Structural and Natural Isotopic Abundance Analysis of Magnesium Gluconate Treated with Energy of Consciousness (The Trivedi Effect®) Using LC-MS and NMR
Mahendra Kumar Trivedi,
Alice Branton,
Dahryn Trivedi,
Gopal Nayak,
Aileen Carol Lee,
Aksana Hancharuk,
Carola Marina Sand,
Debra Jane Schnitzer,
Rudina Thanasi,
Eileen Mary Meagher,
Faith Ann Pyka,
Gary Richard Gerber,
Johanna Catharina Stromsnas,
Judith Marian Shapiro,
Laura Nelson Streicher,
Lorraine Marie Hachfeld,
Matthew Charles Hornung,
Patricia M. Rowe,
Sally Jean Henderson,
Sheila Maureen Benson,
Shirley Theresa Holmlund,
Stephen P. Salters,
Parthasarathi Panda,
Kalyan Kumar Sethi,
Snehasis Jana
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2017
31 January 2017
14 February 2017
9 March 2017
Downloads: 156
Views: 2641
Abstract: The current research article was aimed to investigate the impact of The Trivedi Effect®- Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment on the structural properties and isotopic abundance ratio (PM+1/PM and PM+2/PM) of magnesium gluconate using LC-MS and NMR spectroscopy. Magnesium gluconate was divided into two parts – one part was control, and another part was treated with The Trivedi Effect® remotely by eighteen renowned Biofield Energy Healers and defined as the Trivedi Effect® Treated sample. The liquid chromatogram of the control sample showed two peaks at Rt of 1.81 and 2.06 min, whereas the Trivedi Effect® Treated sample displayed these peaks at Rt of 1.79 and 2.03 min. The ESI-MS spectra of the control and the Trivedi Effect® Treated samples revealed the presence of the mass for magnesium gluconate ion in two forms at m/z 447 (adduct form with methanol) and 415 (protonated ion) in positive ionization mode. But, it showed the mass for the gluconate ion at m/z 195 in the negative ionization mode. The fragmentation pattern of magnesium gluconate in the treated sample was notably altered as compared to the control sample. The proton and carbon signals for CH, CH2 and CO groups in the proton and carbon NMR spectra were found almost similar for the control and the treated samples. The isotopic abundance ratio analysis revealed that the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 17O/16O or 25Mg/24Mg) in two magnesium gluconate ion forms at m/z 447 and 415 in treated sample was significantly decreased by 59.82% and 55.44%, respectively compared with the control sample. The percentage change in the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+2/PM (18O/16O or 26Mg/24Mg) was remarkably decreased in the magnesium gluconate ion at m/z 447 in the treated sample by 78.26% compared with the control sample. Consequently, the isotopic abundance ratio of PM+1/PM (2H/1H or 13C/12C or 17O/16O) in gluconate ion in the treated sample was significantly increased by 37.35% with respect to the control sample. Thus, the Trivedi Effect® treated magnesium gluconate could be valuable for designing better pharmaceutical and/or nutraceutical formulations through its changed physicochemical and thermal properties, which might be providing better therapeutic response against various diseases such as diabetes mellitus, allergies, aging, inflammatory diseases, immunological disorders, and other chronic infections. The treated magnesium gluconate might be helpful to design the novel potent enzyme inhibitors by using its kinetic isotope effects.
Abstract: The current research article was aimed to investigate the impact of The Trivedi Effect®- Energy of Consciousness Healing Treatment on the structural properties and isotopic abundance ratio (PM+1/PM and PM+2/PM) of magnesium gluconate using LC-MS and NMR spectroscopy. Magnesium gluconate was divided into two parts – one part was control, and another...
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Assessement of Bio-fertilizer Quality of Anaerobic Digestion of Watermelon Peels and Cow Dung
Dahiru Usman Hassan,
Surajudeen Abdulsalam
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2017
14 January 2017
25 January 2017
10 March 2017
Downloads: 197
Views: 2687
Abstract: A study was carried out for assessement of bio-fertilizerquality of anaerobic digestion of watermelon peels and cow dung as substrates. Five kilogram (5 kg) each of water melon peels and cow dung were collected, pre-treated and mixed with water in a ratio 1:1 w/v to prepared 18 L slurry that was charged into the batch bio-digester and digested for 35 days at mesophilic temperature of between 26.2-30.8℃. The physicochemical and microbiological analyses of the substrates were determined before and after the digestion process using standard methods. The analyses showed that biochemical oxygen demand, total solids, organic carbon, carbon/nitrogen ratio reduced by 99.84%, 6.22%, 59.32% and 77.25% respectively, while chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids and pH increased by 67.16%, 86.01% and 24.14% respectively after digestion. Bio-fertilizer yield of 83.35% and biogas yield of 16.65% were obtained. Plants macronutrients (N,P,K) content were substantially increased in the digestates by 78.57%, 89.09% and 84.62%. The presence of Clostridium (nitrogen fixer bio-fertilizer), Bacillus and Pseudomonas (phosphate solubilizing bio-fertilizers) revealed that the digestate was bio-fertilizer. Moreover, the implication of salmonella in the digestate is a major health concern, it is therefore recommended that further study to check if an extended retention period would ensure the removal of Salmonella.
