A New Construction of Spheres Via Soft Real Numbers and Soft Points
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2018
23 August 2018
19 September 2018
12 October 2018
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Abstract: This study is intended as an attempt to bring together the areas of spheres, soft real numbers and soft points. Relating spheres to soft real numbers and soft points provides a natural and intrinsic construction of soft spheres. In this paper a new construction of spheres is provided via soft real numbers and soft points. This new construction sheds light on soft sphere applications for analyzing the locus of them. Also, several related results have been obtained. It is proved that spheres play an important role in the theory of soft metric spaces with taking into consideration soft points. This viewpoint sheds some new light on soft sphere examples and drawings for analyzing the locus of them. This new approach may be the starting point for soft mathematical concepts and structures based on soft set-theoric operations in soft metric spaces and stimulate the reader to further research.
Abstract: This study is intended as an attempt to bring together the areas of spheres, soft real numbers and soft points. Relating spheres to soft real numbers and soft points provides a natural and intrinsic construction of soft spheres. In this paper a new construction of spheres is provided via soft real numbers and soft points. This new construction shed...
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Statistical Averaging Method and New Statistical Averaging Method for Solving Extreme Point Multi–Objective Linear Programming Problem
Samsun Nahar,
Samima Akther,
Mohammad Abdul Alim
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2018
2 October 2018
26 October 2018
14 November 2018
Abstract: In this paper, statistical averaging method (arithmetic mean, geometric mean) and new statistical averaging method (new arithmetic mean, new geometric mean) have been proposed for extreme point multi-objective linear programming problem (EPMOLPP). Extreme point can be taken from graphical representation of linear programming problem (LPP). Graphical solution of LPP has been discussed in this research The objective of this method is for making single objective from multi-objective extreme point linear programming problem. Chandra Sen’s method is for making single objective from multi-objective linear programming problem (MOLPP). Here Chandra Sen’s method has also been used to solve EPMOLPP. An algorithm and program solution have been given for our proposed method to solve such type of problems. A numerical example is given and the result in Table 2 indicates that the proposed technique gives better results.
Abstract: In this paper, statistical averaging method (arithmetic mean, geometric mean) and new statistical averaging method (new arithmetic mean, new geometric mean) have been proposed for extreme point multi-objective linear programming problem (EPMOLPP). Extreme point can be taken from graphical representation of linear programming problem (LPP). Graphica...
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Chaos Suppression of a Class of Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems with Order Lying in (1, 2)
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2018
25 September 2018
30 October 2018
4 December 2018
Abstract: It is shown that fractional-order (FO) nonlinear systems can also show higher nonlinearity and complex dynamics. FO chaotic systems have wider applications in secure communication, signal processing, financial field due to FO chaos has larger key space and more complex random sequences than integer-order chaos. Thanks to the lack of the effective analytical methods and controller design methods of integer-order chaotic systems can not be applied directly to FO chaos systems, to control chaos of FO chaotic systems is a very interesting and difficult problem, especially for FO chaotic system with order α:1<α<2. Based on the stability theory of FO systems and the linear state feedback control, an LMI criterion for controlling a class of fractional-order chaotic systems with fractional-order α:1<α<2 is addressed in this paper. The proposed method can be easily verified and resolved by using the Matlab LMI toolbox. Moreover, the proposed controller is linear, easy to implement and overcome some defects in the recent literature, which have improved the existing results. The method employed in this letter can effectively avoid control cost and inaccuracy in the literatures, and can be be applied to FO hyperchaos systems and synchronization controller design of FO chaotic system. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the validity and feasibility of the proposed methods.
Abstract: It is shown that fractional-order (FO) nonlinear systems can also show higher nonlinearity and complex dynamics. FO chaotic systems have wider applications in secure communication, signal processing, financial field due to FO chaos has larger key space and more complex random sequences than integer-order chaos. Thanks to the lack of the effective a...
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