The Effect of Discourse Analysis Informed Instruction on Developing High School Learners Reading Comprehension
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020
24 September 2019
5 November 2019
19 May 2020
Downloads: 222
Views: 1022
Abstract: This study scrutinized the effect of discourse analysis (DA) informed instruction on developing high school English as a foreign language (EFL) learners reading comprehension. A quantitative research method with quasi-experimental pre-test post-test comparison group design was utilized for the study. The participants were two intact sections of 10th graders (n=88) that were selected purposively based on pre-test mean scores from Woldia Millennium General Secondary School in North Wollo, Ethiopia. The data were collected through reading comprehension test: pre-test and post-test. T-tests including independent samples test and paired samples test were employed in data analysis as statistical tools. The result (t (91) -.025, p >.980) reveals that both the experimental and the control groups were almost equal in reading comprehension achievement before the experiment. However, after the treatment, the analysis of data (t (86) 3.923, p<0.001) with effect size 0.82 indicates that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group on reading comprehension post–test with the primacy of DA informed instruction over the usual method. Therefore, the findings of the study advocates that DA informed reading instruction significantly boost up high school students’ reading skill, and it is recommended to be used
Abstract: This study scrutinized the effect of discourse analysis (DA) informed instruction on developing high school English as a foreign language (EFL) learners reading comprehension. A quantitative research method with quasi-experimental pre-test post-test comparison group design was utilized for the study. The participants were two intact sections of 10t...
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An Investigation into Senior High School Social Studies Teachers' Knowledge of the Problem Section in the Social Studies Syllabus: The Case of North-East Region of Ghana
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020
16 April 2020
5 May 2020
27 May 2020
Downloads: 120
Views: 859
Abstract: The current Senior High School Social Studies syllabus has a section on the problem for each topic to be studied presents for the teacher. Knowledge of this problem section of the syllabus has a positive impact on teachers' effectiveness in their lesson delivery; thus, the call on teachers to take this section seriously in their classroom practices. But there is little sign that teachers in the North-East Region of Ghana have taken this call. This study investigated the knowledge of Social Studies teachers of the North-East Region of Ghana of this section of the syllabus and how they used it as a guide for the teaching of the subject. A sample of fifty-four (54) teachers was selected for the study using the simple random, cluster and convenient sampling techniques to select the respondents for the study. As a qualitative study, an open-ended interview guide and observational guide were designed to elicit information from the respondents. Data from the interview was transcribed, grouped, analyzed and discussed on themes that emerged. The study focused on the teachers’ knowledge of the problem section of the Senior High School Social Studies syllabus and how this informed their selection of objectives, content, instructional techniques, materials, and evaluation of the subject. The study revealed among other things that: teachers’ knowledge of the problem section in the syllabus and their reciprocal relationship with other components of the syllabus fall short of the expectation of effective Social Studies teachers, especially trained to teach the subject. Observation of teaching sessions revealed that lessons were taught without teachers explaining the problems of the units to leaners. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that Ministry of Education (MoE) through Ghana Education Service (GES) should organize regular in-service training such as seminars, workshops for Social Studies teachers to update their pedagogical skills in the subject; on-campus and off-campus teaching practices in the Universities should be intensified by allowing in-field lecturers to supervise and train the teacher-trainees to ensure effective teaching of Social Studies.
Abstract: The current Senior High School Social Studies syllabus has a section on the problem for each topic to be studied presents for the teacher. Knowledge of this problem section of the syllabus has a positive impact on teachers' effectiveness in their lesson delivery; thus, the call on teachers to take this section seriously in their classroom practices...
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Teacher’s Motivation Techniques as Determinants of Students’ Academic Performance in English Language in Selected Government Secondary Schools in Oyo State
Dairo Comfort Olufunmilayo
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020
20 January 2020
2 April 2020
28 May 2020
Downloads: 280
Views: 1197
Abstract: Motivation is a critical component in the teaching/learning process. Existing studies have examined teacher-related variables in several fields of learning but with little attention paid to teacher’s motivation technique in English language teaching/learning processes of senior secondary students in Ona-Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined teacher’s motivation techniques as determinants of students’ performance in English Language in selected Government Secondary Schools in Ona-Ara Local Government. The sample comprised 12 English language teachers and 100 students in senior secondary school two. The research design was survey and the instruments were self-designed questionnaires and teachers’ test. Percentage and frequency counts were used for the data analysis. The results revealed that teachers are aware of teacher’s motivation student’s academic performance. Also, most of the teachers provided motivational materials when affordable; so there was no adequate provision of the materials. The result also showed that teachers perceived motivation to be most effective technique for teaching and learning in English language classroom. Recommendations were made that the state and federal governments should organize in-service courses and workshops to improve teachers’ motivation techniques to assist their students for English language teachers. There is need to restructure school’s timetable to include periods of independent learning.
