C-Reactive Protein and Aggression in Patients with Schizophrenia
Kachouchi Aymen,
Zemrani Yassin,
Ahroui Yassine,
Salim Said,
Berghalout Mohammed,
Adali Imane,
Manoudi Fatiha,
Chabaa Laila,
Asri Fatima
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019
24 April 2019
24 May 2019
10 June 2019
Downloads: 169
Views: 1285
Abstract: Recent studies reported firstly an association between aggression and inflammation and secondly an association between inflammation and schizophrenia. In this study, we aim to explore the association between the clinical signs of schizophrenia, aggressive behavior in patients with relapsing schizophrenia and inflammatory marker: CRP (C-reactive protein). Adult schizophrenia inpatients without affective symptoms (n = 154) were prospectively identified and categorized according to their C-reactive protein measurement at admission as either elevated (CRP > 5 mg/L; n = 52) or normal (CRP < 5 mg/L; n = 102). The following indicators of aggression were compared: PANSS excitement component (PANSS-EC), restraints, injectable treatment and suicidal behavior during hospitalization. Univariate comparisons between elevated and normal CRP levels were performed and multivariate analysis was conducted to control for relevant covariates. Inpatients with elevated C-reactive protein displayed increased aggressive behavior compared to patients with normal CRP levels (<5 mg/L). This was manifested by increased PANSS-EC score (p=0,0001), higher rates of restraint during hospitalization (p=0,0001), higher use of injectable treatment (0,0001) and existence of suicidal behavior (p=0,001). Multivariate analysis revealed that Lymphocyte count, total PANSS score, PANSS excitement score were independently associated with a CRP> 5 mg/L. These results confirm the role played by inflammation and immunity in the appearance of aggressive behavior in schizophrenic patients and highlight the interest of the CRP assay at the admission of patients as an indicator of aggression in hospitalized schizophrenic patients.
Abstract: Recent studies reported firstly an association between aggression and inflammation and secondly an association between inflammation and schizophrenia. In this study, we aim to explore the association between the clinical signs of schizophrenia, aggressive behavior in patients with relapsing schizophrenia and inflammatory marker: CRP (C-reactive pro...
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Students’ Personnel Management and Academic Effectiveness of Secondary School Students in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria
Valentine Joseph Owan,
Samuel Okpon Ekaette
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019
27 April 2019
29 May 2019
12 June 2019
Downloads: 222
Views: 1961
Abstract: This study assessed students’ personnel management and academic effectiveness in terms of punctuality to classes, time management, study habits, record keeping, attitudes during classes, note taking, attitudes towards assignment, examination results and attitudes towards co-curricular activities in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. Three null hypotheses were formulated accordingly to guide the study following a descriptive survey research design. Proportionate sampling technique was employed in selecting a sample of 1,934 students (representing 20%) from a population of 9,672 students. Students’ Personnel Management and Academic Effectiveness Questionnaire (SPMAEQ) was used as an instrument for data collection. The instrument yielded reliability estimates of .86 and .93 for the independent and dependent variables using Split-half technique. The null hypotheses were all tested at .05 level of significance using Pearson Correlation Matrix with the aid of SPSS v25. Findings from the study revealed among others that; students' counseling, healthcare, and discipline management respectively, are significantly related to students' academic effectiveness in terms of punctuality to classes, time management, study habits, record keeping, attitudes during classes, note taking, attitudes towards assignment, examination results and attitudes towards co-curricular activities. It was concluded generally from the findings of this study that, there is a moderate positive relationship which is statistically significant between students’ personnel management and their academic effectiveness. It was recommended amongst others that; there should be adequate employment and supply of professional guidance counselors to all secondary schools to boost the psychological levels of students and make them emotionally prepared for academic and co-curricular activities in the school.
Abstract: This study assessed students’ personnel management and academic effectiveness in terms of punctuality to classes, time management, study habits, record keeping, attitudes during classes, note taking, attitudes towards assignment, examination results and attitudes towards co-curricular activities in Calabar Education Zone of Cross River State. Three...
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Social Network, Facebook Use and Loneliness: A Comparative Analysis Between Public and Private University Students in Bangladesh
Bezon Kumar,
Purnima Banik,
Md. Aminul Islam
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019
25 April 2019
3 June 2019
12 June 2019
Downloads: 432
Views: 1490
Abstract: The study mainly explores the level of real life social network, Facebook use and loneliness of the university students in Bangladesh. In addition, the study examines the factors affecting loneliness of the students. To achieve these objectives, the study uses primary data collected from 380 students and employs several methods. Firstly, the study employs Lubben Social Network Scale and UCLA loneliness scale to measure the level of real life social network and loneliness, respectively. Secondly, the study uses a linear regression model estimated through OLS method to find out the factors affecting loneliness of the students. The study finds that although aggregately students are averagely engaged in real life social network in the study area, public university students are relatively more engaged in real life social network than that of private university students. The study also finds that aggregately students in the study area suffer from loneliness moderately where private university students suffer more than that of public university students. Moreover, the study finds that the level of loneliness is increased by 3.27 and 3.47 if students use Facebook one hour more per day and students read in private university, respectively while the level of loneliness is decreased by 4.61 if the level of real life social network is increased by one. Therefore, the study suggests the students to be careful in using Facebook and to be engaged more in real life social network in order to get rid of the adverse effects of loneliness.
Abstract: The study mainly explores the level of real life social network, Facebook use and loneliness of the university students in Bangladesh. In addition, the study examines the factors affecting loneliness of the students. To achieve these objectives, the study uses primary data collected from 380 students and employs several methods. Firstly, the study ...
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