The Use of Amharic Language in Anywaa Nationality Zone, Gambella People’s National Regional State and Its Socio-Economic Effects on the Anywaa Nationality, Ethiopia
Jemal Endris Dawud,
John Omot
Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2023
29 March 2023
23 April 2023
10 May 2023
Abstract: This study's major goal is to evaluate the socioeconomic impacts of the anywaa Nationality of the Abobo and Gog district in the Gambella People's National Regional State's anywaa Nationality Zone's use of the Amharic language. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies have been employed to complete the study's stated objectives. In order to achieve the aforementioned objective, the study used qualitative data collection techniques like interviews, observation, and focus group discussions to collect primary data from a number of informants in the Anywaa Nationality zone of the Abob and Gog district. There were 129 informants in the study overall. The secondary data source was assembled from published and unpublished sources, including books, journals, and other research initiatives. This study also employed non-probability and probability sampling techniques to reach its objectives. Simple random procedures and purposive sample strategies were utilized in probability sampling techniques. The findings of this study demonstrate that no new employment opportunities for the local populace were created, and Amharic was not employed as an official working language. Amharic was neither spoken nor written in the majority of the communities in the study area. The study also points out the serious drawbacks of using Amharic as the only working language for local development. One of the primary barriers preventing individuals from visiting the study region is the majority of agriculture agencies' poor Amharic proficiency. As a result, it posed a sizable barrier to community growth and had an impact on the socioeconomic status of the studied region both directly and indirectly.
Abstract: This study's major goal is to evaluate the socioeconomic impacts of the anywaa Nationality of the Abobo and Gog district in the Gambella People's National Regional State's anywaa Nationality Zone's use of the Amharic language. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies have been employed to complete the study's stated objectives. In order to a...
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Identify the Factors Which Affect to Risk Management Efficiency of the Banks: Evidence from Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka
Balasoooriya Mudiyanselage Wasanthi Shyamika Balasoooriya
Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2023
30 March 2023
4 May 2023
18 May 2023
Abstract: Key financial indicator in banking system is capital adequacy ratio is considered. This ratio was approved by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The main objective of this study was examining and identifying the factors affecting to risk management efficiency in domestic licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka. As well as to find out what is the relationship between capital adequacy ratio and each risk factors. To achieve my research objectives, various type of analytical methods uses to analysis the data: Descriptive Analysis, Unit Root Test, Correlation and Coefficient Regression Analysis, The Hausman’s test and Hypothesis Testing. The sample of this study is 12 licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka. There are 13 domestic licensed commercial banks and one bank has removed due to deviations of the data. A nature of this study is quantitative and annual data got period from 2013 to 2018. The Capital adequacy ratio use as the dependent variable and Credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, profitability, operational efficiency, and bank size were used as independent variables. The results of the study revealed that credit risk, liquidity risk, profitability and operational efficiency has a significant impact on capital adequacy ratio and credit risk, liquidity risk and profitability share a positive significant relationship with the capital adequacy ratio. Further, operational efficiency has a negative significant relationship with the capital adequacy ratio and market risk and bank size did not show an impact on the on the risk management efficiency. The study concluded that the independents variables have a high impact on the dependent variable and explanatory power of the model is approximately 66%.
Abstract: Key financial indicator in banking system is capital adequacy ratio is considered. This ratio was approved by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The main objective of this study was examining and identifying the factors affecting to risk management efficiency in domestic licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka. As well as to find out what i...
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Inflation Forecasting Using Automatic ARIMA Model in Sri Lanka
Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2023
11 April 2023
10 May 2023
24 May 2023
Abstract: Elevated inflation again has been a key macroeconomic problem that impacts negatively on economic activities in recent times. Inflation is widely used as a short run monetary policy tool that has impact on redistribution of resources through price transmission mechanism in economies. Forecasting is also a challenging task with high volatilities of the price index that use to measure inflation. However, inflation forecasts are essential in setting monetary policy targets and the decision-making process in the short run. In Sri Lanka inflation recorded at its highest level ever in the year 2022 reversing its single digit inflation maintained in a decade. The aim of this paper is to estimate an inflation forecasting model using Automatic ARIMA technique in Sri Lanka employing data from 2014M01 to 2023M01 towards forecasting end point to end 2024, using secondary sourced monthly data. Accordingly, Colombo Consumer Price Index shows a further upward trend forecasting range given in CCPIC index point from 224 to 260 during the period for inflation measured using year on year base is in declining trend, below 10 per cent, but not par equal to the mid-single level as per the data, CCPI 2013=100. Given the demand full inflation factors, policies to encourage supply and production are recommended in the medium term.
Abstract: Elevated inflation again has been a key macroeconomic problem that impacts negatively on economic activities in recent times. Inflation is widely used as a short run monetary policy tool that has impact on redistribution of resources through price transmission mechanism in economies. Forecasting is also a challenging task with high volatilities of ...
