An Automated Process to Compute Density of Unknown Liquid (Organic Slurry) Using Brine as a Prototype
Adeyemi Kudirat Olubukola,
Boyo Henry Oritsemamididasan
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2022
20 November 2021
22 December 2021
29 March 2022
Downloads: 38
Views: 262
Abstract: Experiments were carried out to determine the relationship between density of liquid (pure water) and compression of five springs supporting a 1000 Liter tank from beneath. The tank is meant to be an anaerobic digester for production of biogas. The springs constant were determined and were used to compute the densities of a fixed concentration of two unknown liquids (that of a fixed concentration of salt and the other had varying concentration). Results show that each of the five springs had different spring constants ranging from 62,177N/m or Kg/s.s to 167,048N/m or Kg/s.s. The average density of the liquid with fixed concentration of salt is 1118.24Kg/cu.m which compares excellently well with the density of pure water (1000Kg/cu.m). The unknown liquid with varying concentration of salt follows an exponential relationship Y=3E-05e42.67x and a correlation of 0.97, where Y stands for density of the fluid and X the corresponding extension of the spring. We have used the expression to predict the density of similar water of unknown concentration. Since methane gas production potential depends on water dilution ratio, it is expected that we can calibrate any digester tank to give direct readings of densities of bio-degradable material from mere displacement of the suspension springs.
Abstract: Experiments were carried out to determine the relationship between density of liquid (pure water) and compression of five springs supporting a 1000 Liter tank from beneath. The tank is meant to be an anaerobic digester for production of biogas. The springs constant were determined and were used to compute the densities of a fixed concentration of t...
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Lentil Variety Development for Yield and Disease Resistance for Potential Areas: Registration of a Lentil Variety Named Debine
Amanuel Tekalign,
Tadele Tadesse,
Belay Asmare
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2022
22 February 2022
28 March 2022
31 March 2022
Downloads: 40
Views: 335
Abstract: The development of new varieties with high yield and acceptable levels of stability is an important in breeding program. The performance of a given genotype depends on its genetic potential and the environment upon which it is grown. Debine is a commercial name given for a newly released Lentil (Lens culinaris) variety with pedigree designation of ‘DZ -2012-LN-0051’ was released in 2021 for highland areas of Bale, Southeastern Ethiopia and other similar agro ecologies. The variety has been registered by Sinana Agricultural research center and it was tested at better representative environments (Sinana and Agarfa) representing highland (2300 to 2600) meter above sea level) agro-ecologies during 2016 to 2018 main cropping season. The variety is mainly characterized by its superior mean grain yield as compared from standard check Asano based on different yield measurement and stability testing parameters across locations and over years. It also had comparable resistance/tolerant level to major Lentil diseases such as Aschocyta blight, Rust and Root Rot. Debine has dark gray seed color and could be cultivated across a number of locations in the highlands of Bale and other similar agro-ecologies for increasing productivity of the crop.
Abstract: The development of new varieties with high yield and acceptable levels of stability is an important in breeding program. The performance of a given genotype depends on its genetic potential and the environment upon which it is grown. Debine is a commercial name given for a newly released Lentil (Lens culinaris) variety with pedigree designation of ...
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Adaptation Trial of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Varieties for Midland Agro-Ecology of Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia
Yerosan Wekgari,
Negasu Gamachu,
Fikre Diriba
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2022
29 December 2021
23 March 2022
31 March 2022
Downloads: 83
Views: 657
Abstract: Alfalfa is important improved forage legume that solves feed shortages and has economic value for livestock production in Ethiopia. Six alfalfa varieties were evaluated to identify adaptable and high biomass yielder under rain fed condition of mid-altitude of Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. DAP fertilizer at the rate of 100 kg/ha was uniformly applied at sowing. Agronomic parameters and biomass yield were determined. Results revealed that the tested varieties were varied significantly (P<0.05) for days to emergence, plant coverage, days to 50% flowering (forage harvest), plant height, and biomass yield. Accordingly, variety Hunter river was early emerged (8.33 days) and had maximum (68.33%) percentage of plot coverage though DZF-552 (9.08 days) was late emerged and had minimum (56.33%) percentage of plot coverage. Variety DZF-552 was late flowering while F-L-L-77 was early flowering. Hairy Peruvian (70.92 cm) gave the maximum plant height though DZF-552 (55.08 cm) gave a minimum height. The highest mean fresh biomass (6.46 t/ha) and dry matter yield (1.28 t/ha) were recorded from Segules-1359 variety. On the other hand, the lowest fresh biomass (4.79 t/ha) and dry matter yield (0.97 t/ha) were recorded from variety DZF-552. Based on the results, it could be concluded that variety segules-1359, F-L-L-77, Hunter river, and Hairy Peruvian could be recommended to grow under the midland ecological condition of Kellem Wollega zone and similar agro ecology for livestock producers as feed resources.
Abstract: Alfalfa is important improved forage legume that solves feed shortages and has economic value for livestock production in Ethiopia. Six alfalfa varieties were evaluated to identify adaptable and high biomass yielder under rain fed condition of mid-altitude of Kellem Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete...
