Workers Work–life Balance Should Be a Human Resource Priority
Anurag Shanker,
Shailesh Kumar Kaushal
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2022
2 February 2022
23 February 2022
4 March 2022
Downloads: 240
Views: 1298
Abstract: Work and personal life are essentially two different scales of a spring balance and any adverse movement either at the workplace or in personal life would disturb the balance. Workers wouldn’t like to sacrifice their personal life because of their job imperatives. Opportunity to have good functioning at workplace and a wholesome life at home provides a basic framework for work-life balance. However, work-life balance has always been fraught with challenges which have, of late, assumed significant proportions, and is considered to be the most pressing concern for the workers today. It has been observed that the population of working couples has been on the increase, and this has led to greater scope for work-life conflict for them. Organizations are realizing that the personal life of workers directly affects their productivity and quality of work. Therefore, organizations feel maintaining work-life balance of workers makes a strong business case. This underscores the need for the organizations to promote work-life balance measures to safeguard their business interests. The organizations are introducing flexi-time work schedules, compressed work weeks and telecommuting for maintaining work-life balance of the workers. Research has shown that if work-life balance dwindles, there could be negative consequences for individual workers and also for the organizations. On the other hand, work-life balance has many positives for the workers at the individual level and for the organization as a whole. HR in the organization has a central role in formulation of a customized work-life balance policy for the organization. In this paper, we have made an attempt to highlight why work-life balance policies should be promoted and form a core part of an organization’s Human Resource policy in order to optimize their business interests. We have also touched upon certain recommendations and future direction of research on this subject.
Abstract: Work and personal life are essentially two different scales of a spring balance and any adverse movement either at the workplace or in personal life would disturb the balance. Workers wouldn’t like to sacrifice their personal life because of their job imperatives. Opportunity to have good functioning at workplace and a wholesome life at home provid...
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Differences Between Senior Human Resources Managers and Young Millennials Leaders on the Perceived Required Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2022
17 December 2021
13 January 2022
9 March 2022
Downloads: 184
Views: 1016
Abstract: As millennials take over the workforce, there is a growing concern that generational differences will require adaptations in leadership requirements to ensure organization success. Nevertheless, emerging observations question the validity of generational differences in leadership. This qualitative paper uses semi-structured interviews with senior HR managers and young leaders to explore differences in their perceptions of the required leadership competencies for the 21st century. This paper shows that there are more similarities than differences between young leaders and senior HR managers. The research does not provide evidence to support published claims of generational differences. The research limitations of this paper lie in its reliance on the accounts of senior HR managers and young leaders working in profit-based organizations in developed countries. This paper will be helpful in designing leadership training and development programs, tailoring integration programs for new employees, and recruiting potential future leaders. It will also facilitate workshops for collaboration and team performance between younger and more experienced professionals. The study contributes additional knowledge to the field of leadership by providing a unique comparison between the views of young millennial leaders and senior HR managers on leadership competencies for the 21st century.
Abstract: As millennials take over the workforce, there is a growing concern that generational differences will require adaptations in leadership requirements to ensure organization success. Nevertheless, emerging observations question the validity of generational differences in leadership. This qualitative paper uses semi-structured interviews with senior H...
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Exploring Intra-generational Differences Among Young Millennial Leaders on the Perceived Required Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2022
17 December 2021
13 January 2022
9 March 2022
Abstract: With more millennials in the workforce today, a dominant body of literature tends to present them as a homogenous generation that share the same view on leadership. So far, very little studies are questioning if this generation is in fact, not more diverse and heterogeneous than shown. This paper addresses the currently accepted generalization of millennials’ views and expectations of leadership. This paper intends to study intra-generational differences on the perceived required leadership competencies for the 21st century among millennials. This qualitative phenomenological study is based on semi-structured interviews and compares two groups of millennial leaders. To meet the requirements of the lifespan approach for the age-related transition phase of graduate school-to-early professional life, one group is composed of young millennials leaders still in graduate school and the other group of young millennials leaders who have just entered the workforce. The results of the research reveal that there are differences among millennials on the perceived required leadership competencies for the 21st century and that some differences are based on the level of work experience. The research also tells that there is no consensus on how a generation perceived a phenomenon. This paper calls for more work on leadership based on the lifespan approach and it can be applied when conducting postmillennial and future millennials research on leadership. The findings of the research will help practitioners consider the differences among millennials, to adapt development programs and leadership approaches accordingly and to focus more on an inclusion and diversity management and not on single generation. The insights also call practitioners and leaders in academia to develop more training and learning opportunities for millennials on: customer centric approaches, digital transformation, sustainability business models, crisis management and financialization principles and applications.
