Definitions of Meaningful Work for Generation X and Millennial Cuspers
Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2021
3 December 2020
10 December 2020
12 January 2021
Downloads: 520
Views: 2150
Abstract: Objective: In today’s multigenerational workforce, organizational leaders continuously seek methods to retain valued employees. Employees who perceive their work-related values are in alignment with their employer is central to intentions to quit. In this study, generational differences in definitions of meaningful work among the Gen X and Millennials cusp cohorts and between genders were investigated. Method: A quantitative nonexperimental survey approach was applied using self-reported measures of the Comprehensive Meaningful Work Scale (CMWS). Two hundred eleven US-based employees in various professional, semi-professional, and non-professional occupations provided their perceptions of meaningful work. An ANOVA was used as the method of analysis. Results: The results indicated no significant differences in definitions of meaningful work between individuals of Gen X and Millennials on the cusp of their generation. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in definitions of meaningful work between gender of Gen X and Millennial cusp cohorts. The results revealed similarities in definitions of meaningful work among Gen X and Millennial Cuspers and between genders. Conclusions: Employees of all generations pursue meaningful work. Recommendations include the use of qualitative methodological approaches, longitudinal studies, and multiple data points to explore intergenerational differences to analyze how generations effect change in the workplace.
Abstract: Objective: In today’s multigenerational workforce, organizational leaders continuously seek methods to retain valued employees. Employees who perceive their work-related values are in alignment with their employer is central to intentions to quit. In this study, generational differences in definitions of meaningful work among the Gen X and Millenni...
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Harnessing Entrepreneurial Education in the Technical Universities: A Panacea to Youth Unemployment
Daniel Larbi,
Francis Gyedu
Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2021
5 January 2021
14 February 2021
22 March 2021
Downloads: 105
Views: 1146
Abstract: Entrepreneurship, in developing countries like Ghana, is vital to development of the country. Ghana has human resource capable of retrieving, processing and utilizing her natural resources for economic development. Yet, Ghana as a developing country is grappling with poverty and unemployment. The educational system and its curricula activities as well as the various associated training programmes in the country, are generally geared towards preparing the youth for white color jobs other than self-employment skills. This paper therefore focuses on entrepreneurial education with the emphasis on equipping the youth with skills and competence needed to enhance their economic status. The methodology used was descriptive and quantitative. The sample population was drawn from graduate students of three Technical Universities (TUs). The paper looked at the integration of entrepreneurial education programmes in the TUs curricula towards addressing job creation. It was found out that, the Ghanaian educational system has not been a force to reckon with when it comes to equipping the students or graduates with the requisite skills and competencies to develop themselves economically and career wise so as to produce graduates who are independent. This paper brings to the fore the fact that, in order to curb the unemployment situation in the country, emphasis should be laid on entrepreneurial education to develop the mind-set of the youth towards employment. Some recommendations were made for the youth to be self-reliant.
Abstract: Entrepreneurship, in developing countries like Ghana, is vital to development of the country. Ghana has human resource capable of retrieving, processing and utilizing her natural resources for economic development. Yet, Ghana as a developing country is grappling with poverty and unemployment. The educational system and its curricula activities as w...
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The Possible Changes to the Human Resource Management of Thailand’s Hotel Industry Post-COVID Pandemic
Johan Van Rooyen,
Elamarie Carmel Dante Mission,
Elsabe de Beer
Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2021
23 January 2021
1 February 2021
16 April 2021
Downloads: 199
Views: 1399
Abstract: It has been over a year, and the COVID pandemic is still impacting many industries, such as the hotel industry. Globally, numerous organizations had to lay off millions of people to cope with the effects of COVID. Although it is not as critical in Thailand as it initially was, it led to an increase in unemployment rates and hotels closing down temporarily and permanently. An optimistic perspective predicts that the hotel industry may recover soon, but that does not mean that Human Resource Management will stay the same. Many people have gained hope from remote working, but hotel employees do not have that option. Since they have to show up in person, it is evident that Human Resources will have to apply some changes to the protocols and workplace. To foresee the possible changes, the author tackles five main aspects of Human Resource Management: Recruitment, Training, Motivation, Healthy Environment, and Retainment of Employment. With each part, the author addresses the problems that the hotel industry in Thailand faces and then formulates a strategy to cope with them. The author concludes with a positive note that even though the COVID pandemic forced so much change to Human Resources, one can still be hopeful that the change will only bring growth and adaptation.
Abstract: It has been over a year, and the COVID pandemic is still impacting many industries, such as the hotel industry. Globally, numerous organizations had to lay off millions of people to cope with the effects of COVID. Although it is not as critical in Thailand as it initially was, it led to an increase in unemployment rates and hotels closing down temp...
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Study on the Source of Stress Among Blue-collar Employees in Beijing Yizhuang Foreign Enterprise
Jieyu Xiao,
Mingxun Shu,
Yongkai Song,
Yusi Liu,
Wen Liu,
Jin Li,
Zhihong Li
Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2021
4 February 2021
19 March 2021
16 April 2021
Abstract: With the rapid development of economic production, the number of blue-collar employees continues to grow, and the problems of blue-collar employees have become increasingly prominent. This paper takes the blue-collar employees of foreign enterprise in Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing as a sample to analyze the sources of stress. Because the questionnaire involves a lot of directions, the main methods of this study are principal component analysis and factor analysis. It is found that the main factors of stress for blue-collar employees in Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing are: "physical health", "living environment", "enterprises internal environment ", "family relationship environment", "employees personal development and expectation", "interpersonal relationship" and "family development expectations (housing)". At the same time, the study puts forward some constructive suggestions on the problem of stress sources. In the aspect of relieving pressure, the company should design the reasonable salary and performance system, arrange the work task reasonably, increase the training of psychological counseling to relieve the pressure of blue-collar workers. Individual blue-collar workers should learn time management, self-regulation when faced with stress, communication and help seeking. The government should strengthen the safeguard measures for blue-collar workers, strengthen market supervision, improve the relevant labor market policies, strengthen the employment guidance for the unemployed, implement compulsory education, and gradually improve the education level of blue-collar workers.
Abstract: With the rapid development of economic production, the number of blue-collar employees continues to grow, and the problems of blue-collar employees have become increasingly prominent. This paper takes the blue-collar employees of foreign enterprise in Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, Daxing District, Beijing as a sample to analyze the sources of...
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