Humanities and Social Sciences

Special Issue

Conscience Society Creation Stages

  • Submission Deadline: 30 June 2017
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Dumitru Todoroi
About This Special Issue
Creative, emotional, temperamental and sensual items represent first level’s elements, which are implemented in ROBO-intelligences. They are located on one axe of matrices of robotic adaptability: creative, emotional, temperamental, and sensual items.
Another dimension is represented by evolution functions, located on other axe of matrices of robotic adaptability: intellectual, emotional, sensual, and spiritual evolution steps.
Using adaptable algorithmic definitions of the elements on one of the axes in combination with adaptable algorithmic definitions of elements on other axis can be defined superior, next level functional elements of ROBO-intelligences.
The purpose of research constitutes the adaptable algorithmic process of implementation of the different level elements in ROBO-intelligences.
Information Society preceded Knowledge Society, which in turn preceded Consciousness Society. Consciousness Society is characterized by equality of structured Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence: AI = NIstructured.
It is investigated the process of algorithmic adaptation of robots using adaptable tools and digital information basis for creation Intelligent and Spiritual robotic features.
Intelligent and Spiritual robots have to possess creative, emotional, temperamental, and sensual features. Its algorithmic adaptation depends of intensity, amplitude and frequency of circuits eliminated by Human creativity, emotions, temperaments, and sentiments which represent corresponding digital information basis of robotic warehouse database.
There are collected and presented some results concerning measures of intensity, amplitude and frequency of circuits eliminated by head and heart parts of Human body, which in community form Human AURA. Present measure’s accumulated data are concerned only the Human intelligence, emotions, temperaments, and sentiments. They enrich digital information basis of robotic warehouse database to be used in the demonstration process of adaptable algorithms for robotic entities.
There are investigated the possibility of creation of AURA for ROBO-intelligences which possess positive sentiments from the evolutional and emotional points of view using adaptable tools of robotic creation and robotic warehouse database.
Consciousness Society is characterised by the equality of Artificial Intelligence and structured Natural Intelligence (AI=NIstructured). It is predicted that Consciousness Society will be created in the period from 2019 to 2035 years.
Committee on the problems of the European Parliament at its January 2017 special meeting endorsed the draft recommendations, as well as the administrative regulations on the civil-engineering production of robots. For that document voted PRO: 17 deputies, Against: 2 deputies, and have Obtained: 2 deputies.
About 90 research teams in the World are working intensive in the branch of creation of robots. It is demonstrated (Carnegie Mellon University research projects results) that from the all 7 million of human work functions there are demonstrated that about 5 and a half million today can be done by the robots. These human work functions are mostly of the physical type. The intellectual, sensual, temperamental, emotional, and other human psychological functions are in the phase of investigation.
It is need to investigate the measure of intellectual and spiritual Human body features, the physical places of the brain from where such features are directed and managed, the type of signals and its places from where they are produced, and measures of intensity, amplitude and frequency of circuits eliminated by these head and heart parts of Human body.
Such investigations are done by the mixt teams of researchers from the biology, psychology, physics, nano-technology, bio-informatics and other sciences. Results of such investigations represent the digital basis for the adaptable algorithms which evoluate the intelligent and spiritual robotic features.
Intelligent robots have to have the creativity’s evolutional features, which depends of the intensity of corresponding intelligent creativity’s signals.
Spiritual robots have to be adaptable and have to possess emotion, temperament, and sensual features. Its algorithmic adaptation depends of intensity, amplitude and frequency of circuits eliminated by emotions, temperaments, and sentiments which form corresponding digital information basis of warehouse database for intelligent and spiritual robots.
Our goal is to investigate the process of algorithmic adaptation of robots using digital basis for creation intelligent and spiritual robotic features.
Research is centered on the idea that the farming business should be based on organic and qualitative principles which can be developed using ROBO-intelligence with positive sensibility.
It is suggested that if complete information on a temperament issues is collected, analyzed, and implemented, then a ROBO-intelligence could imitate natural intelligence in farm management.
Emotional ROBO-intelligence development is unique capacity in Conscience Society. It is based on 17 positive emotional gifts successfully evaluated by the help of adaptable algorithmic tools in the directions of: self-awareness, managing emotions, motivation, empathy, relationship management.
Have you ever asked how it would be to live in a society with ROBO-intelligences? Would they feel something or they would be without emotions, the only their capacity would be just their incredible intelligence?
The subject of actual reseearch represents development of negative emotions in ROBO-intelligences and how they would be living in Human-Robotic society and how they can handle them during day-by-day activity.
Moreover, negative emotions which lead to aggressive actions, couldn’t hurt neither human beings nor ROBO-intelligences conform Isaac Azizov sugestions.
Finally, there are analysed 5 main negative emotions: fear, anger, sadness, frustration / irritation and dislike/hate, these being the basis of other emotions. Are presented adaptable algorithms of these emotions implemented in ROBO-intelligences.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Dumitru Todoroi

    Information Technologies, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chishinau, Moldova

Guest Editors
  • Radu Mihalcea

    Social Sciences, Illinois State University, Chicago, United States

  • Rodica Baranescu

    Mecanics, Illinois State University, Chicago, United States

  • Elena Nechita

    Informatics, “Vasile Alecsandri” University at Bacau, Bacau, Romania

  • Nicoleta Todoroi

    Symphony, “Gh. DIMA” Music Academy, Cluj Napoca, Romania

  • Eugeniu Garla

    Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chishinau, Moldova

  • Sergiu Cretu

    Information Technologies, Academy of Economic Studies of MoldovaAcademy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chishinau, Moldova

  • Aureliu Zgureanu

    Information Technologies, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chishinau, Moldova

  • Anatolie Prisacaru

    Information Technologies, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chishinau, Moldova

  • Diana Micusa

    Economiy Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chishinau, Moldova

  • Diana Criclivaia

    Finance, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chishinau, Moldova