Pattern of Education Expenditure and Manpower Needs: Implication on Educational Standard
Richardson Kojo Edeme,
Sunday Okubor Ijieh
Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2017
10 March 2017
28 March 2017
15 April 2017
Downloads: 116
Views: 2916
Abstract: A basic trend observable in education expenditure in Nigeria over the years in the inconsistence in the pattern and amount budgeted to the sector and in most cases not meeting the recommended UNESCO standard. In this study, we present an overview of the trend of government expenditure on education and how this has impacted in meeting the manpower needs and educational standard in Nigeria. Analysis of data reveals that for the period covered by the study, expenditure on education has not been consistent and did not follow a definite pattern and this has resulted in the shortfall of qualified manpower in some subjects such as Engineering and Medicine, requiring so many years to meet the shortfall. Also there exist a yawning gap between demand and supply in manpower and the duration of meeting the gap were alarming. Bearing all things constant, it will take 41 years, 7 years, 48 years, 44 years, 86 years, 12 years, 16 and 38 years to meet the manpower needs in Commerce, Business Methods, Agriculture, Home Economics, Food and Nutrition, Home Management, Clothing and textiles and Introductory technology respectively. This partly explains the declining education standard. In view of this, there is need for government to take the necessary steps clearly focused on adequate investment in transforming the education sector. Greater proportion of the nation’s annual budget should be allocated to education so as to meet the challenges of manpower needs in the critical disciplines.
Abstract: A basic trend observable in education expenditure in Nigeria over the years in the inconsistence in the pattern and amount budgeted to the sector and in most cases not meeting the recommended UNESCO standard. In this study, we present an overview of the trend of government expenditure on education and how this has impacted in meeting the manpower n...
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The Weapons Kingdom of Gorontalo (Form, Symbols, and History)
Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2017
10 March 2017
31 March 2017
22 April 2017
Downloads: 145
Views: 2994
Abstract: There is something special that happen in every single history of people Gorontalo. Such as they always keeping their great grand-father legacy for 500 years. These things always happen because they very extremely respect their history. From some source, they said that for keeping the legacy people of Gorontalo make some deliberation (democracy system) to get the result who will keep the things. Although, Gorontalo on that day still on Ternate authorization, VOC, EIC, and Netherlands East Indies, Gorontalo people never care about the regulation that makes them fell not comfort, because they have a spirit and unity that can be seen from the legacy form their great-grandfather which always being their symbol for the discretion and freedom. The history culture of humanity can be divided into three stages, namely mythic, ontological, and functional. These things also can be seen in Gorontalo an inheritance. Moreover, Gorontalo traditional heritage named that Juwělě Spear with the existence of that things can be observed in the study. This qualitative study used theories and concepts from several disciplines such as Anthropology (acculturation) and Aesthetic (form, motif and symbol), thus it can be done with a multidisciplinary approach. This research is aimed first to determine the extent to which the people Gorontalo in preserving the traditional weapons such as Juwělě Spear, Pariso Shield, Umbrella Cotton Orange, Gold Rencong, and Ivory Dagger. Moreover, the second purpose of this research is to find out how the way people of Gorontalo take care of their heritage. Then, to see that Gorontalo have a connection with another region such as Java, Bugis, Goa and Aceh.
Abstract: There is something special that happen in every single history of people Gorontalo. Such as they always keeping their great grand-father legacy for 500 years. These things always happen because they very extremely respect their history. From some source, they said that for keeping the legacy people of Gorontalo make some deliberation (democracy sys...
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On Psychopathology and Existence: Ahab and Lear
Goetz Egloff,
Trin Fuchs,
Dennis M. Jacobson
Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2017
16 March 2017
1 April 2017
18 May 2017
Downloads: 100
Views: 2478
Abstract: Ahab, the notorious captain of the Pequod in Herman Melville’s 1851 novel, Moby-Dick, is put in relation with King Lear, the desperate old regent from William Shakespeare’s eponymous play published in 1608. Its main character, apart from Macbeth, is considered to have had deep influence on Melville, especially in creating the character of Ahab. What ties them together is not only their overabundant quest for meaning, if ever, but their obsession with pursuing their targets. Whereas at the beginning of the seventeenth century conflicts are established on the inside of the protagonists rather than on the outside, the nineteenth century still sees Ahab’s monomanic escapism outside of his consciousness, the latter due to forces that he does not perceive as coming from within. However, in terms of psychopathology both characters show symptoms: the differences and parallels of their behavior are elaborated on in the context of their personal realities and of issues of existence.