Abstract: Motivation is a critical component in the teaching/learning process. Existing studies have examined teacher-related variables in several fields of learning but with little attention paid to teacher’s motivation technique in English language teaching/learning processes of senior secondary students in Ona-Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State, Niger...
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Teacher Training Program of the East Kutai Regency Office of Education, East Borneo
Khusnul Wardan,
Susilo Susilo,
Saraka Saraka,
Hasbi Sjamsir
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020
8 August 2019
28 February 2020
3 June 2020
Downloads: 117
Views: 834
Abstract: This study aimed to describe the Quality Development Program of the Education Office of East Kutai District Teachers. In this phenomenological qualitative research, researchers want to photograph, analyze and construct teachers and the environment as both subject and research respondents. Methods of collecting data by interview. Data analysis techniques used qualitative data analysis techniques of Miles and Huberman interactive models, namely data reduction, data display and reduction / conclusion. The teacher quality development program by the East Kutai District Education Office is carried out by implementing several programs namely (1) education equalization programs, (2) education and training programs, (3) supervision programs by supervisors and principals, (4) Employment Group empowerment programs Teachers and Deliberation of Subject Teachers, (5) comparative studies to schools in Java, (6) certification programs and (7) teacher performance assessment programs. All of these programs have been running well and can improve the quality of teachers in the East Kutai Education Office.
Abstract: This study aimed to describe the Quality Development Program of the Education Office of East Kutai District Teachers. In this phenomenological qualitative research, researchers want to photograph, analyze and construct teachers and the environment as both subject and research respondents. Methods of collecting data by interview. Data analysis techn...
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Strategic Planning: A Remedy for the Successful Management of Nigeria Secondary School System
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020
13 January 2020
3 June 2020
17 June 2020
Downloads: 165
Views: 1109
Abstract: This paper examined the need for strategic planning as a remedy for successful management of secondary school systems in Nigeria. The research design used was a descriptive review, which reveals the strong connection between strategic planning and successful management of the secondary school system in Nigeria. The Nigerian secondary school system has encountered quite a number of challenges Inadequate infrastructure, instructional materials and Facilities School, Inadequate motivation/Staff Low Morale Teachers, Poor education board and Ministry Monitoring/Supervision of Schools, Poor Funding, Unqualified and inadequate teachers, Poor Application of ICT Computer learning and Non-involvement of stakeholders/Teachers in key Decision-making and Planning amongst others. This paper looks at the meaning and context of strategic planning its process, approaches, elements and use in education. SWOT analysis approach was examined with model sample. The paper concludes that despite the several issues plaguing the Nigerian secondary school system, with the proper adoption and implementation of strategic planning and management, the expectations of the national policy on education on secondary school can still be achieved for the benefit of both the school and nation.
Abstract: This paper examined the need for strategic planning as a remedy for successful management of secondary school systems in Nigeria. The research design used was a descriptive review, which reveals the strong connection between strategic planning and successful management of the secondary school system in Nigeria. The Nigerian secondary school system ...
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Assessing the Role of Non-governmental Organization in Promoting Education in Hidhabu Abote District the Case of World Vision Ethiopia
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020
17 September 2019
4 November 2019
17 June 2020
Abstract: Non-governmental organizations /NGOs/ as LED actors contribute to the promotion of education in developing countries. The collaboration and networking Promoting education between NGOs, the government organs and other actors were not often assessed scientifically. The objective of this study is to assess the role of NGOs in the Education sector in Hidhabu Abote District, the Case of World Vision Ethiopia. To finalize it, the research method employed was descriptive survey study. Survey questionnaire was used to gather the relevant quantitative data. The qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussion and personal observations. The collected data were descriptively analyzed. WVE, is contributing in education programs, child sponsorship and in the areas of WASH and livelihoods. It also involves environmental protection strategies but not with good results. The study concludes with the recommendation that substantive networking and collaboration is needed between the NGOs and local/Woreda government on one hand and awareness creation of education for the community on the other hand.
Abstract: Non-governmental organizations /NGOs/ as LED actors contribute to the promotion of education in developing countries. The collaboration and networking Promoting education between NGOs, the government organs and other actors were not often assessed scientifically. The objective of this study is to assess the role of NGOs in the Education sector in H...
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