International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2015

  • Fourth Order Virial Equation of State of a Nonadditive Lennard - Jones Fluid

    Kenneth Osondu Monago, Charles Otobrise

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 4, July 2015
    Pages: 28-33
    Received: 5 September 2015
    Accepted: 21 September 2015
    Published: 10 October 2015
    Downloads: 114
    Views: 5853
    Abstract: A fourth - order virial equation of state was combined with the Lennard – Jones potential and the Axilrod - Teller triple - dipole potential to determine the thermodynamic properties of argon in the gas phase. The fourth virial coefficient is exact at the level of graphs with at most three non - additive three - body potentials. The model parameter... Show More