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The Impact of Monetary Policy on the Economy: A Case of Sri Lanka
Morawaggoda Kankanamalage Tharaka Nayana Hansi
Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2023
26 April 2023
19 May 2023
5 June 2023
Downloads: 260
Views: 1004
Abstract: Central Banks (CB) formulate and implement monetary policy as a stabilization policy to achieve macroeconomic goals of countries’ economic growth while maintaining low and steady inflation. Accordingly, this study focuses on empirical investigation of the impact of monetary policy to the macroeconomic variables in the Sri Lankan economy. This study uses the recursive Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) methodology to determine the impact of monetary policy decisions on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Inflation, Weighted Average Call Money Rate (WACMR) and Exchange of Sri Lanka. The model captures time series data from 1990 to 2016 on a quarterly basis. The econometrics estimate follows cholesky factorizations to determine the contemporaneous impact on policy shocks to the given macroeconomic variables. The results of the study are interpreted by the variance decomposition and impulse response function. Further, the results of are broadly consistent with the theoretical expectations and empirical studies. The study finds that there is a positive impact of money supply growth to the GDP and negative relationship of interest rate to the GDP and to the exchange rate. But this analysis study fails to provide a significant relationship of money to inflation during the selected period. Hence, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) must keep their attention on new policy formulations to strengthen aforementioned relationship. Further, this comprehensive assessment on monetary policy transmission towards key macroeconomic variables reduces the research gap in this field of economics in Sri Lanka.
Abstract: Central Banks (CB) formulate and implement monetary policy as a stabilization policy to achieve macroeconomic goals of countries’ economic growth while maintaining low and steady inflation. Accordingly, this study focuses on empirical investigation of the impact of monetary policy to the macroeconomic variables in the Sri Lankan economy. This study...
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Causal Relationship Between Climate and Financial Sector: A Systematic Literature Review and Policy Recommendations
Palvinder Kaur,
Manminder Kaur
Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2023
3 May 2023
25 May 2023
5 June 2023
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to give a brief overview of what economists have attempted to study concerning climate change. Climate change and the financial system must be understood holistically. Our awareness of the immediate effects of climate disasters is also crucial, even though most studies focus on distant effects. We will examine the climate change relationship with financial system, and will discuss strategies that the financial sector could possibly implement for addressing climate change. This study identifies the causal relationships between the financial system and climate change, including adaptation and mitigation in the short period and concentrates on three specific areas, including bank behavior, asset prices, and insurance and, thus, it is found that both climate change and the financial sector are deeply entwined. As a result, this study aims to investigate the interactions and to make recommendations for policy makers.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to give a brief overview of what economists have attempted to study concerning climate change. Climate change and the financial system must be understood holistically. Our awareness of the immediate effects of climate disasters is also crucial, even though most studies focus on distant effects. We will examine the cli...
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Influence of Enterprise Decision Making on Agribusiness Loans Default Rate in Agricultural Finance Corporation, Mount Kenya Region
M’Muruku Salesio Miriti,
Gathungu Geofrey Kingori,
Mwirigi Rael Nkatha
Volume 11, Issue 2, June 2023
12 May 2023
29 May 2023
9 June 2023
Abstract: Farming projects funded using Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) capital are successful due to input of effective and efficient decisions. Farmer decisions have been observed to affect the loan default rate. The default rate for these loans has been reported to be 20.33%, which by standards is high since the yardstick for all types of loans in Kenya is 10%. This study aimed at establishing the influence of enterprise decision making on AFC loan default rate in Mount Kenya Region. Descriptive research design was used to study a population of 3,002 agribusiness borrowers in the 11-branch network region. Using systematic random sampling with an interval of 10, a sample of 300 respondents was obtained. Primary data on enterprise decision making was collected using a structured questionnaire. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS V.27) and Stata version 15 was used to analyse data. To establish the effect of variables in estimating default rate, regression analysis was utilized. F-statistic was derived by performing ANOVA. The econometric model that was used to specify the statistical relationship between the independent variable and AFC loan default was binary logistic regression which showed that the all the four indicators of enterprise decision making that were used in the model explained 36.98% of AFC loan default rate. Results of the study revealed that agricultural enterprise diversification was significant at 5% while implementation of purposed project, land size and land use dynamics were significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels of significance. Agricultural enterprise diversification and implementation of purposed project were found to have 7.6% and 6% associations with default respectively. In mitigation of default, borrowers should make decisions of using good agricultural practices of enterprise diversification and avoid diverting their loans to non-agribusiness projects. They should also make decisions on reasonable landholding which should be engaged in production while paying attention to dynamics of land use in regard to parcel purposes and consolidation. Farmers may utilize the output of this study to make effective and proficient decisions about good agricultural practices that are motivated by integration of credit into farming. The study recommends resource use-efficiency by encouraging borrowers to adopt land use and credit use strategies, use effective farming technologies, adopt risk mitigation through insurance schemes and form common interest groups to tap the dynamic externalities of grouping.
Abstract: Farming projects funded using Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) capital are successful due to input of effective and efficient decisions. Farmer decisions have been observed to affect the loan default rate. The default rate for these loans has been reported to be 20.33%, which by standards is high since the yardstick for all types of loans in ...
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