Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Walking Tractor Rental Service in Northwestern Ethiopia
Workineh Yenewa,
Tsegaye Molla
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022
31 December 2021
6 April 2022
14 April 2022
Downloads: 49
Views: 648
Abstract: This study was designed to measure farmers’ willingness to pay for walking tractor rental service. Specifically, this study addresses how much they are willing to pay and what factors hinder farmers' WTP for walking tractor technology. Accordingly, CVM questionnaire was designed and face-to-face interviews were made to collect the data. One and one-half bounded contingent valuation format followed by an open-ended question was applied to elicit farmers' WTP for walking tractor rental service. For this study, a multi-stage sampling technique was applied to select representative samples. Finally, primary data were collected from 197 randomly selected sample respondents. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and Tobit econometric model. About 80.53% of the sampled farmers were willing to pay for walking tractor rental service. The CV survey revealed that the mean WTP of smallholder farmers for walking tractor rental service was 718.50 ETB per timad. Moreover, the model result indicated that land size, suitability of the land, annual income, model farmers, and training had positive and statistically significant effect on WTP of smallholder farmers for walking tractor rental service. However, age had a significant and negative effect on WTP of smallholder farmers. The findings imply that researchers, policymakers as well as zone and woreda agriculture office and development workers should consider age, land size, suitability of the land, annual income, model farmers, and training variables to provide walking tractor service.
Abstract: This study was designed to measure farmers’ willingness to pay for walking tractor rental service. Specifically, this study addresses how much they are willing to pay and what factors hinder farmers' WTP for walking tractor technology. Accordingly, CVM questionnaire was designed and face-to-face interviews were made to collect the data. One and one...
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The Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in Achieving Socio-economic Development of Its Members: In Case of Addiskidam Town, Gojam
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022
25 February 2022
7 April 2022
14 April 2022
Downloads: 103
Views: 1123
Abstract: This research was conducted on analyses of the Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in achieving Socioeconomic Development of its Members in Addiskidam town, Gojam, Ethiopia. Thus, the general objectives of the study was to examine Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in achieving Socioeconomic Development of its Members and more Specifically; to assess the socio-economic contribution of the agricultural cooperative for its members and to identify factors affecting the success of agricultural cooperatives in the study area. Multistage sampling technique was used; and the samples of 65households were interviewed. Both descriptive and econometric analysis was made so as to achieve objectives. This cooperative is a form of farmers multipurpose cooperative which is a village-based and community-based farmers’ cooperative with several socio-economic functions. The functions include supplying agricultural inputs, agricultural output marketing, and agricultural credit services. Data gathered were analyzed by using tables, and percentages. Using the Logistic Regression Model the study found that the variables, sex of household head, age of household head, educational level of household head, and income of household determine household’s socio-economic development. The first three variables, i.e. sex, age, and education were significant at 5% levels of significance. And the last variable, income of a household was significant at a 1% level of significance. Based on the results of this study, some challenges hinder the activities of the cooperative: lack of well-trained manpower, lack of member's education, and corruption are the major challenges to the activities of the cooperative. Besides, there were some recommendations for each problem that were arrived by us. So, there should be education for the members on how to keep financial and organizational records as well trained manpower and employees should be hired by the organization.
Abstract: This research was conducted on analyses of the Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in achieving Socioeconomic Development of its Members in Addiskidam town, Gojam, Ethiopia. Thus, the general objectives of the study was to examine Role of Agricultural Cooperatives in achieving Socioeconomic Development of its Members and more Specifically; to assess ...
