October 2015
31 October 2015
Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to compare the profiles of self-concept between men and women mexican university students. A total sample of 1518 participants, 815 women and 703 men, aged 18-26 years participated in this study. A quantitative approach with a descriptive and transversal survey design was used. All the participants completed the Self-concept Questionnaire AUDIM de Rodríguez and Fernández (2011). The results of the one-way multivariate analysis of variance, followed by the one-way univariate analyses of variance, showed that compared with the women, the men obtained higher scores on the subscales Academic Self-concept, Social Self-concept, Physical Self-concept, and Personal Self-concept. However, in the General Self-concept subscale statistically significant differences were not found. Because of the differences between men and women in their perception of self-concept found, these findings suggest that in order to design any intervention for improving the perceived physical self-concept of the students, the variable gender should be taken into account.
Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to compare the profiles of self-concept between men and women mexican university students. A total sample of 1518 participants, 815 women and 703 men, aged 18-26 years participated in this study. A quantitative approach with a descriptive and transversal survey design was used. All the participants completed the...
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A Gender Study on Mexican College Students’ Body-Image Perception
Jose R. Blanco,
Nestor E. Rivera,
Javier B. Gonzalez,
Judith M. Rodriguez-Villalobos
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
8 October 2015
24 October 2015
3 November 2015
Abstract: The purpose of the present study is to compare the scores on current, ideal, and social body shape and body size dissatisfaction between Mexican male and female college students. A total sample of 1,497 participants, 739 women and 758 men, aged 18-29 years participated in this study. A quantitative approach with a descriptive and transversal survey design was used. All the participants completed the Contour Drawing Rating Scale. The results of the one-way multivariate analysis of variance, followed by the one-way univariate analyses of variance, showed that compared to men, women expressed a greater discrepancy between ideal and actual body shape and lower score of ideal body shape. However, in the current body shape and social body shape no statistically significant differences were found. Because of the found body-image perception differences between men and women, results suggest that in order to design any intervention for improving students’ perceived body image, the gender variable should be taken into account.
Abstract: The purpose of the present study is to compare the scores on current, ideal, and social body shape and body size dissatisfaction between Mexican male and female college students. A total sample of 1,497 participants, 739 women and 758 men, aged 18-29 years participated in this study. A quantitative approach with a descriptive and transversal survey...
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The Role of Educational Counseling in Reducing Conduct Disorders Among Students of Primary Stage in Nablus Governorate
Fayez Azez Mohamad Mahamid,
Ahmed Awad Amin Mahmoud Raba
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
13 September 2015
8 October 2015
16 November 2015
Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the role of educational counseling in reducing conduct disorders among students of primary stage in Nablus directorate. To achieve this aim the researchers used a forty-item questionnaire which was distributed among (1727) students represented (10) schools selected randomly by using cluster random sample from grade four to grade six in the government schools in Nablus governorate. In collecting the necessary data for answering the questions of the study, the researchers used means, standard deviations, percentages and degrees for all items and total score of conduct disorders questionnaire items. Additionally, MANCOVA Test was used to find out the differences in conduct disorders due to study variables-Counseling services, Gender, Place and Achievement. Results of this study showed that the level of conduct disorders among the study sample was moderate. Significant differences were shown on the study variables as follows:- between schools with counseling services and schools without, in favor of schools with. Between males and females in favor of males. Between city, villages and camps in favor of camps. Between students of different averages in favor of low achievers (50-60). In the light of these findings, the researchers recommended over spreading counseling to all schools. Improving counseling training is another important for the Ministry of Education.
Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the role of educational counseling in reducing conduct disorders among students of primary stage in Nablus directorate. To achieve this aim the researchers used a forty-item questionnaire which was distributed among (1727) students represented (10) schools selected randomly by using cluster random sample from grade...
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The Structure of Intellectual Abilities of Special Olympics Football Players
Dragan Popovic,
Evagelia Boli,
Milos Popovic,
Vladimir Savic,
Jasna Popovic,
Milica Bojovic
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
19 November 2015
27 November 2015
16 December 2015
Abstract: The research was conducted in order to determine the structure of cognitive abilities in Special Olympics athletes and partners in football. For this purpose, 80 athletes and partners engaged in football were tested. For the assessment of cognitive abilities, Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices which measure IQ were selected. All the data in this research were analyzed at the Multidisciplinary Research Center, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Pristina by the system of data processing programs DRSOFT developed by Popović, D. (1980, 1993), and Momirović, K. & Popović, D. (2003). The algorithms and programs implemented in this research have been fully presented and the results of these programs have been analyzed. Correlation between cognitive abilities and success in a football game has been proved in numerous studies. It is assumed that better adaptation of cognitive skills to specific living conditions to which players of all levels, especially those of the top level, are exposed, is also responsible for the relationship between cognitive abilities and success in a football game. For this reason, understanding the cognitive structure of players is of particular importance for the planning and reorganization of work and prediction of success in every sport including football.
Abstract: The research was conducted in order to determine the structure of cognitive abilities in Special Olympics athletes and partners in football. For this purpose, 80 athletes and partners engaged in football were tested. For the assessment of cognitive abilities, Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices which measure IQ were selected. All the data in this ...
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Factorial Composition of the Self-efficacy Problem Solving and Communication Scale in Mexican University Students
Juan C. Barron,
Judith M. Rodriguez-Villalobos,
Nestor E. Rivera,
Francisco Munoz
Volume 4, Issue 6, November 2015
22 November 2015
3 December 2015
25 December 2015
Abstract: The present study aims to investigate whether the psychometric results proposed by [1] for the Self-efficacy Problem Solving and Communication Scale replicate. The total sample was of 2059 subjects; 891 women and 1168 men, students of the degrees offered at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, with an mean age of 18.21 years (SD = 0.74). The factorial structure of the questionnaire was analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis shows that a two-factor structure is feasible and appropriate. The two-factor structure (problem solving and scientific communication), based on statistical and substantive criteria, has shown adequate fit indicators of reliability and validity. Furthermore, the results of the factor analysis conducted with subsamples, indicate the existence of strong evidence of the stability of the factor structure. Future research should replicate these findings in larger samples.
Abstract: The present study aims to investigate whether the psychometric results proposed by [1] for the Self-efficacy Problem Solving and Communication Scale replicate. The total sample was of 2059 subjects; 891 women and 1168 men, students of the degrees offered at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, with an mean age of 18.21 years (SD = 0.74). The fac...
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