A Comparative Analysis of Quality of Health Care Delivered in Low and High Task Shifting Environments in Uganda: Implications for Policy
Kanyesigye Rullonga Monicah,
Kaguhangire-Barifaijo Maria,
Mohamed Sayeed Bayat
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
17 December 2019
30 December 2019
8 January 2020
Downloads: 268
Views: 1768
Abstract: With the increasing global health workers shortage, developing countries like Uganda are embracing task shifting as a form of availing health care amidst the growing population and increasing disease burden. This study examined the quality of healthcare delivered under task shifting in low and high task shifting environments from patients’ perspective in Kalangala and Bukomansimbi Districts respectively. An exploratory design was employed with both qualitative and quantitative approaches guided by Banduras theories of social learning and social cognitive. Bivariate analysis was carried out through cross-tabulations on associations between task shifting and quality of healthcare indicators to generate chi-square and p-values. Quality of care was assessed as generally good but much better in high task shifting environments because of the availability of simulations, supervision and mentorship programs which facilitate the health workers to learn even when they possess lower qualifications. The study asserts that good quality healthcare can be provided by virtually any person who is conditioned through training, supervision and mentoring. This has a huge implication for Human Resource for Health (HRH) planning, forecasting and development in the epoch of healthy worker shortage. The study designed and recommended a task shifting model that would facilitate the development of policy framework for task shifting implementation.
Abstract: With the increasing global health workers shortage, developing countries like Uganda are embracing task shifting as a form of availing health care amidst the growing population and increasing disease burden. This study examined the quality of healthcare delivered under task shifting in low and high task shifting environments from patients’ perspect...
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On the Development of Agricultural Professional Managers
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
23 February 2019
17 December 2019
17 January 2020
Downloads: 337
Views: 1498
Abstract: As an important team of rural talents, agricultural professional managers love agriculture, understand technology, manage well and manage well. They have higher comprehensive quality and professional accomplishment. However, the cultivation of agricultural professional managers is heavy task and great significance. All localities need to base their efforts on the overall situation and long-term perspective, and effectively integrate the cultivation of new-type professional farmers into the overall arrangement of agricultural rural economic work. As a key work in the current and future periods, the cultivation should be systematically planned and carried out in an orderly way. In particular, top-level design should be carried out as soon as possible to actively explore effective measures and methods to ensure good service. The agricultural professional managers are an important force in the strategy of rural revitalization. The development of agricultural professional managers is a systematic project. The development of agricultural professional managers involves entry mechanism, training mechanism, incentive and restraint mechanism, examination and withdrawal mechanism, service mechanism, etc.
Abstract: As an important team of rural talents, agricultural professional managers love agriculture, understand technology, manage well and manage well. They have higher comprehensive quality and professional accomplishment. However, the cultivation of agricultural professional managers is heavy task and great significance. All localities need to base their...
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Workaholism and Subjective Well-being: Examining a Mediation Model
Jun Zhang,
Chen Song,
Yuxuan Lan
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
19 December 2019
27 January 2020
10 February 2020
Downloads: 513
Views: 1657
Abstract: With the popularization of the new ways of working (such as flexible work schedule and telecommuting), boundary between family and work is becoming increasingly blurred. Consequently, public concern about overtime-work has been deepened by the emergence of “996” working schedule, which means employees are required to be indulged in work from 9am to 9pm weekly except Sunday. Both positive and negative outcomes may be caused by such work schedule. According to self-determination theory (SDT), an understanding of human motivation requires a full consideration of innate psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness, hence the ‘workaholic’ behavioral pattern could be understood in terms of satisfying the needs for competence. The work motivation of ‘workaholic’ originates from inner motivation, workaholics devote themselves to work and enjoy working both energetically and strenuously. Enjoyment of work is expected to be positively related to high level of satisfying the needs of competence. Based on SDT, the data collected from 3513 employees during an online survey in two time points indicates that workaholism positively predicts personal well-being, which is mediated by the sense of competence. The direct effect of work enjoyment on personal well-being could be seen more evident than that of work drive. Finally, the theoretical and practical contributions of this study are as followings: (1) this study contributes to the existing empirical research of relationship between workaholism and well-being by comparing effects of well-being generated by drive of work and enjoyment of work, (2) this study extends the understanding of the relationship between workaholism and well-being by revealing the internal mechanism using self-determination theory, (3) the employees of the organization are supposed to be trained in order to enhance their competence and the leaders would be well advised to offer employees more positive feedback. Future studies should focus on the integration of main various theory models, examining the influence of various mediating and moderating variables, and exploring the relationship between workaholism and well-being at dimensional level.
Abstract: With the popularization of the new ways of working (such as flexible work schedule and telecommuting), boundary between family and work is becoming increasingly blurred. Consequently, public concern about overtime-work has been deepened by the emergence of “996” working schedule, which means employees are required to be indulged in work from 9am to...
