A Collaborative Decision Approach for Internet Public Opinion Emergency with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Value
Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2019
18 November 2018
11 December 2018
21 January 2019
Downloads: 149
Views: 1386
Abstract: This paper presents a collaborative group decision approach for selecting optimal internet public opinion emergency plan with intuitionistic fuzzy indexes involved multiple emergency sections. By using the proposed emergency group decision model, the collective performance of each emergency plan can be properly evaluated by integrating its individual performance and collaborative performance of each emergency plan. Based on the score and accuracy value of intuitionistic fuzzy collective performance, the priority ranking of all the alternative emergency plans can be determined. With the presented collective emergency decision method the top emergency decision-maker can choose the best emergency plan to deal with the internet public opinion emergency and execute emergency operation. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the presented collaborative decision method for internet public opinion emergency.
Abstract: This paper presents a collaborative group decision approach for selecting optimal internet public opinion emergency plan with intuitionistic fuzzy indexes involved multiple emergency sections. By using the proposed emergency group decision model, the collective performance of each emergency plan can be properly evaluated by integrating its individu...
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An Application of Goal Programming: The Best Route to Discover a Wonderful West Sumatera
Adhe Afriani,
Habibis Saleh,
Moh Danil Hendry Gamal
Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2019
7 January 2019
1 February 2019
22 February 2019
Downloads: 171
Views: 1366
Abstract: This study presents an application of nonpreemptive goal programming to find the best route to visit tourist sites in West Sumatera. The goal programming model is constructed based on traveling salesman problem. This study involves seven cities which can be connected by road network in West Sumatera. In this study, two cases are considered with the assumption that the tourists start to self-drive from different city. The results show that the goal programming based on traveling salesman problem model gives a route with minimum distance, time, and traveling cost compared to the traditional route.
Abstract: This study presents an application of nonpreemptive goal programming to find the best route to visit tourist sites in West Sumatera. The goal programming model is constructed based on traveling salesman problem. This study involves seven cities which can be connected by road network in West Sumatera. In this study, two cases are considered with the...
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Resource Optimization in a Fashion Firm: A Goal Programming Approach
Eronmose Endurance Ajayi-Daniels
Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2019
27 December 2018
31 January 2019
28 February 2019
Abstract: This study adopted a multi-objective optimization model for a fashion firm using goal programming approach. This was done by optimizing several conflicting objectives at once by using an optimization tool in Linear Programming Solver (LiPs) software. The research objective of optimizing resources in a fashion firm was achieved through the utilization of goal programming whereby goals were prioritized according to importance. The study had three priority level goals and for each priority goal optimum solution was provided. The findings showed that for priority level one the avoidance of overtime, 8 hours is the optimum time as against the 10 hours working time; priority level two showed that a profit of N8,000 is realizable as earlier targeted and priority level three showed that the firm can meet its set goal of 3 garments daily. The study concludes that with efficient use of resources, set goals can be achieved.
Abstract: This study adopted a multi-objective optimization model for a fashion firm using goal programming approach. This was done by optimizing several conflicting objectives at once by using an optimization tool in Linear Programming Solver (LiPs) software. The research objective of optimizing resources in a fashion firm was achieved through the utilizati...
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Personnel Management in Local Government Performance — A Case Study of Bo City Council, Sierra Leone
Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2019
30 June 2018
26 February 2019
19 March 2019
Abstract: Since the end of the decade-long civil war in 2002, the Sierra Leone government has made a great stride towards the recovery and rebuilding of livelihoods of the people. The government has also gone the extra length to involve the local communities in active decision-making in the government decentralization drive, giving the people the opportunity to directly bring in and implement developments in their own local communities. Witheven the improvements in local councils in Sierra Leone, however, the managerial system of the local councils still require significant further development. It is argued that a sound management system is the most critical tool necessary for organizational development. In other words, well-trained and qualified managerial personnel in Sierra Leone’s local councils will lay the basis for successful and sustainable local councils in the country. This article reviewed and examined the role of effective personnel management on the success and sustainability of local councils. The success of a local council is measured in terms of the developments brought, implemented and approved by the local communities. Then sustainability of a local council is measured in the ability of the council to raise revolving funds from the implemented development programs for reinvestment into further development based on the needs hierarchy of the people and their communities. The study discussed the managerial problems encountered by local councils in the course of delivering administrative functions in the local communities. Finally, it highlighted the importance of active personnel management in government decentralization in the delivery of public services towards sustainable community development.
Abstract: Since the end of the decade-long civil war in 2002, the Sierra Leone government has made a great stride towards the recovery and rebuilding of livelihoods of the people. The government has also gone the extra length to involve the local communities in active decision-making in the government decentralization drive, giving the people the opportunity...
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G-Numbers: Importance-Necessity Concept in Uncertain Environment
Saeid Jafarzadeh Ghoushchi,
Mohammad Khazaeili
Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2019
20 March 2019
6 May 2019
30 May 2019
Abstract: Decisions are mainly grounded on information; therefore, the information should have the least ambiguity and uncertainty to make beneficial and reliable decisions. Many concepts such as fuzzy sets theory, Z-Numbers, and D-Numbers, have been proposed. All the previous concepts have some desirable properties while they do not consider the concept of necessity. In this paper, a new concept, named as G-numbers is proposed to reduce the uncertainty of information based on importance and necessity concepts. In a G-numbers, G= (I, N), I is the Importance component and N is the Necessity component on the real-valued uncertain variables. In general, I and N are described as linguistic variables, Examples: an appointment (high, very high); investment in the stock market (high, medium). An ordered pair relates to computations with G-numbers. In this study, the concept of a G-number is introduced, and the arithmetic operations on G-numbers are presented. Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach. The concept of G-numbers can be used for a wide range of practical issues in various areas, such as inter alia, social, economic, and risk assessment, and decision-making.
Abstract: Decisions are mainly grounded on information; therefore, the information should have the least ambiguity and uncertainty to make beneficial and reliable decisions. Many concepts such as fuzzy sets theory, Z-Numbers, and D-Numbers, have been proposed. All the previous concepts have some desirable properties while they do not consider the concept of ...
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