Abstract: The sum of an infinite number of forces acts in all points of the space of a dynamical system. The character of this sum of forces corresponds to the characteristic indicators of a dynamic system. Changes in this sum of forces over time lead to the evolution of the system. It may be in stable or unstable states. Unstable systems collapse over time. Their mass and energy are captured by stable systems, as a result of which the characteristic indicators of stable systems also change: they also become unstable and collapse. This process continues until the formation of a single (Main) dynamic system. After formation of the main dynamic system, the whole process is repeated again and again cyclically. Changes in the parameters and composition of matter of the Main Dynamic System, with specially selected initial conditions (as in the evolution of the observed Universe), coincide with changes in the parameters of our Universe in mathematical models of the theory of populations of families of small bodies.Abstract: The sum of an infinite number of forces acts in all points of the space of a dynamical system. The character of this sum of forces corresponds to the characteristic indicators of a dynamic system. Changes in this sum of forces over time lead to the evolution of the system. It may be in stable or unstable states. Unstable systems collapse over time....Show More