Racana María Fernanda,Rodríguez Goñi Eugenia,Bacca Constanza,Castano Julieta,Pascual Valentina
Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2018
12 February 2019
8 April 2019
29 April 2019
Downloads: 134
Views: 1239
Abstract: This article presents a University Extension Actions Program based on a Participatory-Action Research (PAR), which was focused on the situation of mothers who accompany their children when they require hospitalization in the Buenos Aires suburbs. From the perspective of social constructionism and understanding that health institutions repeat gender stereotypes associated with motherhood, the PAR contributed to clarifying how the vision that health professionals have about the maternal role affects their relationship with mothers, attending the hospital. The Program presented, highlights this finding with Extension Actions that promote a responsibility of shared caring, associated with a non-oppressive subjective identification.Abstract: This article presents a University Extension Actions Program based on a Participatory-Action Research (PAR), which was focused on the situation of mothers who accompany their children when they require hospitalization in the Buenos Aires suburbs. From the perspective of social constructionism and understanding that health institutions repeat gender...Show More