The Mediating Role of Work-Family Enrichment Between Organizational Intervening and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: (Case Study: Banking Sector)
Hamid Reza Qasemi,
Milad Behzadi
Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2017
26 December 2016
4 January 2017
28 January 2017
Downloads: 354
Views: 5952
Abstract: Work-life balance is a subject that due to changes in the environment, technology, demographics, and changes in individual expectations and demands, has attracted much attention of researchers and business leaders in the world. More recently, we can see that demographic changes in the number of women who work, and increase the number of families in which both women and men work, has created a lot of pressure on both men and women to manage their work and family issues. This study examines the mediating role of work-to–family enrichment between organizational intervening and organizational citizenship behavior variables in branches of Mellat Bank of Iran. This study in terms of objective is an applied research, and in terms of implementation approach is a causal research. Data collection tool in this study is a standard questionnaire with 28 questions. Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis was used to determine the reliability and validity of the questionnaire which the amount of alpha obtained for the questionnaire demonstrated good reliability of tools, and values of factor loadings and T statistic obtained show the validity of the questionnaires. 300 questionnaires were collected among bank Mellat staff, and structural equation modeling statistical technique was used for data analysis. The results of study confirmed suggest the impact of organizational intervening variable on organizational citizenship behavior and work-to-family enrichment, but the effect of mediating role of work-to-family enrichment between organizational intervening variable on organizational citizenship behavior was not confirmed. Also, the impact of variables of work-family benefits and policies, work-family culture and management support was approved on organizational citizenship behavior, but the impact of occupational characteristics variable on organizational citizenship behavior was not confirmed. Also, the impact of occupational characteristics, and variable of work-family benefits and policies on work and family enrichment was confirmed. This despite the fact that the impact of work-family culture and management support variables on work-to-family enrichment was not confirmed.
Abstract: Work-life balance is a subject that due to changes in the environment, technology, demographics, and changes in individual expectations and demands, has attracted much attention of researchers and business leaders in the world. More recently, we can see that demographic changes in the number of women who work, and increase the number of families in...
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The Effect of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction: Evidence from the Banking Sector in Ghana
George Kafui Agbozo,
Isaac Sakyi Owusu,
Mabel A. Hoedoafia,
Yaw Boateng Atakorah
Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2017
27 December 2016
12 January 2017
10 February 2017
Downloads: 2881
Views: 25956
Abstract: This paper examined the effect of work environment on job satisfaction with the spotlight on a merchant bank in Ghana. Among other objectives, the paper set out to ascertain the impact of physical and mental environment on employees’ performance, to know the overall satisfaction level of employees in the bank and study whether physical, social and psychological work environment affect job satisfaction. Stratified sampling technique was adopted to select the sample for the study. Questionnaire was used as the research instrument while Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was employed to analyze the data gathered from the field study. Findings of the study indicated that most of the staff at the bank are satisfied with their work environment especially the physical ambiance. The paper concludes that the environment has a significant effect on employees’ satisfaction. The findings of the paper emphasize the need for management to improve the work environment of employees to boost productivity.
Abstract: This paper examined the effect of work environment on job satisfaction with the spotlight on a merchant bank in Ghana. Among other objectives, the paper set out to ascertain the impact of physical and mental environment on employees’ performance, to know the overall satisfaction level of employees in the bank and study whether physical, social and ...
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Merger and Acquisition in Ghana Revenue Authority, Human Resource Issues Involved
Owusu Alfred,
Amo Francis
Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2017
26 September 2016
28 October 2016
21 February 2017
Downloads: 349
Views: 6991
Abstract: The study explored the human resource issues in merger and acquisition using the case of Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). Specifically, the study sought to investigate how the human resource issues were being dealt with in the merging of IRS, CEPS and VAT into GRA; also the study examines the impact that merging exercise would have on GRA employees and to come out with measures that could be put in place to ensure that future M&A deals do not adversely affect merging institutions work force. The study was conducted using cross-sectional survey. The total population of the study was 500 employees constituting all the employees in the Kumasi district offices of GRA. A simple random sampling was employed in selecting the sample for the study and based on the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sampling table; the sample size for this study was 217 on a 95 percent confidence level. Of the 217 questionnaires distributed in all the Kumasi offices of GRA, 150 responded and 108 were usable generating an overall usable response rate of 61.7%. Data was collected using a questionnaire which used a 5-point Likert scale questions and was analysed further using descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation and frequency. The study established that the human resource department of all the three entities was somehow involved in the entire process of the integration process. The study recommended that in any attempt to implement any policy in the future, management of GRA ought to consult all parties especially the minor groups since it became apparent that most of the employees were not consulted but instead the consultation was done with the employee’s representatives at the expense of the entire workforce.
Abstract: The study explored the human resource issues in merger and acquisition using the case of Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). Specifically, the study sought to investigate how the human resource issues were being dealt with in the merging of IRS, CEPS and VAT into GRA; also the study examines the impact that merging exercise would have on GRA employees a...
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