Journal of Surgery

Special Issue

Breakthroughs in Aesthetic Medicine

  • Submission Deadline: 30 January 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Hernán Pinto
About This Special Issue
Aesthetic Medicine has evolved astonishingly during the past 15 years. A few decades ago, Aesthetic Medicine mistakenly gave out the message that anything goes. Today, everyone’s behavior is different from then, and a new generation of Aesthetic Physicians is truly committed to a new evidence-based Aesthetic Medicine. However, commitment is crucial, but not sufficient. Although very good general treatises on Aesthetic Medicine are available, there is still a dire need of efforts in the drafting of works with a specific and thorough discussion of monographic topics. The time has come to embrace the fact that we need to strike a balance between our art and our science.

The focus of this Special Issue is to stimulate, motivate and drive the attention of all Aesthetic Physicians to vanguard publications. These are the works of key opinion leaders who are renowned experts in their own countries and fields within Aesthetic Medicine, whose studies show their colleagues the trends and paths to follow in modern Aesthetic Medicine research.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Hernán Pinto

    Aethetic Specialties and Aging Research Institute, Spain

Published Articles
  • Treatment of Localized Adiposities Through the Combined Use of Lipocryolysis and Biological Detergents

    Pablo Naranjo García , Rodolfo López Andrino , Hernán Pinto

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 25-27
    Received: 28 January 2015
    Accepted: 5 February 2015
    Published: 3 March 2015
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.18
    Downloads: 235
    Views: 7027
    Abstract: During the past decade, various techniques have been used for the non-surgical treatment of localized adiposities (flanks, hips, abdomen). They can be classified into two groups: lipolytic techniques promoting the release of triglycerides from adipocytes and adipocytolytic techniques promoting adipocyte destruction. The first group includes a signi... Show More
  • First Assessment of the Proionic Effects Resulting from Non-Thermal Application of 448 kHz Monopolar Radiofrequency for Reduction of Edema Caused by Fractional CO2 Laser Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

    Naranjo García Pablo , López Andrino Rodolfo , Pinto Hernán

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 21-24
    Received: 22 December 2014
    Accepted: 27 December 2014
    Published: 11 February 2015
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.17
    Downloads: 306
    Views: 7129
    Abstract: Among the side effects which occur after treatment with fractional CO2 laser, one of the most frequent and incapacitating is temporary edema, which is functionally and esthetically incompatible with the patient going immediately back to their social and work life. The 448 kHz capacitive/resistive monopolar radiofrequency proionic systemis based on ... Show More
  • Adverse Effects of Laser Hair Removal

    Paloma Tejero , Victoria Sunkel , María Victoria Zamorano

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 18-20
    Received: 27 November 2014
    Accepted: 3 December 2014
    Published: 8 February 2015
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.16
    Views: 6388
    Abstract: Adverse effects observed in 300,000 medical laser hair removal sessions between June 1998 and April 2014 have been indirectly surveyed. The small number of adverse effects and their resolution with no significant sequelae is confirmed. Laser hair removal is a safe and effective method, but it is not risk-free. It is clearly necessary to i) strictly... Show More
  • Study of the Relationship between Anxiety and Obesity by Means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Questionnaire

    Manuel Antonio Rubio Sánchez

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 14-17
    Received: 20 November 2014
    Accepted: 4 December 2014
    Published: 23 January 2015
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.15
    Abstract: The usual relationship between excessive food intake and anxiety described by most obese patients takes us directly to these people’s reality. Something described as external to them, uncontrolled and erratic is “what makes them behave like that”. Changing this perception of the problem of excessive intake, redirecting it to the patient and giving ... Show More
  • Lipocryolysis: Cooling Speed Affects Adipocyte Survival

    Hernán Pinto , David Ricart-Jané , Eva Pardina , Graciela Melamed

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 11-13
    Received: 19 December 2014
    Accepted: 23 December 2014
    Published: 31 December 2014
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.14
    Abstract: New knowledge about crystallization has surfaced recently, since some of the last lipocryolysis publications have focused on how it works [4, 5]. However, although its action is better understood day after day, there is a sense of feeling that its clinical outcome could be improved. Kinetic particularities of crystal formation process allowed us to... Show More
  • Cheekbone and Cheek Area Augmentation with the Briseida Technique: Analysis of 1,000 Cases and 8 Years of Experience

    Natalia Ribé

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 8-10
    Received: 26 November 2014
    Accepted: 1 December 2014
    Published: 31 December 2014
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.13
    Abstract: Background. Non-surgical implant procedures have been used in facial rejuvenation, whether to improve the physical appearance or to correct asymmetries in the face. These procedures have quite a few advantages over surgical procedures, including an immediate cosmetic result and a short recovery period. Methods: The Briseida technique involves infil... Show More
  • Adverse Effects of Lipocryolysis: Analysis of 28 Cases

    Rafaela Vidal , Laura Segura , Paulo Vergara , Hernán Pinto

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 6-7
    Received: 5 November 2014
    Accepted: 7 November 2014
    Published: 31 December 2014
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.12
    Abstract: Introduction: Lipocryolysis is an effective and safe technique for the treatment of localized adiposities. However, there is very little evidence regarding its adverse effects. Materias and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 28 clinical records. Results: The adverse effects of lipocryolysis are mild to moderate, and reversible. Discussion: Specific... Show More
  • An Autologous Anti-Aging Serum Confirms Its Beauty Enhancer Effect but Its Role as a Chronic Inflammation Modulator is not Clear

    Pinto Hernán , Garrido Gorgojo Luis

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
    Pages: 1-5
    Received: 29 September 2014
    Accepted: 23 October 2014
    Published: 29 November 2014
    DOI: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030101.11
    Abstract: There are many biological theories that claim to be the final explanation of aging, though actually it is well accepted that none of them provides an explanation that allows a full understanding of the complicated, multi-factorial, unavoidable and deleterious aging process. Inflammation can be considered a core process of aging and vice versa, agin... Show More