Abstract: A study was carried out for assessement of bio-fertilizerquality of anaerobic digestion of watermelon peels and cow dung as substrates. Five kilogram (5 kg) each of water melon peels and cow dung were collected, pre-treated and mixed with water in a ratio 1:1 w/v to prepared 18 L slurry that was charged into the batch bio-digester and digested for ...
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Analytical Investigation of Nanofluid Natural Convection in a Shallow Cavity with Differentially Heated end Walls in Presence of Electromagnetic Forces
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2017
16 January 2017
13 March 2017
24 April 2017
Downloads: 138
Views: 2577
Abstract: The present study deals with the effect of electromagnetic forces on the problem of natural convection in a cavity of small aspect ratio with differentially heated end walls. It is shown by use of matched asymptotic expansions that the flow consists of two distinct regimes: a parallel flow in the core region and a second, non-parallel flow near the ends of the cavity. A solution valid at all orders in the aspect ratio A is found for the core region, while the first several terms of the appropriate asymptotic expansion are obtained for the end regions. Parametric limits of validity for the parallel flow structure are discussed. Asymptotic expressions for the Nusselt number and the single free parameter of the parallel flow solution, valid in the limit as A→ 0, are derived.
Abstract: The present study deals with the effect of electromagnetic forces on the problem of natural convection in a cavity of small aspect ratio with differentially heated end walls. It is shown by use of matched asymptotic expansions that the flow consists of two distinct regimes: a parallel flow in the core region and a second, non-parallel flow near the...
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The Application of Modified Graphene with KH570 Used in Semiconductive Shielding Material of Power Cable
Hetian Ying,
Zuoguo Yang,
Yifei Wang,
Ming Zhu,
Yiyi Yao,
Lecai Zeng
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2017
13 January 2017
11 May 2017
10 July 2017
Downloads: 176
Views: 2688
Abstract: In order to reduce the content of conductive filler and improve the smoothness of semiconductive shielding layer of power cable, Graphene was used as a better kind of conductive filler to replace a part of carbon black (CB). In the meantime, in order to improve the consistency between the graphene and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), γ-methacryloxypropyl trimethoxy silane (KH570) was used to modify the graphene. The result shows that modified reduced graphene oxide (MrGO) has a better compatibility and dispersability with EVA matrix. A qualified composite can be obtained only by adding 6% of MrGO and 10% of CB, compared with traditional semiconductive shielding material, the conductive filler content of which has been reduced greatly. In addition, this kind of new material has a good mechanical, electrical, thermal properties.
Abstract: In order to reduce the content of conductive filler and improve the smoothness of semiconductive shielding layer of power cable, Graphene was used as a better kind of conductive filler to replace a part of carbon black (CB). In the meantime, in order to improve the consistency between the graphene and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), γ-metha...
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The Electric Potential of the Tissue Fluids of Living Organisms as a Possible Epigenetic Factor
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2017
8 June 2017
22 June 2017
24 July 2017
Downloads: 124
Views: 2734
Abstract: It is shown that the state and properties of aqueous DNA depend on the electric potential of the surrounding water. It is particularly shown that water with a positive potential much more actively hydrates DNA than water with negative potential. Since the electric potential of tissue fluids determines the degree of hydration of DNA, i.e. its state, it can be considered as an epigenetic factor.
Abstract: It is shown that the state and properties of aqueous DNA depend on the electric potential of the surrounding water. It is particularly shown that water with a positive potential much more actively hydrates DNA than water with negative potential. Since the electric potential of tissue fluids determines the degree of hydration of DNA, i.e. its state,...
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Impact of Biochar on Metal and Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants: A Tool for Environmental Remediation (An Overview)
Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2017
21 June 2017
12 July 2017
18 August 2017
Downloads: 362
Views: 2781
Abstract: The importance of biochar in soil through natural processes (bush burning, forest fires) and application to soil (agriculture, waste management, carbon sequestration and pollution remediation) has received significant amount of scientific and regulatory attention. Biochar alters soil properties, encourages microbial growth activity and enhances sorption of metal and hydrophobic organic contaminants though this strongly depends on the feedstock and production process of the Biochar. This paper mainly studied on the impact of biochar on metal and hydrophobic organic contaminants and explores the feasibility of applying Biochar in remediation technology.
Abstract: The importance of biochar in soil through natural processes (bush burning, forest fires) and application to soil (agriculture, waste management, carbon sequestration and pollution remediation) has received significant amount of scientific and regulatory attention. Biochar alters soil properties, encourages microbial growth activity and enhances sor...
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