Abstract: This research was carried out in Mendi town to evaluate the quality of drinking water from the source to household containers. The physico-chemical parameters were analyzed using HACH HQ440d multi meter and portable digital spectrophotometer (DR/2400). Bacteriological parameters were analyzed using membrane filtration technique. The temperature measurements of the water samples were found to be between 21.8°C and 23.7°C which was higher than the WHO standard limit and the PH records were between 7.23 and 7.84 and were compliant with WHO and National standard limit. The maximum turbidity record of the water samples was 3.40 NTU all the turbidity records were in conformity with WHO and National standards. Total dissolved solids (TDS) and electrical conductivity (EC) measurements of the samples were between 122 mg/l and 133 mg/l respectively. All the TDS records were compliant with WHO and National standards. Iron concentration was found to be above the WHO and national standard limit for the samples from boreholes (0.45 to 0.53 mg/l) whereas 94.4% of the samples from reservoirs, household taps and household containers had iron concentrations compliant with the WHO and national standard limits. Manganese, nitrate, fluoride and total hardness records were 0.00-0.14 mg/l, 0.00-1.70 mg/l, 0.00-0.04 mg/l and 96.67-108 mg/l respectively and were found to be compliant with WHO and National standards. Samples from boreholes and reservoirs had Total coliforms (TC) counts of 1 CFU/100 ml to 2 CFU/100 ml with no faecal coliforms (FC) detected whereas samples from tap waters had TC counts ranging from 1 CFU/100 ml to 18 CFU/100 ml with no FC detected. Samples from household containers had FC counts ranging from 5 CFU/100 ml to 32 CFU/100 ml and FC counts ranging from 3 CFU/100 ml to 11 CFU/100 ml. All the water samples tested were positive for TC ranging from 1.00 to 32.00 CFU/100 ml. Regarding FC records, the samples from boreholes, water reservoirs and household taps were negative for FC counts whereas 25% of the samples from household containers had FC counts ranging from 3 to 11 CFU/100 ml. All the samples tested did not satisfy the World Health Organization (WHO) and National standard limits of 0 CFU/100 ml for TC counts but all the samples from boreholes, water reservoirs and household taps and 75% of the samples from household containers satisfy the WHO and National standards of 0 CFU/100 ml based on faecal Coliform (FC) counts. The detection of TC in all water samples and FC in some of the household containers samples can be attributable to lack of adequate disinfection of the water, lack of regular supervision of the system, absence of proper water management and lack of safe water storage and handling practices.
Abstract: This research was carried out in Mendi town to evaluate the quality of drinking water from the source to household containers. The physico-chemical parameters were analyzed using HACH HQ440d multi meter and portable digital spectrophotometer (DR/2400). Bacteriological parameters were analyzed using membrane filtration technique. The temperature mea...Show More