Abstract: Ahab, the notorious captain of the Pequod in Herman Melville’s 1851 novel, Moby-Dick, is put in relation with King Lear, the desperate old regent from William Shakespeare’s eponymous play published in 1608. Its main character, apart from Macbeth, is considered to have had deep influence on Melville, especially in creating the character of Ahab. Wha...
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The Term Perichoresis from Cappadocian Fathers to Maximus Confessor [1]
Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2017
21 March 2017
1 April 2017
18 May 2017
Downloads: 422
Views: 3847
Abstract: In this paper we are going to expose the meaning of the word perichoresis and the role that it had in trinitarian and christological theology of Cappadocian fathers, pseudo- Cyril of Alexandria, Leontius Byzantius and Maximus the Confessor. Perichoresis is a Greek term used to describe the triune relationship between each person of the Godhead. It can be defined as co-indwelling, co-inhering, and mutual interpenetration. The relationship of the Triune God is intensified by the relationship of perichoresis. This indwelling expresses and realizes fellowship between the Father and the Son. Lossky asserts that Origen was the first to formulate the doctrine which was later to be called perichoretic, or the doctrine of the ‘communication of idioms’. The first father who used the noun perichoresis was Gregory Nazianzus, one of the Cappadocian fathers. He used the term when he was speaking about the relation between the natures of Christ, divine and human. Another Cappadocian father, Gregory of Nyssa does not use the noun but only the verb perichoreo in order to show the Son’s eternal existence. Cyril of Alexandria (pseudo- Cyril) applied περιχώρησις in a trinitarian sense to the idea of co-inherence. He saw two causes of divine unity: the identity of essence and the mutual perichoresis presupposing their threenes. He applied περιχώρησις in a trinitarian sense to the idea of co-inherence. The special contribution of Leontius Byzantius consisted in the clarification of the concept of enhypostasia, according to which the human nature of Christ is fully personal (enhypostatic) by being manifested within the hypostasis of the incarnated Christ, without this hypostasis being an expression of a single nature. Another father, Maximus used the same word perichoresis maintained that the human nature of Christ reciprocates with the divine nature of Christ. The confessor maintained that the human nature of Christ reciprocates with the divine nature of Christ. So in fathers’ teaching had to analyze that the fundamental basis of the Trinitarian perichoresis is the one essence of the three persons in God and on the other had the term is also applied to the close union of the two natures in Christ. Although the power that unites the two natures proceeds exclusively from Christ's divinity, the result is a most intimate coalescence. The Godhead, which itself is impenetrable, penetrates the humanity, which is thereby deified without ceasing to be perfectly human.
Abstract: In this paper we are going to expose the meaning of the word perichoresis and the role that it had in trinitarian and christological theology of Cappadocian fathers, pseudo- Cyril of Alexandria, Leontius Byzantius and Maximus the Confessor. Perichoresis is a Greek term used to describe the triune relationship between each person of the Godhead. It ...
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Effect of Anti-dumping and Anti-subsidy Investigation on Technology Import from China in Europe
Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2017
3 April 2017
18 April 2017
26 May 2017
Downloads: 95
Views: 2547
Abstract: Base on EC ongoing investigation database, PATENTSCOPE in WIPO and Espacenet in EPO, this paper research effect of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation in EU on technology export in China. Through the trend of investigated products and investigated companies patent application in WIPO and technology export to EU percentage of technology export to world and investigated product and investigated company patent application in Espacenet and IPC of investigated products and investigated companies solve the following problems: Whether there is any effect on Chinese technology export to world after anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation in EU or not; What kind of influence after anti-dumping and anti-subsidy EU investigation on Chinese technology export to Europe and world.
Abstract: Base on EC ongoing investigation database, PATENTSCOPE in WIPO and Espacenet in EPO, this paper research effect of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation in EU on technology export in China. Through the trend of investigated products and investigated companies patent application in WIPO and technology export to EU percentage of technology expo...
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