Action Research On: Improving Participationof Group Members in Group Work, in Case of Mathematics Department, Bule Hora University
Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2020
13 June 2020
23 June 2020
10 August 2020
Downloads: 137
Views: 1193
Abstract: Group work is defined by as a cooperative process that allows people to achieve extraordinary results also explain that a group has a common goal or purpose where group members can develop effective, mutual relationships to achieve team goals. The problem identified is less participation of members of the groups is the common problem observed in section Mathematics students at Bule Hora University. Thus, the researchers were motivated to conduct this study to recognize root causes of real problem and to give immediate curative solutions. The objective of this study is to identify problems that lead to poor participation of group members in group work. And to identify poorly participating individuals from the group. The role of effective uses of group activities as a teaching method can promote the students learning experience and help teachers’ to introduce and implement new teaching techniques. We believe that the level of students’ participation in group will be strengthened if they are evaluated on the basis of individual contribution to all courses than in a single course alone as well as by circulating the group leader and random assigning of the presenters.
Abstract: Group work is defined by as a cooperative process that allows people to achieve extraordinary results also explain that a group has a common goal or purpose where group members can develop effective, mutual relationships to achieve team goals. The problem identified is less participation of members of the groups is the common problem observed in se...
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A Step by Step Guide on Derivation and Analysis of a New Numerical Method for Solving Fourth-order Ordinary Differential Equations
Ezekiel Olaoluwa Omole,
Luke Azeta Ukpebor
Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2020
25 April 2020
18 May 2020
23 September 2020
Abstract: This manuscript presents a step by step guide on derivation and analysis of a new numerical method to solve initial value problem of fourth order ordinary differential equations. The method adopted hybrid techniques using power series as the basic function. Collocation of the fourth derivatives was done at both grid and off-grid points. The interpolation of the approximate function is also taken at the first four points. The complete derivation of the new technique is introduced and shown here, as well as the full analysis of the method. The discrete schemes and its first, second, and third derivatives were combined together and solved simultaneously to obtain the required 32 family of block integrators. The block integrators are then applied to solve problem. The method was tested on a linear system of equations of fourth order ordinary differential equation in order to check the practicability and reliability of the proposed method. The results are displaced in tables; it converges faster and uses smaller time for its computations. The basic properties of the method were examined, the method has order of accuracy p=10, the method is zero stable, consistence, convergence and absolutely stable. In future study, we will investigate the feasibility, convergence, and accuracy of the method by on some standard complex boundary value problems of fourth order ordinary differential equations. The extension of this new numerical method will be illustrated and comparison will also be made with some existing methods.
Abstract: This manuscript presents a step by step guide on derivation and analysis of a new numerical method to solve initial value problem of fourth order ordinary differential equations. The method adopted hybrid techniques using power series as the basic function. Collocation of the fourth derivatives was done at both grid and off-grid points. The interpo...
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