Azimuthal Averaging for Rotational Electromagnetic Waves
Jinsik Mok,
Hyoung-In Lee
Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2016
9 October 2016
21 October 2016
14 November 2016
Downloads: 101
Views: 3776
Abstract: We make use of the well-known integral representation of Bessel function in order to derive higher-order rotational electromagnetic waves. For this purpose, we employ the simplest weighting function in carrying out an azimuthal averaging of an E-parallel-H wave. To our surprise, the resulting wave turns out to describe interactions between two co-rotational waves with a half-cycle phase difference. In addition, we will provide both implications of the resulting waves concerning optical vortices and relevant technical applications.
Abstract: We make use of the well-known integral representation of Bessel function in order to derive higher-order rotational electromagnetic waves. For this purpose, we employ the simplest weighting function in carrying out an azimuthal averaging of an E-parallel-H wave. To our surprise, the resulting wave turns out to describe interactions between two co-r...
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Photometry Review from Some Constellations of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere
Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2016
21 October 2016
8 November 2016
29 November 2016
Downloads: 76
Abstract: In this study, by using some tools available in optical observatory of Neyshabur University, consider some astronomy objects in the northern hemisphere (according the climate Neyshabur city). Then we analyze images (that taken by special filter) with some analyzer software and describe theirs component properties. Finally we compare some constellations in the northern hemisphere together.
Abstract: In this study, by using some tools available in optical observatory of Neyshabur University, consider some astronomy objects in the northern hemisphere (according the climate Neyshabur city). Then we analyze images (that taken by special filter) with some analyzer software and describe theirs component properties. Finally we compare some constellat...
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Radiation from Materials with Negative Dielectric Constant
Edik A. Ayryan,
Koryun B. Oganesyan
Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2016
16 October 2016
5 November 2016
5 December 2016
Downloads: 102
Abstract: We consider the generation of diffusive radiation by a charged particle passing through a random stack of plates in the infrared region. The main mechanism causing radiation is multiple scattering of electromagnetic field that is more effective in a medium with near zero average dielectric permittivity. To enhance the radiation intensity one needs to make the scattering more effective. For this goal we suggest to use materials with negative dielectric constant.
Abstract: We consider the generation of diffusive radiation by a charged particle passing through a random stack of plates in the infrared region. The main mechanism causing radiation is multiple scattering of electromagnetic field that is more effective in a medium with near zero average dielectric permittivity. To enhance the radiation intensity one needs ...
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Calculation of Scattering Magnetic Fields, Arising at Current Flow Around Defects, as Applied to Electromagnetic Non-destructive Testing
Yurii I. Dzhezherya,
Maxim V. Sorokin,
Victor V. Lepekha,
Serhii V. Cherepov
Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2016
13 September 2016
14 November 2016
16 December 2016
Abstract: The aim of the electromagnetic non-destructive testing is the determination of structural defects in conductive materials by excitation of eddy-currents using an external alternating magnetic field and measuring a secondary field produced by these currents. For a reliable control of defects in a conductor it is necessary to find out how a certain form of defect distorts the primary magnetic field. For this purpose, we use the method of approximate calculation of the distribution of magnetic fields arising at eddy-currents flow around defects of a conductor. We consider the approximation when the thickness of a skin layer is much greater than the sizes of the defect. In this case the problem of determining the scattering fields splits into two independent stages. Initially the distribution of currents in the vicinity of the defect is determined. This stage is reduced to the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation. At the second stage the restore of the magnetic field using the found currents is performed. In the framework of the method two problems were resolved: we obtained the distributions of the magnetic field at current flow around surface defects in the form of a hemisphere and half of an oblate spheroid.
Abstract: The aim of the electromagnetic non-destructive testing is the determination of structural defects in conductive materials by excitation of eddy-currents using an external alternating magnetic field and measuring a secondary field produced by these currents. For a reliable control of defects in a conductor it is necessary to find out how a certain f...
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Quantum Mechanical Potential Step Functions, Barriers, Wells and the Tunneling Effect
Gilbert A. Ibitola,
Olanrewaju Ajanaku
Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2016
19 October 2016
4 November 2016
20 December 2016
Abstract: In this paper, use is made of the tools of analytical mechanics and the concept of operators to obtain the time-independent and time-dependent Schrodinger wave equations for quantum mechanical systems. Derivations are embarked upon of expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients for a particle of mass m as well as of energy E moving under different potential set-ups across step functions, barriers and well functions. The tunneling effect is then discussed. The transmission probability equation obtained in this research has been observed to be more accurate than the transmission probability expression deduced by some researchers in 2014 for a tunneling barrier. This research work finds applications in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging systems, synchrotrons, gyrators, accelerators, and in electrodynamics.
Abstract: In this paper, use is made of the tools of analytical mechanics and the concept of operators to obtain the time-independent and time-dependent Schrodinger wave equations for quantum mechanical systems. Derivations are embarked upon of expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients for a particle of mass m as well as of energy E moving und...
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Quantum Phase Transition: Intra and Inter-Band Interaction on D- Wave Superconductivity
Otimo Solomon,
Thomas Sakwa,
Ayodo Yudah Kennedy,
James Sifuna
Volume 1, Issue 2, November 2016
3 November 2016
16 December 2016
18 January 2017
Abstract: There are compounds whose structures support superconductivity at high temperatures. They have intra and inter-band interactions which occur within their bands. However there has been no hybrid Hamiltonian developed so far for a lattice structure that can support conduction by both D-waves and other waves on the same Fermi surface. These waves interact or change from one type to another on the same Fermi surface as they travel. The occurrences of interactions within and across bands with different waves lead to variations in transition temperature and resistance. To address these effects, theories that have been developed consider only S-wave and do not adequately account for the differences when compared with experimental observations. Therefore there was a need to advance efforts towards formulation of a theory that would explain differences in the characteristics of compounds that have D-waves and other waves on the same Fermi surface. In advancing these efforts a hybrid system has been developed that takes into consideration intra and inter-band interactions that have introduced new interaction dimensions. These efforts have helped in the understanding of how to achieve a high transition temperature superconductor, which a two band hybrid Hamiltonian has been determined for a Fermi surface with varying fermions density and hybridization terms. It is from it that thermodynamic properties have been obtained by use of the Green’s function. Where the correlation function has been substituted in the second quantized Hamiltonian form and the energy gap derived. This enabled us to calculate the thermodynamic potential and energy density. These properties have helped not only in the understanding of multi-component type II superconductors, but more so in the development of high transition temperature superconductors needed for magnetic resonance imaging, high speed data transmission and energy transfers. In this research, inter-band interaction has been considered on a new dimension. Consequently a new Hamiltonian has been formulated and thermodynamic properties derived using the Green’s function. These properties show the possibility of attaining high transition temperature superconductivity.
Abstract: There are compounds whose structures support superconductivity at high temperatures. They have intra and inter-band interactions which occur within their bands. However there has been no hybrid Hamiltonian developed so far for a lattice structure that can support conduction by both D-waves and other waves on the same Fermi surface. These waves inte...
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