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Wheat Commercialization and Its Determinant Factors in Walmara, Central Ethiopia
Addisu Getahun,
Gadisa Muleta
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022
28 February 2022
6 April 2022
14 April 2022
Downloads: 48
Views: 672
Abstract: In Ethiopia wheat is cultivated by more than 4.5 million farmers and covers more than 1.8 million hectares of the cultivated area of land. The objectives of the study were to identify factors affecting smallholders’ wheat market participation and the level of commercialization in the walmara district, central Ethiopia. The study was conducted based on the data obtained from 200 randomly selected sample households. To analyze the collected data obtained from sample households’ descriptive statistics and a Double hurdle econometric model was employed. The descriptive statistics results show that out of the total sample respondents 99 (49.5%) were wheat market participants and 101 (50.5%) were non-participants. The chi2-test result and two-group mean-comparison test show the existence of a statistically significant difference between two groups in some explanatory variables. The mean commercialization level of wheat farmers in the study areas was 37.3%. The results from the probit regression model revealed that the education level of household heads, total livestock owned, total land owned, and access to credit positively and significantly influence the likelihood of wheat market participation whereas household size significantly and negatively affects the likelihood of wheat market participation in the study areas. The Truncated regression model result infers that household size and off/non-farm income negatively and significantly affect the intensity of wheat commercialization whereas the frequency of extension contacts positively and significantly affects the intensity of wheat commercialization. Thus, to enhance smallholder farmers’ market-orientated production and to raise the intensity of wheat commercialization efforts of both Governmental and Non-governmental organizations aiming at availing improved wheat production technology and providing essential training on agricultural production and marketing are essential.
Abstract: In Ethiopia wheat is cultivated by more than 4.5 million farmers and covers more than 1.8 million hectares of the cultivated area of land. The objectives of the study were to identify factors affecting smallholders’ wheat market participation and the level of commercialization in the walmara district, central Ethiopia. The study was conducted based...
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Effect of COVID-19 on Trade in Case of Afar Regional State
Dagmawe Menelek Asfaw,
Abdurhman Kedir Ali,
Mohammed Adem Ali
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022
28 February 2022
6 April 2022
14 April 2022
Downloads: 35
Views: 665
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic will not only suppress economic growth, it will also adversely impact sustainable development, trade in the short run generally in the world and particular in Ethiopia, Afar. This study analyzed effect of COVID-19 on social welfare in case of Afar regional state, Ethiopia using panel data collected from a sample of 120 in Asyaita, Dubti Samara-logia and Awash town. To address the objective of the study, both descriptive statistics and econometric models were used to analyze the data. The descriptive analysis results revealed that the main source of income was emanated from self-employee (81.67%), from the total households 70% of them were engaged in service sector, due to COVID-19 the income trends of 81% households were decrease, increase expenditure on food & food items (13%) and on service delivering (15%). The econometrics model was based on panel data analysis from February 13, 2020 to June 13, 2020 to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on social welfare in the case of afar regional stated. After conducting necessary pre and post estimation test, we had found the following results. The econometrics model found that the three basic policy variables (number of COVID-19 victim, number of days with COVID-19 disease and transportation ban) were adversely affect welfare of the society by decreasing the income of households and increasing their expenditures. Finally, considering regional experience, econometric and descriptive results, this study recommends that the government and the concerned policy maker could undertake:- the government should give more attentions to service sector, supported those self-employee and daily laborer, make awareness to the society about COVID-19 epidemic, place alternative mechanism to fill potential trade gaps.
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic will not only suppress economic growth, it will also adversely impact sustainable development, trade in the short run generally in the world and particular in Ethiopia, Afar. This study analyzed effect of COVID-19 on social welfare in case of Afar regional state, Ethiopia using panel data collected from a sample of 120 in Asya...
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Research on Activating the Organizational Vitality of Chinese Technology Enterprises in Digital Age
Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022
8 April 2022
9 May 2022
19 May 2022
Downloads: 76
Views: 699
Abstract: The author has been engaged in management consulting practice for decades, and found that there are misunderstandings in the digital transformation of Chinese high-tech enterprises. They often take digital technology as the driving force of organizational transformation and invest a lot of resources and manpower, but the results do not achieve the expected results. Taking China Mobile, China Tower, Baidu, Hexin technology, Huawei and other Chinese high technology enterprises as empirical cases, and adopting the research methods of field investigation, interview and literature. This paper explores new organizational theory of enterprise digital transformation, "people-oriented" and "customer-oriented", stimulates organizational vitality as the internal driving force of digital transformation, and takes digital technology as the means of organizational transformation. This paper puts forward the paths and methods to effectively traction, stimulate, influence and evaluate the high potential talents of the organization's "human capital", restart the paradigm of organizational change, and stimulate the model of organizational vitality and efficiency.
Abstract: The author has been engaged in management consulting practice for decades, and found that there are misunderstandings in the digital transformation of Chinese high-tech enterprises. They often take digital technology as the driving force of organizational transformation and invest a lot of resources and manpower, but the results do not achieve the ...
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