International Journal of Systems Science and Applied Mathematics

Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2016

  • On the Inverted Gamma Distribution

    Salah H. Abid, Saja A. Al-Hassany

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2016
    Pages: 16-22
    Received: 29 August 2016
    Accepted: 14 September 2016
    Published: 28 September 2016
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ijssam.20160103.11
    Downloads: 281
    Views: 5231
    Abstract: If a random variable follows a particular distribution then the distribution of the reciprocal of that random variable is called inverted distribution. In this paper we studied some issues related with inverted gamma distribution which is the reciprocal of the gamma distribution. We provide forms for the characteristic function, rth raw moment, ske... Show More
  • Fractional Calculus Model for the Hepatitis C with Different Types of Virus Genome

    Moustafa El-Shahed, Ahmed. M. Ahmed, Ibrahim. M. E. Abdelstar

    Issue: Volume 1, Issue 3, September 2016
    Pages: 23-29
    Received: 6 September 2016
    Accepted: 18 September 2016
    Published: 11 October 2016
    DOI: 10.11648/j.ijssam.20160103.12
    Abstract: In this paper, a fractional order model to study the spread of HCV-subtype 4a amongst the Egyptian population is constructed. The stability of the boundary and positive fixed points is studied. The generalized Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method is used to solve and simulate the system of fractional differential equations.