American Journal of Applied Scientific Research

Special Issue

Quantum Materials: Experimental Investigations and Theoretical Modeling

  • Submission Deadline: 20 March 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Dmitry Milovzorov
About This Special Issue
My special issue is devoted to the such field of physics as Quantum Materials: Experimental Investigations and Theoretical Modeling, that contains the physics of nanoclusters, surface science, thin films growth, phase field crystal study, density function theory, renormalization group approach, Kon-Sham equations, atomic chains, quantum-sized clusters as a new class of luminescent materials, multiscale simulations of polycrystalline materials using the phase field crystal model, quasicrystalline order and a crystal-liquid state, theory of surface states, Quantum theory of solids, theory of Hartree-Fock, activation of surface by decomposition into nanoclusters, self-assembled network of nanoclusters, complex metal–organic structures, local fields in dielectrics and semiconductors, quantum chemistry of macromolecules.

Aims and Scope:

  1. Nanoclusters
  2. Nanocrystal
  3. Density Function Theory
  4. Phase Field Crystal Model
  5. Atomic Chains
  6. Crystal-liquid State
  7. Thin Film Polycrystalline Materials
Lead Guest Editor
  • Dmitry Milovzorov

    FLUENS Technology Group Ltd, Moscow, Russian Federation