Review Article
Systematic Review of Innovative Approaches in Tunnel Construction and Design
Ebrahim Ansa Omar*
Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2024
3 April 2024
18 April 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: This systematic review providеs a comprеhеnsivе еxploration of innovativе approachеs in tunnеl construction and dеsign, еncompassing a dynamic spеctrum of advancеmеnts in thе fiеld. Thе rеviеw navigatеs through cutting-еdgе tunnеling mеthodologiеs, sustainablе matеrials, robotics, еnvironmеntal considеrations, and safеty protocols, shеdding light on thеir implications for thе еvolving landscapе of undеrground infrastructurе. Each sеction critically еxaminеs thе еxisting litеraturе, offеring insights into thе thеorеtical undеrpinnings and practical applications of thеsе innovations. Tunnеling mеthodologiеs, including traditional drill and blast tеchniquеs and thе еmеrgеncе of Tunnеl Boring Machinеs (TBMs) with advancеd cutting tеchnologiеs, arе scrutinizеd for thеir еfficiеncy, safеty, and adaptability to divеrsе gеological conditions. Matеrials and structural dеsign takе cеntеr stagе as thе rеviеw еvaluatеs thе sustainability of matеrials such as fibеr-rеinforcеd concrеtе, sеlf-hеaling matеrials, and innovativе lining systеms, illuminating thеir potеntial to rеdеfinе durability in tunnеl construction. Thе intеgration of automation, artificial intеlligеncе, and robotics in tunnеl construction is еxplorеd, showcasing advancеmеnts in rеal-timе risk assеssmеnt, еarly warning systеms, and safеty mеasurеs. Environmеntal considеrations unfold as a pivotal thеmе, еxamining practicеs such as grееn tunnеling and thе usе of еco-friеndly matеrials, with a focus on minimizing disruption and rеsourcе consumption. Risk managеmеnt and safеty protocols, undеrpinnеd by innovation, arе scrutinizеd for thеir еfficacy in minimizing accidеnts and еnsuring thе wеll-bеing of workеrs and thе public. Through this systеmatic rеviеw, a holistic undеrstanding of thе challеngеs and opportunitiеs in tunnеl construction and dеsign еmеrgеs, providing a foundation for futurе еndеavors in thе quеst for sustainablе, еfficiеnt, and safе subtеrranеan infrastructurе.
Abstract: This systematic review providеs a comprеhеnsivе еxploration of innovativе approachеs in tunnеl construction and dеsign, еncompassing a dynamic spеctrum of advancеmеnts in thе fiеld. Thе rеviеw navigatеs through cutting-еdgе tunnеling mеthodologiеs, sustainablе matеrials, robotics, еnvironmеntal considеrations, and safеty protocols, shеdding light o...
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Research Article
Cause of Construction Materials Wastages on Construction Project a Case of Mettu Town
Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2024
2 May 2024
15 June 2024
26 September 2024
Downloads: 45
Views: 167
Abstract: The rapid development of the construction industry has caused in the construction materials wastage that negatively affect the environment, budget and humanity. The aim of this study is to assess the cause of construction materials wastages on public construction project a case of Mettu town. The target population was selected randomly consultant and contractors of public construction project in Mettu town. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents’ a categories of questionnaires according to five groups on the cause of construction materials wastage of construction project. The main technique of data analysis was descriptive statistics comprising of percentage, mean value and relative importance index. The result of data analysis are shows on the tables and figures of the data collection. Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U-Test were used to test the hypotheses. The first three highest contributors to cause of construction material waste are found Group 3 operation, Group 1 design and documentation, and Group 5 site supervision in terms of groups with average relative importance index of 0.697, 0.686 and 0.680 respectively. The three rank cause of key construction materials, which are wasted on construction sites are Tile, Block (HCB), concrete, the relative importance index value are 0.683, 0.680, and 0.678 are wasted respectively. The statistical difference in the perceptions of the various group’s contractor and consultant concerning the most cause of wastage construction material produced during construction project. To evaluate the difference across five groups of cause of construction materials wastage on the contractor and consultant was tested using kruskal-wallis test. The test is significant difference of contractor, consultant and average (Aysmp sig. 0.000, 0.431, 0.812 are respectively. In the preference of cause of construction materials wastage for five groups of respondents are (Group 1=12, Group 2 = 19, Group 3 = 14, Group 4 = 13, and Group 5 = 5). The waste of construction materials is a common occurrence in Mettu town. Therefore, it is the obligation of all parties involved in the construction sector to minimize the construction materials waste. This study suggested that in order to achieve efficient waste reduction in the construction business, contractors and consultants need to receive the necessary training and motivation. The study's conclusions may have applications in waste management, construction technology, and control for environmentally friendly public construction projects.
Abstract: The rapid development of the construction industry has caused in the construction materials wastage that negatively affect the environment, budget and humanity. The aim of this study is to assess the cause of construction materials wastages on public construction project a case of Mettu town. The target population was selected randomly consultant a...
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Review Article
Plywood Proficiency: Navigating Quality Assurance in Manufacturing
Shwet Vashishtha*
Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2024
10 October 2024
7 November 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: Proficiency testing (PT) plays a vital role in the plywood manufacturing industry, acting as a quality assurance tool to maintain high standards in product consistency and reliability. This study evaluates the effectiveness of PT in identifying and addressing quality issues within plywood production, focusing on three main objectives: assessing PT’s role in uncovering quality problems, analyzing root causes, and proposing targeted solutions for process improvement. The research involved eight laboratories evaluating the Modulus of Rupture (MoR) and Modulus of Elasticity (MoE) of plywood samples, with results statistically analyzed to measure inter-laboratory consistency and identify performance gaps. To ensure reliable testing, the PT samples were prepared in line with IS 303:1989 standards, emphasizing homogeneity and stability. Statistical analyses revealed variability among laboratories, highlighting areas for improvement in material handling and testing protocols. The study found that PT is instrumental for the industry, not only in identifying discrepancies but also in fostering a culture of continuous quality enhancement. Recommendations for improvement include refining the adhesive application, optimizing pressing parameters, ensuring accurate layer alignment, and implementing thorough end-of-line inspections. Quality control measures such as random sampling, supplier audits, and traceability systems are also recommended to maintain consistency. The study advocates for comprehensive employee training and cross-functional collaboration across production, quality assurance, and R&D teams to enhance overall product quality. By addressing critical process variables and leveraging PT as a benchmarking tool, plywood manufacturers can meet regulatory standards and customer expectations. This research underscores the importance of PT in delivering actionable insights for improving product quality and reliability, ultimately supporting the industry’s growth and commitment to safe, high-quality plywood products.
Abstract: Proficiency testing (PT) plays a vital role in the plywood manufacturing industry, acting as a quality assurance tool to maintain high standards in product consistency and reliability. This study evaluates the effectiveness of PT in identifying and addressing quality issues within plywood production, focusing on three main objectives: assessing PT’...
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