Evolution of the Romanian Pharmaceutical System in the Period 1990-Present
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
28 August 2019
9 September 2019
27 September 2019
Downloads: 122
Views: 1006
Abstract: In this study I present the evolution of the number of Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Pharmacy graduates, Pharmacy/Population ratio, Pharmacist/Population after 1990. If in 1990 there were 1948 pharmacies, in 2017 their number reached 7945. And the number of pharmacists increased in a fast pace, in 1990 were 6286 to a population of 23206720 inhabitants, in 2017 their number reached 17833 in a population of 19588146 inhabitants. In 2017 the Pharmacy/Population ratio is 2465 and the Pharmacist/Population ratio is 1098. This increase in the number of pharmacists was due to the establishment of new Pharmacy Faculties in different cities of the country after 1990. I also succinctly present the Legislation that has undergone a number of changes over time and has influenced the evolution of these indicators: Law No. 95 of 14 April 2006 on Health Reform, Order of the Minister of Health No. 2234 of 1994, Order of Health Minister No. 201 of 1999, Order of the Minister of Health and Family No. 626 of 2001, Order of Health Minister No. 1199 of 2004, Order of Health Minister No. 962/2009, Law No. 266 of 2008 of the Pharmacy, Law No. 266 of 2008 of the Pharmacy, Reprocessed, Law No. 46 of 21 January 2003 on Patients' Rights.
Abstract: In this study I present the evolution of the number of Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Pharmacy graduates, Pharmacy/Population ratio, Pharmacist/Population after 1990. If in 1990 there were 1948 pharmacies, in 2017 their number reached 7945. And the number of pharmacists increased in a fast pace, in 1990 were 6286 to a population of 23206720 inhabitants, ...
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Assessment of Human Health Risk of Potential Toxic Metals in Herbal Concoction Teas Commonly Consumed in Nigeria
Solomon Sunday Durodola,
Olawole Ayinuola,
Odunayo Timothy Ore,
Oladotun Wasiu Makinde
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
31 August 2019
20 September 2019
30 September 2019
Downloads: 172
Views: 1274
Abstract: Concentrations of potential toxic metals (Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, As, Fe and Mn) were determined in herbal concoction teas commonly consumed in Nigeria using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Results revealed that Fe had the highest concentration with a mean value of 13.136 ± 0.195 µg/g, while As had the least mean concentration (0.043 ± 0.006 µg/g). Pollution index (PI) result indicated that the teas were contaminated with Cu (PI value > 1) while it was clear of contamination by the other investigated metals. Cluster analysis showed close inter-element relationships between the investigated metals, indicating similar chemical properties and/or genetic origin. Correlation matrix showed that positive and significant correlations existed between between Zn/Cr, Ni/Cr, Co/Cr, Fe/Cu, Mn/Cu, Ni/Zn, Co/Zn, Co/Ni and Mn/Fe, indicating chemical affinity. Estimated daily intake, target hazard quotient and cancer risk showed that there was no health risk associated with the consumption of the herbal concoction teas. Relative risk indicated that the highest concern is from the levels of Co in the teas. The study concluded that consumption of the teas may not pose risk to human health at the current levels of the metals, but should be consumed moderately to prevent bioaccumulation of the metals.
Abstract: Concentrations of potential toxic metals (Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, As, Fe and Mn) were determined in herbal concoction teas commonly consumed in Nigeria using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. Results revealed that Fe had the highest concentration with a mean value of 13.136 ± 0.195 µg/g, while As had the least mean concentration (0.043 ± 0.006 µ...
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Determination of Iron in Some Selected Iron Containing Tablets Using Redox Titration
Muhammad Auwal Balarabe,
Aliyu Zainab Folashade
Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2019
31 August 2019
20 September 2019
30 September 2019
Downloads: 1770
Views: 6932
Abstract: Iron is an essential trace element, required for haemoglobin formation and the oxidative process of living tissues. A comparative study of the determination of iron in iron tablets was carried out using Redox titration on five samples of capsule containing iron. The capsules were analyzed using Redox titration on five of the samples containing iron content inform of ferrous fumarate. The weight of ferrous fumarate Fe (C4H2O4) as well as elemental Fe2+ in milligram per gram for each capsule containing ferrous fumarate was determined. The titration was carried out using potassium permanganate (vii) (KMNO4) which is the oxidation agent. The results obtained indicated Chemiron contained 144±4.61 (mg/g) while the label contained 150mg/g, Astyfer contained 74.6±5.69 (mg/g) while the label contained 80mg/g, Ferrobin plus contained 246±2.36 (mg/g) while the label contain 300mg/g, Emivite super contain 102±3.64 (mg/g) while the label contain 100mg/g, and Maxiron 265±1.73 (mg/g) while the label contain 250mg/g. Base on the results for the analysis of all the sample it can be concluded that Maxiron have the highest percentage of iron which is best supplements for adult lacking high percentage of iron. However, Astyfer has the lowest amount of iron which is the best supplement for infants who require very low amount of iron supplements.
Abstract: Iron is an essential trace element, required for haemoglobin formation and the oxidative process of living tissues. A comparative study of the determination of iron in iron tablets was carried out using Redox titration on five samples of capsule containing iron. The capsules were analyzed using Redox titration on five of the samples containing iron...
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