International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2015

  • Effect of Different Shape of Periodic Forces on Chaotic Oscillation in Brusselator Chemical System

    Guruparan S., Ravindran Durai Nayagam B., Jeyakumari S., Chinnathambi V.

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2015
    Pages: 19-27
    Received: 20 May 2015
    Accepted: 6 June 2015
    Published: 23 June 2015
    Downloads: 144
    Views: 5787
    Abstract: Bifurcations of periodic orbits and chaos in the Brusselator chemical reaction with different shape of external periodic forces are studied numerically. The external periodic forces considered are sine wave, square-wave, rectified sine wave, symmetric saw-tooth wave, asymmetric saw-tooth wave and modulus of sine wave. Period doubling bifurcations, ... Show More