Evaluation of Gypsum and Leaching Application on Salinity Reclamation and Crop Yield at Dugada District, East Shoa Zone of Oromia
Abay Challa,
Kasahun Kitila,
Mekonnen Workina
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
27 October 2021
21 January 2022
18 March 2022
Downloads: 86
Views: 585
Abstract: In Ethiopia, soil salinity and sodicity are the most limiting factors affecting the irrigated agriculture and limit crop productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. To such, the study was conducted in Dugda district of East Shoa Zone of Oromia, Ethiopia from 2018 to 2020 with the aim to evaluate the effect of leaching and gypsum treatments on the removal of exchangeable sodium and soluble salts and the effects of these treatments on crop yield. Onion variety (Bombe red), the most commonly produced crop by farmers, was used as the test crop. Three levels of gypsum (50%, 75% and 100% GR) and leaching were combined and arranged in RCBD design with three replications having an area of 3mx4m plot each. It was identified that application of 100% GR (gypsum requirement (and leaching produced economically optimum yield (326 ku/ha). The effect of Gypsum (100% GR) combined with leaching enhanced reclamation process and caused more decreases in EC, pH, SAR, ESP (exchangeable sodium percentage) and Na+ concentration were highly significant (p<0.05). The level of EC, pH, SAR and ESP showed a decreasing trend as the level of Gypsum requirement increases from 50% to 100% combined with leaching. Moreover, the effect of leaching alone did not significantly affect (p<0.05) the levels of Na+ compare to application of 100% GR both alone and supported by leaching. In general, the present results showed that combined application of gypsum and leaching were relatively superior to either one alone in reducing the soil sodicity and increasing the yield. Hence application of combined gypsum and leaching is recommended to improve onion yield on sodic soils. Therefore, considering its economic benefit and its effect on soil sodicity reclamation potential, the results of the study showed that 100% GR combined with leaching is preferred as a strategy in reclamation of salt affected soil.
Abstract: In Ethiopia, soil salinity and sodicity are the most limiting factors affecting the irrigated agriculture and limit crop productivity in arid and semi-arid regions. To such, the study was conducted in Dugda district of East Shoa Zone of Oromia, Ethiopia from 2018 to 2020 with the aim to evaluate the effect of leaching and gypsum treatments on the r...
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Vetiver Morphological Changes Under the Influence of Phytoremediation and Absorption of Heavy Metals
Fourud Gravand,
Seyedeh Aghileh Hejazi
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
14 December 2021
16 March 2022
20 April 2022
Downloads: 52
Views: 403
Abstract: Today, human activities such as pesticides, fertilizers, industrial and nuclear wastes, and Nano pollutants, which contain heavy metals, affect the performance and flexibility of soil ecosystems, microorganisms, and plants. It also pollutes surface water, groundwater and the food chain. The aim of this study was to investigate the phytoremediation potential of heavy metals from soil by Vetiver and the effect of these metals on plant morphological changes in greenhouse conditions. Soil contamination with heavy metals has become a worldwide concern. This research was conducted as a factorial design with four different heavy metals (lead, cadmium, manganese and nickel) with three varying levels and also three replications for each treatment. The results of analysis of variance, Duncan test, showed that the effect of applied treatments on lead uptake in roots and shoots increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) with increasing levels of treatments. The biological concentration factor was more than one, and the transfer factor was close to one. Therefore, it can be used as a phytostablization plant. Also, with different levels of heavy metal treatments, the highest average height of total plants was related to lead, manganese, nickel and cadmium treatments with values of 167.54, 166.66, 165.85 and 163.88cm, respectively. The highest average root roots of plants were related to lead, manganese, nickel and cadmium treatments with values of 42.27, 42.36, 41.85 and 41.61 Cm, respectively. The highest average root roots of plants were related to the treatments of lead, manganese, nickel and cadmium with values of 125.28, 124.29, 124.02 and 121.68 Cm, respectively. Therefore, among all treatments, plants treated with cadmium had the lowest growth. The results showed that Vetiver can be considered as a refining plant due to its vegetative characteristics, cost-effectiveness and high adaptation to environmental conditions.
Abstract: Today, human activities such as pesticides, fertilizers, industrial and nuclear wastes, and Nano pollutants, which contain heavy metals, affect the performance and flexibility of soil ecosystems, microorganisms, and plants. It also pollutes surface water, groundwater and the food chain. The aim of this study was to investigate the phytoremediation ...
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Determinants Affecting Lime Technology Adoption on Agricultural Land in Senan District, North West Ethiopia
Volume 6, Issue 1, June 2022
28 March 2022
20 April 2022
10 May 2022
Downloads: 69
Views: 567
Abstract: Agriculture is the back bone of Ethiopia’s economy and Major Ethiopians’ livelihood depends on this sector. Even it has large contribution in the country, still it is not well developed due to different constraints such as soil degradation, poor management, insufficient of capital and technology and others. Now a day’s soil acidity is one of the problems that resulted low productivity in the country. Based on this idea researchers conducted their study on this sector to solve problems and to increase agricultural productivity by alleviating soil acidity problems. But still there was no any research conducted on soil acidity in the study area and in the study area the soil acidity problem is worse. So this problem initiates me to conduct my study on this issue. This study was conducted in Senan District, North West Ethiopia and the main objective of this study was to investigate the basic factors influencing farmers’ adoption of lime technology. The study employed mixed research design. The data was collected from: sample household heads (HHs); Woreda office heads, team leaders and experts; from Development Agents (DAs) and from kebele administrative staffs. Primary data were collected through questionnaire, interview, and focus group discussions. Descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as independent t-test and chi-square test were used. Binary logistic regression model was also used for the study. The result of the study showed that; age, educational status, leadership status, economic level, family size, farm size, and access to extension expert contact had significant relationships with adoption of agricultural lime inputs on acidic soils. On the other side; sex, marital status, non-farm activities had no significant relationship with lime adoption in the study area. The binary logistic regression result also indicated that; educational status, leadership status, economic level, family size, and access to extension contact were positive determinant factors in lime adoption. Whereas, age and farm size of the HHs were negative determinant factors in lime adoption. As the result showed, the adoption rate was low; and affected by different factors and to solve the problems: providing training for HHs; improving experts support; sharing of experiences between adopter and non-adopters; and maximize the adoption rate of lime by solving problems were some important ideas.
Abstract: Agriculture is the back bone of Ethiopia’s economy and Major Ethiopians’ livelihood depends on this sector. Even it has large contribution in the country, still it is not well developed due to different constraints such as soil degradation, poor management, insufficient of capital and technology and others. Now a day’s soil acidity is one of the pr...
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