The Economic Burden of HIV and AIDS on Fish Production in Turkana County, Kenya
Jeremia Lomari Apalia,
Urbanus Mutuku Kioko
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
25 March 2019
12 July 2019
26 July 2019
Downloads: 135
Views: 1148
Abstract: Estimating and determining the economic burden of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) on productivity is critical especially on the primary livelihood of any fishing community. If these communities are adversely affected by HIV and AIDS, the aggregate supply of fish may be adversely affected in real absolute numbers. It is in this reference that this study sought not only to identify factors affecting fish productivity but also to investigate the economic burden of HIV and AIDS in Lake Turkana County. To achieve this objective, the study collected primary data through structured questionnaires in the sampled areas of Namukuse and Kalokol sub-locations in Turkana County. Since HIV and AIDS is endogenous in the production model, the study applied Two Stage Least Square (2SLS) regression modeling technique to estimate the economic burden of HIV and AIDS on fish production. The findings showed that both HIV and AIDS, and the number of fishing nets significantly influence fish productivity in Lake Turkana while other diseases and age were also found to be significant determinants of fish production. Based on the study results, the study recommends that the national government and county government accelerate HIV/AIDS education among the finishing community and also fast track implementation of appropriate prevention measures such as use early diagnosis and treatment and use of PrEP given that the finishing community can be classified among the high-risk population groups.
Abstract: Estimating and determining the economic burden of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) on productivity is critical especially on the primary livelihood of any fishing community. If these communities are adversely affected by HIV and AIDS, the aggregate supply of fish may be adversely affected in real abs...
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Corruption Impede Access to Public Health Services in Benin
Denis Acclassato Houensou,
Fidel Saliga
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
21 May 2019
29 June 2019
2 September 2019
Downloads: 156
Views: 1302
Abstract: Health care is one of the indispensable factors contributing to the improvement of productivity and the welfare of human capital. Indeed, most developed countries focus on improving the health status of populations. Despite significant improvements in the health status of human capital, there are disparities in equal access to health care. This finding is fundamentally linked to the structuring, organization and functioning of public hospitals in developing countries. The purpose of this article is to analyze the effect of corruption behavior on access to health care in public hospitals in Benin. The methodological approach adopted in this work explains the probability, for a user in contact with the health services of public hospitals, of developing corrupt behaviors [1, 2]. The estimation of selection model, based on survey data from users of public hospitals in Benin, shows that corruption behavior facilitates access to health care for applicant. But taking collectively, they slow down the normal functioning of health care services, create a congestion effect and increase the vulnerability of users of public health hospitals. In addition, the estimation results reveal a negative and significant effect between drug diversion and corrupt behavior on the one hand and the fact of not having social security coverage decreases the probability of developing corruption behaviors other. The study recommends, on the one hand, the establishment of surveillance mechanisms for public hospital actors and, on the other hand, an increase in penalties for corrupt behavior.
Abstract: Health care is one of the indispensable factors contributing to the improvement of productivity and the welfare of human capital. Indeed, most developed countries focus on improving the health status of populations. Despite significant improvements in the health status of human capital, there are disparities in equal access to health care. This fin...
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Impact of Health Care Delivery Utilization on Under-5 Child Mortality in Myanmar
Nyaung Tai,
Su Hlaing Tin Htut,
Thiri Swe
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
21 July 2019
28 August 2019
10 September 2019
Downloads: 234
Views: 1274
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of healthcare delivery utilization on under-5 mortality in Myanmar. Reducing under-5 child mortality is the first target under the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Goal 3. In 2015, Myanmar registered anunder-5 mortality rate that was higher than the regional average. According to the World Health Statistics, Myanmar is a low-income country in the Southeastern Asian with high maternal deaths. This paper investigates the impact of the utilization of health care delivery on under-5 mortalities among states and region. In practice, all health factors are very important which relationships between utilization of health care delivery and under-5 mortalities. These results give strong evidence of the success of the main findings. In spite of all variables were not statistically significant with the outcome variable were included in the multivariate analysis. The risk of child mortality was significantly higher for children of 4-5 birth order number (OR: 1.85; 95% CI: 1.01-3.38; p=0.048) and above six or more birth order number (OR: 2.11; 95% CI: 1.04-4.28; p=0.039) respectively. Children who were treated by seeking health assistance that had reduced risk (OR: 0.06; 95% CI: 0.01-0.29; p=0.000) of childhood death compared with children who were no assistance of seeking health when children were no response. The risk of child mortality was significantly reduced for children whose mothers were accessible antenatal care facilities such as government hospital, private hospital, and mobile clinic (OR: 0.39; 95% CI: 1.06 -5.15; p=0.000). The paper efforts the relationship between utilization of health care delivery and under-5 child mortality by investigating of the socio-economic and demographic factors from first time Myanmar DHS (2015-2016). The main results highlighted the determinant of the main factors on under-5 child mortality among states and regions.
