International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017

  • Assessment of Milk Bush Seed Oil as an Auspicious Feedstock for Biodiesel Fuel

    Raji Ibrahim Oladayo, Ogunlusi Oluwatosin Kemisola

    Issue: Volume 5, Issue 5, September 2017
    Pages: 46-52
    Received: 14 June 2017
    Accepted: 10 July 2017
    Published: 22 December 2017
    Downloads: 162
    Views: 3162
    Abstract: It is indubitable that world energy demand is increasing drastically due to rapidly growing population and urbanization. It is not obscure that biodiesel would make a massively copious contribution to the energy demand at a time when the populace is becoming increasingly conscious of the declining reserves of fossil fuels and detrimental environmen... Show More