Research Article
Foreign Direct Investment and the Nigerian Economy: An Empirical Analysis
Muhammed Akpai Amade*,
Peter Luke Oyigebe
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
10 February 2024
5 March 2024
2 April 2024
Downloads: 132
Views: 857
Abstract: The primary motive of this paper was to investigate the impact of Foreign Direct Investment on economic growth of Nigeria from 1985 to 2022. Ex – post facto research design was carefully carried out; annual time series data were extracted from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of 2021 and World Development Indicator. Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) was used as the dependent variable proxy for economic growth. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Exchange Rate (EXCR), Trade Openness (TOPN) and Inflation (INF) all denoted for explanatory variables of the study. The estimated coefficients of the variables under study displayed that all the variables are integrated of the same order 1(1) exception of Foreign Direct Investment which was integrated of order 1(0). The bound test conducted showed that there is proof of the presence of a long run correlation among the variables used while the causality test clearly showed that FDI granger causes economic growth in Nigeria under review. Other diagnostic tests seen in this paper are unit root test, descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient matrix, Cointegration test and test of Normality respectively, and they long-established the validity and reliability of the model used. Based on the inferential results revealed by the research work, the paper came up with recommendation that government should improve the investment climate for both domestic and foreign investors through adequate infrastructural development, soft loans and tax holidays.
Abstract: The primary motive of this paper was to investigate the impact of Foreign Direct Investment on economic growth of Nigeria from 1985 to 2022. Ex – post facto research design was carefully carried out; annual time series data were extracted from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of 2021 and World Development Indicator. Real Gross Domestic ...
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Review Article
The Effect of Industry Extension Services Project on the Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises
Efrem Regasa Shiferaw*
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
25 January 2024
21 February 2024
12 April 2024
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of industry extension service projects on the performance of micro and small enterprises. Thus, the study utilized an explanatory and descriptive research design to achieve the objectives of the research. The study targeted MSEs that had been in operation for more than two years at the time of the study. The research had a total population of 606 MSEs, out of which a sample size of 241 operators was realized using Taro Yamane’s formula. Thus, a stratified sampling technique and simple random sampling were employed to select representative samples. Beside, primary and secondary data were used in the study. The analysis was conducted using SPSS version 20 on 223 fully responded questionnaires. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. In addition to this, correlation and regression models were used to analyze the variables of the study. The finding proved that IESP support provided by TVET trainers to MSEs was not adequate. Regression analysis indicated that entrepreneurship, technology, kaizen, and technical skill support had a positive and significant relationship with the performance of MSEs. Thus, it is recommended that the TVET College should provide regular industry extension service support to MSEs through four packages.
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of industry extension service projects on the performance of micro and small enterprises. Thus, the study utilized an explanatory and descriptive research design to achieve the objectives of the research. The study targeted MSEs that had been in operation for more than two years at the time of ...
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Research Article
Project Risk Analysis and Early Warning of Culture and Tourism Group Financial Leasing Company
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
20 March 2024
27 April 2024
29 April 2024
Abstract: Under the background of strict regulation, due to the cyclical adjustment of the financial leasing industry, some top companies have maintained a growth trend in asset size and net profit. Internal differentiation has emerged in the financial leasing industry, increasing operational pressure, and a slowing trend in asset size growth. Although the overall pressure on credit quality has eased, downward pressure on asset quality is widespread, and the recovery period for narrowing profit space is still long. With the continuous upgrading and iteration of digitization, intelligence, and specialization, Culture and Tourism Group Financial Leasing Company should strengthen its professional ethics, improve its risk analysis and prediction capabilities, design integrated business guidelines for due diligence information collection and risk analysis, rely on big data to build a leasing asset identification, evaluation, monitoring, and early warning system, and establish a comprehensive, multi angle, and lean risk analysis and early warning mechanism. Through case analysis, problems are identified in a timely manner, and continuous reflection and improvement are made. Business process diagrams are drawn according to different scenarios, crisis warning indicators are set up, and a lean risk management team is formed. Crisis warning signals are continuously tracked and released, and processes and asset quality management are continuously improved. A lean risk control system is established to reduce risk losses and create benefits for the enterprise.
Abstract: Under the background of strict regulation, due to the cyclical adjustment of the financial leasing industry, some top companies have maintained a growth trend in asset size and net profit. Internal differentiation has emerged in the financial leasing industry, increasing operational pressure, and a slowing trend in asset size growth. Although the o...
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Research Article
Navigating Organization Dynamics: The Real-World Example of Condominium Life in Sicily During the COVID-19 Era in Late 2022-2023
Romina Fucà*
Serena Cubico
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
24 April 2024
23 May 2024
13 June 2024
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, especially in shared living environments. This study explores the behavior of 39 residents, aged 17 to 91, in a Sicilian condominium, focusing on adherence to socio-juridical mandates and sanitation protocols in communal spaces post-2020 pandemic. The research builds on a previous study that examined the impact of COVID-19 during the first wave, considering factors such as meeting cancellations, social distancing, and mask mandates. The objective is to understand how these factors influenced collective decision-making during and after the pandemic and to assess the alignment of individual actions with collective goals. The present quantitative analysis investigates the trade-offs in collective decision-making, emphasizing the role of shared responsibility in mitigating risks and fostering cooperation. This study underscores the importance of condominium administrators and legal support in promoting cooperative dynamics and socio-juridical precautions for economic resilience. Metrics such as β** (ratio of individual benefit to community benefit) and θ** (ratio of individual self-interest) are introduced to quantify their impact on decision-making processes and societal norms. Finally, this research highlights the significance of coordinated efforts and the need for effective socio-juridical frameworks to enhance communal living and ensure collective well-being during crises.
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, especially in shared living environments. This study explores the behavior of 39 residents, aged 17 to 91, in a Sicilian condominium, focusing on adherence to socio-juridical mandates and sanitation protocols in communal spaces post-2020 pandemic. The research builds on a previous study that e...
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Research Article
Relationship Marketing and Customers’ Satisfaction of Selected Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
24 May 2024
15 June 2024
27 June 2024
Abstract: This study examined the influence of relationship marketing on customer satisfaction among selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. The research design used was a survey. The population of the study consisted of all customers of the top five performing deposit money banks from six states in southwest Nigeria. A stratified random sampling technique was employed to determine the sample size. Cochran's formula was utilized to determine the overall sample size, resulting in a total of three hundred and eighty-four (384) participants. Data were obtained through self-administered questionnaire of three hundred and eighty-four (384), while three hundred and twenty-one (321) copies of questionnaire were adequately filled, returned and used for the research. Inferential statistics used was linear regression and Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23 was used for data analysis. The result revealed that commitment is 0.732 with t = 6.948 and (p = 0.000 < 0.05); empathy is 0.696 with t = 15.901 and (p = 0.000 < 0.05. The study concluded that relationship marketing variables have a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. The study recommended that bank employees should improve the level of commitment among their customers and treat them with outstanding service in order to boost customer’s satisfaction. Also, bank staff members should improve the working atmosphere for the customers’ conveniences; attend quickly to customers whenever issues arise with their account, and show empathetic ability in order to satisfy the customers.
Abstract: This study examined the influence of relationship marketing on customer satisfaction among selected deposit money banks in Nigeria. The research design used was a survey. The population of the study consisted of all customers of the top five performing deposit money banks from six states in southwest Nigeria. A stratified random sampling technique ...
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