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of healthcare delivery utilization on under-5 mortality in Myanmar. Reducing under-5 child mortality is the first target under the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Goal 3. In 2015, Myanmar registered anunder-5 mortality rate that was higher than the regional average. According to the World Health Statistics, Myanmar...
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Willingness to Pay for Oral Health Care for 350 Users of Public Dental Offices in Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire
Samba Mamadou,
Sangare Abou Dramane,
Meless Guanga David,
Nzore Kangah Serge,
Guinan Jean-Claude,
Bakayoko-Ly Ramata
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
10 August 2019
5 September 2019
19 September 2019
Downloads: 133
Views: 1070
Abstract: In Côte d'Ivoire, the financial difficulties experienced by the population represent obstacles to the consumption of oral health care. Thus, insurance mechanisms based on the principle of cost sharing are recommended to improve financial accessibility to this care. The cross-sectional study was conducted with users of three public dental practices in the city of Abidjan. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The numbers and frequencies related to the modalities of the use of oral health care, as well as the users' perception of their costs were calculated. Also, the willingness of users to pay for oral care has been measured. 350 users participated in the study. More than one third of users (36%) felt that the cost of dental services was high. 80.1% and 57.1% of respondents reported spending less than 5 $ US to honor the cost of oral consultation and the purchase of medicines respectively. 74% of users were in favor of setting up an insurance system with a willingness to pay less than 10 $ US per month. This willingness to pay has been estimated for all users at 2 $ US per month. The willingness of populations to contribute to the financing of oral health care has been proven. Achieving universal health coverage based on solidarity requires the establishment of prepayment mechanisms by adjusting the amounts of contributions to each person's ability to pay.
Abstract: In Côte d'Ivoire, the financial difficulties experienced by the population represent obstacles to the consumption of oral health care. Thus, insurance mechanisms based on the principle of cost sharing are recommended to improve financial accessibility to this care. The cross-sectional study was conducted with users of three public dental practices ...
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Public Health Financing for Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health: The Nigerian Case
Airhunmwunde Matthew Eghosa
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
11 August 2019
6 September 2019
21 September 2019
Downloads: 194
Views: 1232
Abstract: Health-related behaviors undoubtedly alters physical and cognitive development, which can have a repercussion on long-term health. The justification for public health financing on adolescent health as an integrated package is unequivocal. However, to date, there is still no costed plan or budget for adolescent reproductive health in many countries and so a severe lack of funding persists at all levels with no clear budgetary provision for such program. The empirical analysis was based on Nigerian six geo-political zones covering the 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The time series data for the variables under consideration were annual and covers the period of 1980-2014. The research explored the stationarity and cointegration properties of public health finance and adolescent reproductive health indicators. These mechanisms were reviewed for the responses to this program and finally the causality was established. The outcomes reveals that ASRH/FP is a necessity in Nigeria; PHF for adolescent reproductive health is mainly determined by many factors specifically by the amount expended by government for public health finance to total government finance and the external debt services payments in Nigeria within the study period.
Abstract: Health-related behaviors undoubtedly alters physical and cognitive development, which can have a repercussion on long-term health. The justification for public health financing on adolescent health as an integrated package is unequivocal. However, to date, there is still no costed plan or budget for adolescent reproductive health in many countries ...
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