Community Driven Beach Management Practices: Case Study Velas, Kelshi, Anjarla Villages of India
Deepti Sharma,
Nisha Pandey
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2020
1 May 2019
17 June 2019
7 January 2020
Downloads: 240
Views: 1096
Abstract: The beaches of Konkan are scenic and attractive from the tourism point of view. At the same time, they are rich in intertidal and marine biodiversity. The same natural resource used by various stakeholders has historically led to conflicts and managerial issues. An important dimension worth noting is that natural resources have their rate of renewability that may not match the price at which they are being harvested. Therefore, in the best interest of all, it is desirable that natural resource depletion is minimised and best management practices are strictly followed. The first step is to identify all possible stakeholders in the management of the concerned natural resource. Secondly, they will have to be made aware of the situation and thirdly, by involving all of them, equitable distribution of funds based firmly on the foundation of sustainable use and resource replenishment is achieved. On this background, this study provides a state of the situation of the beach of three study villages – Velas, Kelshi and Anjarla in Konkan region. In the initial part of this report, an overview of management challenges and policy provisions for beaches is provided. This is followed by a section on the setting of the study villages and study methodology. In the following sections, existing practices related to the beach in the study villages are explained. In the concluding section a brief of beach management in all study villages and follow up action is provided.
Abstract: The beaches of Konkan are scenic and attractive from the tourism point of view. At the same time, they are rich in intertidal and marine biodiversity. The same natural resource used by various stakeholders has historically led to conflicts and managerial issues. An important dimension worth noting is that natural resources have their rate of renewa...
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Performance of 1550 nm VCSEL at 10 Gb/s in G.655 and G.652 SSMF
Henry Chepkoiwo Cherutoi,
Kennedy Mwaura Muguro,
David Wafula Waswa,
Enoch Rotich Kipnoo,
Duncan Kiboi Boiyo,
George Mosoti Isoe,
Andrew Leitch,
Timothy Gibbon
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2020
19 July 2019
2 January 2020
10 January 2020
Downloads: 233
Views: 1184
Abstract: Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) are now major optical sources in optical communication and technology. The VCSEL-based transmission systems satisfy the next generation optical fibre access networks requirements such as low output power, low threshold currents, no optical amplification and use of single fibre for signal transmission. High speed and long wavelength 1550 nm VCSEL are attractive candidates for use in short distance transmission system due to its cost effectiveness and low drive currents. The performance of VCSEL, especially with respect to the low output power characteristics, has made significant progress. However, dispersion and attenuation is a major hurdle to VCSELs transmission at bit rate of 10 Gb/s and above. In this study, we experimentally and theoretically evaluate the capability of 1550 nm VCSEL to operate upto 10 Gb/s on G.655 and G.652 fibres. We present VCSEL characterization and BER performance as a function of received power. A 1550 nm VCSEL was directly modulated with 10 Gb/s NRZ PRBS 27-1 and transmitted over 25 km ITU. T G.652 and ITU. T G.655 fibres. Error free transmission (with bit error rate, BER, of 10-9) over 25 km G.655 single mode fibre (SMF) has been demonstrated. The Q factor was used theoretically to quantify the performance of the VCSEL. The Q factor increased with the increase in the output power at the receiver. High Q factor values of 6 and above were achieved when 1550 nm VCSEL was transmitted over G.655 fibre. These results show the feasibility of long-wavelength VCSELs in the deployment of enhanced optical access networks.
Abstract: Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) are now major optical sources in optical communication and technology. The VCSEL-based transmission systems satisfy the next generation optical fibre access networks requirements such as low output power, low threshold currents, no optical amplification and use of single fibre for signal transmission...
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Information and Communication Technology and Sustainable Performance of Selected Listed Deposits Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria
Adegbie Folajimi Festus,
Kehinde Olawale Kazeem,
Owolabi Babatunde Ayodeji
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2020
24 February 2020
26 March 2020
12 May 2020
Downloads: 206
Views: 1037
Abstract: In recent times, performance declined in the Nigerian banks with an imminent systemic poor operational and financial performance of the financial sector, could have a grave effect on the economy entirely. Also, lack of knowledge and inappropriate applications of ICT tools and techniques has resulted to poor sustainable performance of most Nigeria banks and this has led to continuous low profitability of the banks. Hence, the need to examine how ICT tools can enhance sustainable performance of banks. This research study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design with the use of structured questionnaire, which was designed to obtain data from respondents. The study population comprised all top and middle strategic managers of the 19 quoted deposit money banks in Nigeria as at the end of 2019 with a total of 3,407 staff, Stratified random sampling method was also used for the selection of 510 deposit money banks’ employees from the selected banks branches. The result of findings show that ICT dimensions (mobile banking, online banking, automated teller machine and bankers automated clearing service) has significant effect on customer loyalty ((Adj. R2 of 0.938F-statistic(4, 470)=180.142, p<0.05). Also on customer satisfaction (Adj. R2) of 0.903 000 (F-statistic(4, 470)=149.584, p<0.05). Also on profitability of selected deposit money banks in Lagos state, Nigeria (Adj. R2 of 0.915, (F-statistic(4, 470)=160.440, p<0.05). The result also shows that ICT dimensions have significant effect on service delivery (Adj. R2 of 0.635, F-statistic(4, 470)=206.603, p<0.05). These implies that deposit money banks should improve policies that strengthen its employment of ICT dimensions as this will enhance the overall performance and performance sustainability of the deposit money banks in Nigeria.
Abstract: In recent times, performance declined in the Nigerian banks with an imminent systemic poor operational and financial performance of the financial sector, could have a grave effect on the economy entirely. Also, lack of knowledge and inappropriate applications of ICT tools and techniques has resulted to poor sustainable performance of most Nigeria b...
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