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Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Youths Empowerment in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Matthew Ayodele Olatunle,
Adamu Micah Gumus,
Lazarus Zungwe Wanjuu
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
15 February 2020
28 February 2020
10 March 2020
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of corporate social responsibilities practice on youth’s empowerment in Niger Delta Region. A descriptive and survey research design was adopted for the study. The total population of the youth within the four LGAs was estimated at 793,175 based on the 2006 census estimate extracted from the website of National Population Commission (NPC), out of the population a sample size of 384 Youths were drawn as sample size using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table for determining sample size. Structured questionnaire was the primary instrument used for data collection. A total of 384 copies of questionnaire were administered to the respondents only 340 questionnaires were returned while 44 were not returned. Data collected were analysed using multiple regression statistical tools with the aid of SPSS version 23 to minimize errors. Findings from the study show that, social amenities and employment opportunity were found to have significant statistical relationship with youth empowerment in Niger Delta Region while scholarship scheme and skill acquisition were found to be negatively related and of no significant effect on youth empowerment. The study therefore recommends among others that, Management of the oil companies should concentrate their efforts toward embarking on good CSR practices that will have direct bearing on youth empowerment. When youth are gainfully empowered its advantages to the company, society and government are enormous.
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of corporate social responsibilities practice on youth’s empowerment in Niger Delta Region. A descriptive and survey research design was adopted for the study. The total population of the youth within the four LGAs was estimated at 793,175 based on the 2006 census estimate extracted from the website of National Popula...
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Assessment of the Role of Community of Practice on Performance: A Case of Public Service in Makueni County Government, Kenya
Justus Kaminda Kisilu,
Godfrey Kinyua
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
11 November 2019
11 December 2019
9 January 2020
Abstract: The intense competition and change which occurs on a continuous and disruptive basis in the business environment requires organizations both private and public to enhance their performance at all times to survive. Successful utilization of firm knowledge through effective capturing, creation, sharing and transferring can improve the firm’s effectiveness which in turn enhances the performance of the firm. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of community of practice on the performance of public service board in Makueni County, Kenya. This study made use of descriptive research design. The target population of this study was the employees of Makueni County government. Stratified sampling method was used to sample respondents so as to make sure that all the categories of the respondents are well represented. Simple random sampling method was used to select the respondents. The sample size for this study was 98 respondents. The 98 respondents were selected from all the 30 wards in Makunei County. The research data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires. Quantitative data gathered from closed-ended questions was analyzed using measures of central tendency and dispersion. Qualitative data gathered using open-ended questions was analyzed using content analysis. Presentation of findings was done using tables and charts. Multiple regression analysis was used to show the extent to which variables relate to each other. The study established that community of practice had a positive and significant relationship on organizational performance. The study concludes that community of practice helps in to learning and supporting one another in order to create, spread, retain, and use knowledge relevant to the organization. These networks are fostered and established in order to build strategic capabilities within the organization by leveraging learning and knowledge sharing. Communities of practice have the potential to improve organizational performance and, thereby, contribute to the reinforcement of an organization’s long-term strategic advantages. The study also concludes that community of practice gives an organization access to knowledge and expertise that they would not easily gain on their own. This builds their confidence, enhances their quality of work, promotes personal development, and makes their work even more meaningful. The study recommends that management on the County government of Makueni should actively facilitate community work by providing required resources and by establishing necessary prerequisites in the organization. Design a structure that allows for variations in culture, language, organization, and work without sacrificing the development of trust and connection among diverse community members.
Abstract: The intense competition and change which occurs on a continuous and disruptive basis in the business environment requires organizations both private and public to enhance their performance at all times to survive. Successful utilization of firm knowledge through effective capturing, creation, sharing and transferring can improve the firm’s effectiv...
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The Pattern, Intent and Causes of Employees’ Turnover in Debreberhan University
Haile Kalayu,
Bekele Meaza,
Melese Abebe
Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2020
22 March 2019
2 June 2019
31 January 2020
Abstract: The research study is entitled ‘The pattern, Intent and Causes of Employees’ Turnover in Debrebrhan University.” The aim in this paper was mainly to investigate the pattern of employees’ turnover using a concrete data from concerned units, and discover the employees’ turnover intentions and the reasons for the turnover intent. In this survey study the investigators used a quantitative research method/design and a stratified sampling technique. To achieve the research objective, data was collected from the existing staffs through a five-point Likert scale structured questionnaire. Besides the overall trend of human resource mobility was collected from the Human Resource Directorate of the organization. A total of 441 questionnaires were distributed proportionately. Out of the 229 questionnaires dispensed to academic employees 147 (64.20%) questionnaires were qualified for analysis. And among the 212 questionnaires dispatched to administrative staff 145 (68.4%) were qualified for analysis. To organize and process the data gathered through the questionnaire the software statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used. And both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the data. And all the data collected is presented in the form of tables. As per the findings, it is concluded that DBU has had high rate of turnover for the last four years from 2004 to 2007 E.C. (with an average 9.04% and 8.23% turnover rate of academic and administrative employees, respectively) for different reasons. It may also keep facing Turnover of its employees in the future as it is evident from the data analysis that a large amount of the employees of DBU usually think to leave the organization soon if any alternative job comes. For the academic staff it is the push factors that have positive and significant contribution to intention to quit. But for the administrative employees it is the pull factors found to have positive and significant contribution to intention to quit. The main push causes of turn over intention in both the academic staff and administrative staffs are: inadequate salary, inadequate fringe benefits, and inadequate motivation and encouragement, among others.
Abstract: The research study is entitled ‘The pattern, Intent and Causes of Employees’ Turnover in Debrebrhan University.” The aim in this paper was mainly to investigate the pattern of employees’ turnover using a concrete data from concerned units, and discover the employees’ turnover intentions and the reasons for the turnover intent. In this survey study ...
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