Scrutinizing John Locke’s Theory of Ideas, Propositions, Faculties, and Knowledge
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
13 January 2022
4 February 2022
16 February 2022
Downloads: 57
Views: 389
Abstract: This paper is geared at dissecting the essential aspects comprising Locke’s theory of knowledge. Emphatically, it unveils and explores the origin, degrees, nature, extent, and limits of human knowledge. Systematically, through an analytico-critical method, it reveals the origin of knowledge, develops, and evaluates the limits of human knowledge, understanding, as well as critically examines what is knowable with more emphasis on certain and probabilistic grounds. Certainty is attainable through two principal means comprising the use of the human senses and adoption of abstract reasoning. The sources of human knowledge are significant in easing and enhancing our knowledge of God as it facilitates the justification of his existence, portraying orderliness in the world, and positing mankind as part of God’s creatures expected to implement moral lifestyles through the appeal to reasoning as a law of nature, even when in a state of nature. The value of this principle is evident for self-preservation, including an essential moral obligation for the preservation of everybody. The ethical basis of the state of nature featuring both moral and natural laws, signals the natural moral nature of man as determined by a rational order designed by a rational and knowable God. The underpinnings of epistemology involve experience (sensation) as manifested through the functions of ideas, propositions, and human faculties serving as guarantors and catalysts of certainty and truth. Innate ideas are unreliable, untrue, and condemned to qualify as dependent sources of knowledge because they are void of proper demonstration for the attainment of true knowledge. Locke’s theory of knowledge embodies four principal concerns which include, first, the belief that knowledge is derived from experience, focused on knowledge of the senses to unveil reality. Second, the human mind creates ideas and transforms them into propositions. Third, through perception, the mind portrays agreements or disagreements of propositions and fourth, knowledge originating from perception (Intuitive or demonstrative), is referred to as certain. The fragmentation of ideas and rigorous evaluation of various degrees of knowledge, constituting intuitive, demonstrative, and sensitive forms of knowledge, are issues of interests that contribute immensely to equip, enrich, complete, and to render Lockean theory of knowledge more influential, comprehensible, prescriptive, applicable, and valuable.
Abstract: This paper is geared at dissecting the essential aspects comprising Locke’s theory of knowledge. Emphatically, it unveils and explores the origin, degrees, nature, extent, and limits of human knowledge. Systematically, through an analytico-critical method, it reveals the origin of knowledge, develops, and evaluates the limits of human knowledge, un...
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A Critical Analysis of the Impact of the Presidential Amnesty Programme on the Unrest in the Niger Delta Region
Socrates Ebo,
Yimini Shadrack George
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
29 January 2022
21 February 2022
31 May 2022
Downloads: 33
Views: 267
Abstract: There is no gainsaying that the Niger Delta region has been a theatre of conflicts since the discovery of petroleum resources in commercial quantities in the area. It has been an unbroken chain of layers of conflicts. What took place in the region at the discovery of oil was akin to the scramble for Africa by European powers. Like in the scramble for Africa, the emphasis was on the control of resources. The control of resources has always been at the center of imperialism and its attendant conflicts. Ontologically, resources are scarce and will always be scarce. It is an existential fact that the scarcity of resources always induces conflicts. But needs are infinite. Oil is a universally daily needed natural resource. As important as it is, it is not evenly globally distributed. The abundance of oil deposits in the Niger Delta ipso facto makes it a center of multinational economic interest. Naturally, the hawks, economic predators of all shades and hues did swoop in on the region. In the multinational quest for the control of the petroleum resources in the Niger Delta region, different theories of ownership were advanced. The refusal to be bystanders in the control of the oil resources domiciled in their region and the pains caused by the environmental degradation occasioned by oil exploration and exploitation led to series of confrontations that have culminated in a protracted unrest in the Niger Delta region. The introduction of the amnesty program to the region proved to be a game changer. This work critiques the impacts of the presidential amnesty program on the unrest.
Abstract: There is no gainsaying that the Niger Delta region has been a theatre of conflicts since the discovery of petroleum resources in commercial quantities in the area. It has been an unbroken chain of layers of conflicts. What took place in the region at the discovery of oil was akin to the scramble for Africa by European powers. Like in the scramble f...
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Challenges to the Ethiopian Human Right Commission in Promoting and Protecting Human Rights
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
31 May 2022
6 July 2022
20 July 2022
Downloads: 110
Views: 909
Abstract: In Ethiopia, Human right commission is one of the National Human Rights which is voted by the Parliament through Proclamation No 210/2000 and was established in July 2000 as amended by procl. No 1224/2020 with the mandate of safeguarding fundamental Human Rights and ensure that citizens and peoples can claim these rights. It has great mandate of promoting and protecting human rights recognized by National constitution, Laws, International human rights instruments and Regional Human right instruments. However, different Ethiopian scholars and human right organizations argue that, Ethiopian Human Right is challenged to protect and promote Human rights due to different reason and severely criticized by the political opposition located inside and abroad, and by international human rights, in particular, the Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO), Amnesty International, UN Human rights commission and organs of private press. The reality practically seen in the country is also that, Ethiopian Human Right commission has not discharging its responsibility as aimed because of different challenges. So, in this Article, different criticism brought against EHRC and the challenges to Ethiopian Human Rights commission will be assessed.
Abstract: In Ethiopia, Human right commission is one of the National Human Rights which is voted by the Parliament through Proclamation No 210/2000 and was established in July 2000 as amended by procl. No 1224/2020 with the mandate of safeguarding fundamental Human Rights and ensure that citizens and peoples can claim these rights. It has great mandate of pr...
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Practical, Theoretical and Ethical Implications of the Global Strategy for Public Sector Reform in Governance in Mozambique
Jochua A. Baloi,
Aida Carlos Nhacule
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
24 June 2022
14 July 2022
20 July 2022
Abstract: This article comes about with the objective of analyzing in a comparative way, the practical, theoretical and ethical implications of the rigorous and exemplary application of the pillars of the Global Strategy for Public Sector Reform in Mozambique, regarding to governance with the current reality. It argues that this strategy had a somewhat positive impact if one considers the set of institutional changes that occurred at the time. Mozambique embarked on public sector reform, as it was its concern at the time, to raise the level of performance in public administration with regard to transparency in accountability, and in the search for greater participation within the public sector with the opportunity to offer public health services with higher quality and greater access for all. The methodological support that guides this article comprises a symbiosis of several methods (Monographic, Historical, Bibliographic), combining them with the reflective hermeneutic, for the effective reach of the theoretical framework on public sector reforms in Mozambique. Therefore, the article concludes that, although there is still some focus of clientelism, nepotism and exaggerated corruption in the public sector, the pillars of the Global Strategy for Public Sector Reform with regard to governance have been somewhat successful if considered the results achieved.
Abstract: This article comes about with the objective of analyzing in a comparative way, the practical, theoretical and ethical implications of the rigorous and exemplary application of the pillars of the Global Strategy for Public Sector Reform in Mozambique, regarding to governance with the current reality. It argues that this strategy had a somewhat posit...
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