The Determinants of Commercialization to Smallholder Farmers in West Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Firew Hailemariam Mamo,
Aman Kiniso Beguije
Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2022
14 June 2022
22 July 2022
31 August 2022
Downloads: 73
Views: 1003
Abstract: Taking into account the importance of commercialization in relation to agricultural and its priceless impacts on rural development and food security, studying the determining factors of commercialization had given a particular attention in this research. Smallholder commercialization as the strength of the linkage between farm households’ markets and consumption at a given point in time have a particular concern in this research. Among the others, computing household commercialization index and pinpointing the critical factors affecting household commercialization, considered reference points. Sampling involved a multi-stage random sampling procedure and pursued the required representative samples. Household Commercialization Index was equated by the ratio of the total sold agricultural product values to the total production. To determine the impact of independent variables involved, the research applied: Generalized Regression Model. In statistics, generalized linear model is the theoretical extension and application of an Ordinary Least Square Regression (OLS). This model weight the dependent variable to some scale, combines count and continuous variables (Tweedie probability distribution) and transform estimated values via a log-link function. The research compared results taking from two parameter estimation models for hypothesis testing: Parameter estimation through full log-likelihood model and bootstrapped parameter estimation in constrained model. The parameter estimation through maximum log-likelihood function bring in to light, potential cases of errors, which may lead to wrong conclusion while the bootstrapped estimation had trimmed outliers, measure values with high precision, and provide consistent out puts reliable to generalization. Results after the model revealed that: sex of household head (at 5%), years of cultivation (10%), distance from market (at 10%), means of transportation, (10%) and credit access (5%) had drained their proportionate substantial impact. The average value of commercialization index is 35% that likely considered very lower when compared to the average (52%) in Ethiopia. The condition of smallholder farmers in the study area appeals collaborative effort. Empirical research results reviewed that the issues that matters most varies among farmers in different locations; although sometimes overlap. Beyond merely conducting research, initiations to transform research outputs in to long-term project should be coordinated by volunteers and multiplying successful projects to similar suitable location should take in to practice.
Abstract: Taking into account the importance of commercialization in relation to agricultural and its priceless impacts on rural development and food security, studying the determining factors of commercialization had given a particular attention in this research. Smallholder commercialization as the strength of the linkage between farm households’ markets a...
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The Circular Economy Mechanism for the Recycling of Agricultural Waste
Abeer Mohamed Abd El Razak Youssef
Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2022
10 August 2022
3 September 2022
29 September 2022
Downloads: 59
Views: 867
Abstract: The research paper explains that the linear economy based on the depletion of natural resources and their use as requirements to produce fossil fuels as fuel, is one of the largest sources of environmental pollution associated with a high carbon footprint of economic activities. Where it differs greatly from the circular economy, which works on the gradual transformation from depleting industrial activities to sustainable industrial activities, conserving natural resources, increasing the economic value of agricultural residues, and transforming them into production requirements. As well as the economic return resulting from the application of these modern technologies, the concept of circular economy, and then preserving the ecosystem through the sound and safe management of waste, to achieve a high economic return that works to improve the Egyptian national product. The article sheds light on the role of the circular economy in the recycling of agricultural waste. It is defined as an economic model that aims to reduce waste and pollution and sustainable use of resources to create new products that benefit society and the environment, and to keep raw materials for a longer period in production cycles and can be reused repeatedly, thus producing It has much less waste, and the essence of this model is to keep resources in the economy for as long as possible, and the waste that is produced can be used as raw materials for other industries.
Abstract: The research paper explains that the linear economy based on the depletion of natural resources and their use as requirements to produce fossil fuels as fuel, is one of the largest sources of environmental pollution associated with a high carbon footprint of economic activities. Where it differs greatly from the circular economy, which works on the...
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Corruption and Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis of the Case of African Commonwealth and Franc Zone Countries
Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2022
30 June 2022
26 September 2022
24 October 2022
Downloads: 46
Views: 775
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of corruption on economic growth by considering two groups of African countries for comparison: the Franc zone countries on the one hand and the 19 Commonwealth countries on the other. The analysis shows that the Franc zone countries, which are more corrupt than the Commonwealth countries, have lower economic growth than the countries in the second group. In the Franc zone, the level of corruption of CEMAC countries is most often 3 times higher than that of the WAEMU and 1.5 times higher than that of the Franc zone as a whole. It is therefore the CEMAC zone that widens the large corruption gap between the Franc zone and the Commonwealth. The econometric estimation of a static panel specified growth model revealed that corruption is negatively and significantly correlated with real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita growth in the Franc zone while this impact is insignificant for the Commonwealth countries. For example, a decrease in corruption (increase of one unit in the corruption index) leads to an increase of 3.38 units in the growth rate. This impact comes before the effects of inflation (0.58%), public expenditure (-0.56), trade openness (0.068) and private investment (0.066). The reduction of corruption thus has a very important impact on economic growth in the Franc zone. In this direction, Franc zone countries should seek to copy and apply the experience of African Commonwealth countries, especially in governance and more particularly in the fight against corruption. Rather than looking to Asia experience, let us first look to our closest neighbours who are ahead of us in terms of economic growth.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of corruption on economic growth by considering two groups of African countries for comparison: the Franc zone countries on the one hand and the 19 Commonwealth countries on the other. The analysis shows that the Franc zone countries, which are more corrupt than the Commonwealth countries, have lower ...
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Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Maize Production in West Harerghe Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia
Gosa Alemu,
Birhanu Angasu,
Nimona Sime
Volume 11, Issue 2, December 2022
2 August 2022
7 September 2022
11 November 2022
Abstract: The aim of the study was to measure the levels of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies and identify factors affecting efficiency levels of maize production in west Hararghe zone. The study was based on cross-sectional data collected from 160 randomly selected respondents. Stochastic frontier production model was used to estimate technical, allocative and economic efficiency levels, whereas Tobit model was used to identify factors affecting efficiency levels. Accordingly, the mean technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of sample households were 77%, 64% and 51%, respectively. The results indicated that there was substantial amount of efficiency variation in maize production in the study area. Land, seed and NPS were the variables that positively affected the production of maize. Results of the Tobit model revealed that education, number of livestock owned and social participation significantly affected technical efficiency. On the other hand, household size, proximity to maize farm, number of maize plot, landholding size, credit and social participation significantly affected allocative efficiency. The result of the study also showed that, proximity, landholding size, livestock and credit affected economic efficiency significantly. Results also indicate that there is a room to increase the efficiency in maize production of the study area. Therefore, government authorities, policy makers and other concerned bodies should take into consideration the above mentioned socioeconomic and institutional factors to improve the productivity of maize in the study area.
Abstract: The aim of the study was to measure the levels of technical, allocative and economic efficiencies and identify factors affecting efficiency levels of maize production in west Hararghe zone. The study was based on cross-sectional data collected from 160 randomly selected respondents. Stochastic frontier production model was used to estimate technica...
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