Scheduling Problem of Shared Car Based on Fish Swarm Algorithm
Linlin Shen,
Xiaodong Pan,
Jingbo Zhou,
Longcheng Xing
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2018
9 July 2018
2 August 2018
31 August 2018
Downloads: 110
Views: 1638
Abstract: In order to improve the utilization and competitiveness of shared vehicles, the emerging car sharing system tends to provide one-way mode without reservation and allow remote borrowing. Unbooked one-way vehicle sharing system is characterized by the opening of vehicle mobility, allowing vehicles to return at other stations. But it leads to the imbalance of demand distribution in a certain period of time. When the demand is satisfied and the trip is completed, the vehicle will deviate from the original layout. The subsequent demand for areas with large demand can not be met, and vehicles with low demand are idle. This paper considers the sustainable development of shared car rental companies. In order to optimize the profit of shared car rental enterprises and enhance their competitiveness, intelligent algorithm is used to optimize the scheduling of vehicles with different outlets. So as to maximize service quality and company profits. First, a mathematical model for the scheduling of shared car is established. Secondly, different scheduling strategies are designed for different network scheduling. At last, an artificial fish swarm algorithm is used to analyze the case in MATLAB. There are two car outlets in the car rental company, with a maximum of 20 cars available for lease at each location, and the most profitable scheduling method when the most of the 5 cars are scheduled to be transferred every day.
Abstract: In order to improve the utilization and competitiveness of shared vehicles, the emerging car sharing system tends to provide one-way mode without reservation and allow remote borrowing. Unbooked one-way vehicle sharing system is characterized by the opening of vehicle mobility, allowing vehicles to return at other stations. But it leads to the imba...
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Study Key Factors in Selecting Proper Location for Insurance Branches
Sahar Ataee Ashtiani,
Alimohamad Ahmadvand,
Hossein Eghbali
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2018
30 June 2017
1 December 2017
13 September 2018
Abstract: Choosing the proper location is one of the most important implementation activities in industrial engineering for large-scale projects. So far, most researches has been done in this field. Location studies location is such important that today, it is used for places on the agenda, but these proceedings must be based on scientific approaches. Appropriate studies for location, in addition to the economic impact, has an influence on the performance of industrial units, social, environmental, cultural and economic affects in the constructed area. In this article we have tried to identify key factors to select proper place for insurance branches to be totally scientific, so that the ultimate decision maker ensures that the process of site selection be precise and comprehensive and make sure that it is not based on personal judgment. In this process it is important to consider all factors in location optimal insurance branches as well as the views of different interest groups in the deployment location.
Abstract: Choosing the proper location is one of the most important implementation activities in industrial engineering for large-scale projects. So far, most researches has been done in this field. Location studies location is such important that today, it is used for places on the agenda, but these proceedings must be based on scientific approaches. Approp...
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A Novel Algorithm Between Fuzzy Number’s Distance in Facility Location
Elahe Abdoos,
Alimohamad Ahmadvand,
Hossein Eghbali
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2018
19 June 2017
29 June 2017
19 September 2018
Abstract: Measuring the distance is one of the most important components in planning industrial units. Since human words and reasons are vague and imprecise, the distance between fuzzy numbers in most industrial units is required in real-world decision-making and planning. In many cases, ranking occur in fuzzy conditions which obtained information is uncertain, thus it creates a possibility of confusion for the designer in ranking problems. In this study, first the importance and application of distance in industrial units ranking and expressed some ranking methods are dealt, then a new algorithm will be provided for the distance between two fuzzy numbers which is more precise and quicker than previous methods. The proposed method can be a very suitable management strategy to implement it in reality.
Abstract: Measuring the distance is one of the most important components in planning industrial units. Since human words and reasons are vague and imprecise, the distance between fuzzy numbers in most industrial units is required in real-world decision-making and planning. In many cases, ranking occur in fuzzy conditions which obtained information is uncerta...
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Fuzzy Comprehensive Model of Quantitative Evaluation of College Student Party Members' Evaluation Indexes
Guoming Jian,
Cuidan Chen
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2018
16 September 2018
7 November 2018
3 December 2018
Abstract: With the rapid development of education, the number of college student party members has risen due to the expansion of university enrollment. However, the quality curve of college student party members is declining. They have a series of problems in their personal motivation and leading role. Constructing the evaluation indexes and quantitative assessment system for college students are not only the inevitable requirement for the Party Central Committee to improve the quality of party members, but also the necessary means to establish and improve the quality and quantity system for college students. This paper sets the five aspects of the political quality, daily performance, learning ability, work ability and innovation ability of college student party members as the first-level evaluation indexes, and adopts five principles such as the principle of directional assessment, the combination of qualitative and quantitative assessment principle, comprehensive principle, operability principle, diversity and multi-level principle. Each first-level evaluation index is refined into several secondary evaluation indexes. Through using the variation coefficient method, double weight method, parameter classification method and the like, we’ve given the specific steps to establish this fuzzy comprehensive model of the quantitative evaluation of college student party members' evaluation indexes so as to evaluate the overall quality of college student party members. Finally, an example is given to verify the rationality and accuracy of the proposed model.
Abstract: With the rapid development of education, the number of college student party members has risen due to the expansion of university enrollment. However, the quality curve of college student party members is declining. They have a series of problems in their personal motivation and leading role. Constructing the evaluation indexes and quantitative ass...
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