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Determination of Optimum Sowing Dates of Dolichos Lablab Intercropping with Sorghum in West Hararghe, Oromia, Ethiopia
Tamrat Dinkale,
Muleta Debela,
Birmaduma Gadisa
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2022
14 March 2022
12 April 2022
25 April 2022
Abstract: In Hararghe as whole, intercropping is the main and indigenous activity of the farmers due to land shortage that most farmers are practicing intercropping of different crops for different reasons like to minimize total crop failure and efficient land utilization. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of sowing dates of Dolichos lablab intercropping with sorghum on sorghum yield and yield related and to identify the optimum sowing date of Dolichos lablab intercropping with sorghum in West Hararghe Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. Six treatments, namely: sole lablab, sole sorghum, Sorghum + lablab simultaneous, Sorghum + lablab after two weeks, Sorghum + lablab after four weeks and Sorghum + lablab after six weeks were used with 3 replications in a randomized complete block design. Significant (p<0.05) variation were observed between 50% flowering, plant height, stand count at harvest, sorghum yield, and plot cover but has no significant (p>0.05) in terms of sorghum maturity and diseases incidence. The highest mean sorghum seed yield (20.61qt/ha) was obtained from sole sorghum followed by sorghum + lablab after four weeks intercropped while the lowest seed yield (10.82qt/ha) was recorded from Sorghum + lablab simultaneous intercropped. The study showed that sorghum-lablab intercropped at different sowing date has influence on grain yield of sorghum that grain yield of sorghum increases as sowing date of lablab increases. The ideal acceptable LER was produced from sorghum + lablab intercropped after four weeks. The highest mean grain yield of lablab yield (19.9 qt/ha) were recorded from sorghum + lablab simultaneous intercropping whereas the lowest mean grain yield (4.2 qt/ha) was recorded from sorghum + lablab after six weeks intercropped. The largest lablab dry matter yield (2.31 t/ha) was recorded from sorghum + lablab after four weeks whereas the lowest (2.15 t/ha) was recorded from sorghum + lablab after six weeks intercropped. Therefore, it recommended that four weak after sown of sorghum is the appropriate date of sorghum-lablab intercropping.
Abstract: In Hararghe as whole, intercropping is the main and indigenous activity of the farmers due to land shortage that most farmers are practicing intercropping of different crops for different reasons like to minimize total crop failure and efficient land utilization. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of sowing dates of Dolichos labl...
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Performance Evaluation and GGEbiplot Analysis of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes in Eastern Ethiopia
Mohammed Hassen,
Daniel Endale
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2022
3 April 2022
28 April 2022
19 May 2022
Abstract: Sesame is a food source, an oil, and a cash crop. Despite the fact that Ethiopia has a lot of potential for sesame production. The average sesame seed yield is very low due to a lack of high yielding improved sesame variety/ies. As a result, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of sesame genotypes and GGEbiplot analysis; in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Fifteen sesame genotypes including standard check (Adi) were tested during the main cropping season (2014, 2015 and 2016) at three sesame growing locations: Werer, Bonta (Arage) and Miesso. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences at P<0.05 was observed, signifying the presence of genotypic disparity among the tested sesame genotypes. Sesame genotypes differed significantly in terms of days to maturity, plant heigh and number of pods per plant, 1000 seed weight and seed yield per hectare. Serkamo white (G12) and Acc-44(1) (G14) genotypes outperformed the others. As a result, it had a higher grain yield and white seed color than the other genotypes tested. Because of their high seed yield and white seed color. Finally, Serkamo white (G12) genotype is expected to attract high external market preferences and prices, contributing to the future sesame export market.
Abstract: Sesame is a food source, an oil, and a cash crop. Despite the fact that Ethiopia has a lot of potential for sesame production. The average sesame seed yield is very low due to a lack of high yielding improved sesame variety/ies. As a result, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of sesame genotypes and GGEbiplot analysis; in...
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Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Potential Inhibitors of Integrase from Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1) Using Phytochemicals
Vikas Jha,
Navdeep Kaur,
Kabir Thakur,
Vrushali Dhamapurkar,
Prakruti Kapadia,
Shraddha Tiwari,
Aparna Sahu,
Divya Nikumb,
Abhishek Kumar,
Shruti Narvekar
Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2022
30 May 2022
22 June 2022
30 June 2022
Abstract: Background: In tremendously effective antiretroviral therapy for Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV1) infections, integrase inhibitors are essential drugs. Resistance resulting from mutations, on the other hand, poses a threat to the medication’s long-term efficacy in HIV-1 infected people. Purpose: The current study utilized in silico techniques, we searched for phytochemicals or compounds that can inhibit the activity of the integrase enzyme. Material & Methods: Compounds were collected from databases, and potential candidates were screened using pharmacokinetics and structure-based virtual screening methodologies. The compounds were docked, and the binding affinity was evaluated to set the cut-off value for selecting compounds. When compared to standard drugs, some compounds had a higher binding affinity. Molecular dynamics simulation was then used to gain insight into the stability of the complexes, revealing two lead compounds, Withaferin and Isatin, indicating that these compounds have potency for drug development. These compounds were further investigated for their toxicity, indicating that Isatin was safe among the two. Conclusion: Thus, the study showcased that Isatin is a suitable drug candidate, and we hope that the findings of this study will be useful in the development of an antiviral drug against integrase enzyme.
Abstract: Background: In tremendously effective antiretroviral therapy for Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV1) infections, integrase inhibitors are essential drugs. Resistance resulting from mutations, on the other hand, poses a threat to the medication’s long-term efficacy in HIV-1 infected people. Purpose: The current study utilized in silico techniques,...
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