Abstract: With more millennials in the workforce today, a dominant body of literature tends to present them as a homogenous generation that share the same view on leadership. So far, very little studies are questioning if this generation is in fact, not more diverse and heterogeneous than shown. This paper addresses the currently accepted generalization of m...
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Gender-Related Pay Equity by State and Industry
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2022
18 February 2022
7 March 2022
12 March 2022
Downloads: 115
Views: 1114
Abstract: The purpose of this quantitative nonexperimental comparative study was to examine whether and to what extent there are differences in gender-related pay equity in the public sector, among states, and among industries in the United States. The theoretical framework for this study was provided by John S. Adams’s equity theory. The study was conducted with archival data from The American Community Survey. The analyzed dataset included 1,834 cases, with data for gender-related pay equity (measured as a percentage of females’ pay relative to males’ pay), state (51 states (including D.C.)), industry (five major industries), and subindustry (36 subindustries). District of Columbia lacked data from two subindustries. The data for the dependent variable had been aggregated from an original sample 2,145,639 survey participants. Two research questions addressed the differences in gender-related pay equity among the 51 states and among the five industries. The results of two one-way ANOVAs showed a significant difference in the gender-related pay equity among the 51 states (including D.C.), F(50, 1740) = 1.69, p = 0.019, and among the five major industries, F(4, 1735) = 17.00, p < 0.01. The study findings point to the national scope of pay equity problem, across states and across the major industries. These empirical findings provide a basis for the development of policies needed to address pay inequity, which negatively affects 74.6 million female American workers in the public sector only.
Abstract: The purpose of this quantitative nonexperimental comparative study was to examine whether and to what extent there are differences in gender-related pay equity in the public sector, among states, and among industries in the United States. The theoretical framework for this study was provided by John S. Adams’s equity theory. The study was conducted...
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Assessment of Selected Factors and Work Stress Among Civil Servants in Oyo State, Nigeria
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2022
6 December 2021
25 December 2021
29 March 2022
Abstract: This study investigates selected factors on work stress among civil servants in Oyo state. The study adopted a descriptive research design of correlation type. A total of 549 civil servants in Oyo state were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaires consisting of demographic information and sections which are standardized scales on work stress, locus of control, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy were used for this study. The reliability of the scales are; work stress α = .73, locus of control α = .70, emotional intelligence α = .750 and self-efficacy α = .79 Three research questions were raised and answered using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. The findings showed that locus of control (r = .870, p<0.05), emotional intelligence (r = .859, p<0.05), self-efficacy (r = .763, p<0.05), gender (r = .447, p<0.05) and family background (r = .313, p<0.05) had significant relationship to work stress among civil servants in Oyo state. All independent variables jointly accounted for 80.1% variance in predicting work stress of civil servants in Oyo state. Also, locus of control (β = .507, p<0.05), emotional intelligence (β = .341, p<0.05) and gender (β = .124, p<0.05) had significant relative influence to work stress while self-efficacy (β = .075, p>0.05) and family background (β = .052, p<0.05) had no significant relative influence to work stress of civil servants in Oyo state. Conclusion was made that the selected factors are actually determined the work stress among civil servants in Oyo state.
Abstract: This study investigates selected factors on work stress among civil servants in Oyo state. The study adopted a descriptive research design of correlation type. A total of 549 civil servants in Oyo state were selected using stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaires consisting of demographic information and sections which are standardized ...
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