Assessment of Traffic Safety Problems and Awareness of Road Users, the Case of Shashemene Town
Abdurahman Mohammed Kelacha
Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2021
6 January 2021
16 January 2021
23 June 2021
Downloads: 230
Views: 1753
Abstract: Now days, road traffic accidents are one of the public health problems all over the worlds especially in developing countries like Ethiopia. This study was conducted using both descriptive and analytical methods. The sampling method used for this research was purposive sampling methods and the population represents this study was selected arbitrary. According to the finding of these research, the current road traffic safety problems of shashemene town are lack of awareness of pedestrians on traffic rule, lack of drivers skill, poor enforcement of law, insufficient speed breaker, width of road way, width of bridge, poor road side furniture, insufficient road safety consideration, drivers not respecting others road users, excessive speed, failure to give priority for pedestrians, risky overtaking, following each other’s too closely and not respecting right hand rule are some of the variable that cause traffic accidents. Based on the vehicle type, the majority of accident is caused by dry freight vehicle (Isuzu, Sino and FSR) which covers 44%, transport bus which covers 28%, Minibus 14.5%, motor cycle 7% taxi 3.6 and cart covers 3%. the researcher also found that the major accident happen at study area is by human error (89%) and the other are due to road problems, mechanical problems and environmental problems. According to vulnerability of road users to RTA, are categorized in to pedestrians 46.7%, passengers 20.7%, drivers 14.5%, motorcyclist 6.9%, cyclist and others covers 9.65%. the researcher also identified black spot area and contributing factor of RTA at those areas. Accordingly the major traffic crashes are occurs on Kuyera road which covers 24%, on kofele road 18%, 13% on Alaba road, exit of Awassa road 7% and also tekliye, kebele 010 around gomista 7%, around Dadimos College 4% and in front of dr. urgessa clinic 7% and zerihun garage covers 5% from all the accident. Most of the traffic accident caused on this area is due to speed, not giving priority for pedestrians, lack of awareness on road traffic safety, due to poor law enforcement, due to driver’s error (concerning skill and in attentiveness, driving after they take drug like chat and shisha) narrowness of the carriage way, absence of pedestrian’s walkway and lack of road side furniture’s.
Abstract: Now days, road traffic accidents are one of the public health problems all over the worlds especially in developing countries like Ethiopia. This study was conducted using both descriptive and analytical methods. The sampling method used for this research was purposive sampling methods and the population represents this study was selected arbitrary...
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Estimation of Critical Gap Using Maximum Likelihood Method at Unsignalized Intersection: A Case Study in Adama City, Ethiopia
Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2021
29 May 2021
8 July 2021
15 July 2021
Downloads: 79
Views: 1062
Abstract: Studying Critical gap and headway distribution has vital role in reduction of traffic problems. Critical gap and its distribution are traffic characteristics that are used in determination of capacity, delay and level of service at unsignalized intersection. Many study has been done on critical gap in developed countries under homogeneous traffic and road conditions. This study is aimed to insight available headway distribution and critical gap of driver in urban intersection under heterogeneous traffic condition and weak lane discipline in developing country like Ethiopia. In this paper three unsignalized intersection in Adama city has been selected on the basis of traffic volume and importance of the intersection. The primary data that were used for this study were traffic volume, available headways, waiting time, geometry of road. By using digital Camera, videos data were recorded; later quantitative data were extracted from videos. Two Statistical Packages that were used in analysis of this study. Statistical Package for Social Science Statistic 20 was used to fit best distribution model of headway. Kolmogorov Smirnov and Anderson Darling testing techniques were conducted to check validity of model for headways in different flow ranges. From hypothesized distributions, exponential, gamma, lognormal and normal distributions were selected for different intersection. It has been indicated that, for higher flow rate lognormal distribution model is best fit in estimating cumulative density function of headway. Critical gaps of drivers for three selected intersections were also computed by using maximum likelihood method. Through Comparison of estimated values indicates that, Franko intersection has highest critical gap of 5.17sec.
Abstract: Studying Critical gap and headway distribution has vital role in reduction of traffic problems. Critical gap and its distribution are traffic characteristics that are used in determination of capacity, delay and level of service at unsignalized intersection. Many study has been done on critical gap in developed countries under homogeneous traffic a...
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