Treatment of Localized Adiposities Through the Combined Use of Lipocryolysis and Biological Detergents
Pablo Naranjo García
Rodolfo López Andrino
Hernán Pinto
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 25-27
Received: 28 January 2015
Accepted: 5 February 2015
Published: 3 March 2015
Downloads: 235
Views: 7027
Abstract: During the past decade, various techniques have been used for the non-surgical treatment of localized adiposities (flanks, hips, abdomen). They can be classified into two groups: lipolytic techniques promoting the release of triglycerides from adipocytes and adipocytolytic techniques promoting adipocyte destruction. The first group includes a significant number of procedures but the second comprises very few techniques: lipocryolysis, high-power focused ultrasound, and injection of biological detergents. This paper assesses the results of combined application of detergent injections and lipocryolysis during a single treatment session on the flanks.
Abstract: During the past decade, various techniques have been used for the non-surgical treatment of localized adiposities (flanks, hips, abdomen). They can be classified into two groups: lipolytic techniques promoting the release of triglycerides from adipocytes and adipocytolytic techniques promoting adipocyte destruction. The first group includes a signi...
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First Assessment of the Proionic Effects Resulting from Non-Thermal Application of 448 kHz Monopolar Radiofrequency for Reduction of Edema Caused by Fractional CO2 Laser Facial Rejuvenation Treatments
Naranjo García Pablo
López Andrino Rodolfo
Pinto Hernán
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 21-24
Received: 22 December 2014
Accepted: 27 December 2014
Published: 11 February 2015
Downloads: 306
Views: 7129
Abstract: Among the side effects which occur after treatment with fractional CO2 laser, one of the most frequent and incapacitating is temporary edema, which is functionally and esthetically incompatible with the patient going immediately back to their social and work life. The 448 kHz capacitive/resistive monopolar radiofrequency proionic systemis based on the subthermal electrical stimulation of biological tissues, enabling the restoration of physiological membrane potentials, as well as the ionic balance established through the membrane. This system is capable of improving membrane permeability for an adequate maintenance of cell functions, as well as improving circulation and reducing fluid retention.This study involved one application before laser treatment and one application 24 hours after laser treatment. The results of skin ultrasound presented in this study show that proionic effects help restrict edema progression, thereby reducing recovery time.
Abstract: Among the side effects which occur after treatment with fractional CO2 laser, one of the most frequent and incapacitating is temporary edema, which is functionally and esthetically incompatible with the patient going immediately back to their social and work life. The 448 kHz capacitive/resistive monopolar radiofrequency proionic systemis based on ...
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Adverse Effects of Laser Hair Removal
Paloma Tejero
Victoria Sunkel
María Victoria Zamorano
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 18-20
Received: 27 November 2014
Accepted: 3 December 2014
Published: 8 February 2015
Views: 6388
Abstract: Adverse effects observed in 300,000 medical laser hair removal sessions between June 1998 and April 2014 have been indirectly surveyed. The small number of adverse effects and their resolution with no significant sequelae is confirmed. Laser hair removal is a safe and effective method, but it is not risk-free. It is clearly necessary to i) strictly update the patient’s medical history at each session, ii) duly train healthcare staff, and iii) follow the applicable safety protocols. Note that data collection was based on the memory of the treating team, which means that significant bias is likely. However, bias will be high for mild adverse effects but very low for serious adverse effects (which have also required follow-up). The conclusions of this work may only be applicable to the moderate and serious adverse effects of laser hair removal, but not to standard, mild adverse effects.
Abstract: Adverse effects observed in 300,000 medical laser hair removal sessions between June 1998 and April 2014 have been indirectly surveyed. The small number of adverse effects and their resolution with no significant sequelae is confirmed. Laser hair removal is a safe and effective method, but it is not risk-free. It is clearly necessary to i) strictly...
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Study of the Relationship between Anxiety and Obesity by Means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Questionnaire
Manuel Antonio Rubio Sánchez
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 14-17
Received: 20 November 2014
Accepted: 4 December 2014
Published: 23 January 2015
Abstract: The usual relationship between excessive food intake and anxiety described by most obese patients takes us directly to these people’s reality. Something described as external to them, uncontrolled and erratic is “what makes them behave like that”. Changing this perception of the problem of excessive intake, redirecting it to the patient and giving them a sense of self-control is by no means easy. The purpose of this study was to determine to what extent obesity is truly a problem of anxiety and whether it is actually a matter of bad eating habits. Thirty subjects were evaluated and asked to answer the STAI questionnaire in order to assess their state anxiety and trait anxiety.
Abstract: The usual relationship between excessive food intake and anxiety described by most obese patients takes us directly to these people’s reality. Something described as external to them, uncontrolled and erratic is “what makes them behave like that”. Changing this perception of the problem of excessive intake, redirecting it to the patient and giving ...
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Lipocryolysis: Cooling Speed Affects Adipocyte Survival
Hernán Pinto
David Ricart-Jané
Eva Pardina
Graciela Melamed
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 11-13
Received: 19 December 2014
Accepted: 23 December 2014
Published: 31 December 2014
Abstract: New knowledge about crystallization has surfaced recently, since some of the last lipocryolysis publications have focused on how it works [4, 5]. However, although its action is better understood day after day, there is a sense of feeling that its clinical outcome could be improved. Kinetic particularities of crystal formation process allowed us to think that the cooling speed might be determinant in the results achieved in a lipocryolysis session. Adipocytes from six male rats where isolated and then exposed to 1ºC/min, 2ºC/min and 6ºC/min cooling speeds until they reached 8ºC and were kept at that temperature for 30 minutes. Cell damage was significantly higher in 1ºC/min cooling speed than in other cooling speeds.
Abstract: New knowledge about crystallization has surfaced recently, since some of the last lipocryolysis publications have focused on how it works [4, 5]. However, although its action is better understood day after day, there is a sense of feeling that its clinical outcome could be improved. Kinetic particularities of crystal formation process allowed us to...
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Cheekbone and Cheek Area Augmentation with the Briseida Technique: Analysis of 1,000 Cases and 8 Years of Experience
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 8-10
Received: 26 November 2014
Accepted: 1 December 2014
Published: 31 December 2014
Abstract: Background. Non-surgical implant procedures have been used in facial rejuvenation, whether to improve the physical appearance or to correct asymmetries in the face. These procedures have quite a few advantages over surgical procedures, including an immediate cosmetic result and a short recovery period. Methods: The Briseida technique involves infiltrating a filler (Hyaluronic Acid) in a linear, retrograde and fan-shaped fashion at supraperiosteal or subcutaneous level. 1,000 patients between 25 and 75 years of age, treated during the past 10 years for cheekbone and/or cheek area augmentation with the Briseida technique, have been included in this revision. Results: shorter down-time, less product required, no serious adverse effects, longlasting results. Conclusions: The technique allows the oval of the face to be re-modelled. It is minimally invasive, quickly performed, and produces natural results with few and mild side effects.
Abstract: Background. Non-surgical implant procedures have been used in facial rejuvenation, whether to improve the physical appearance or to correct asymmetries in the face. These procedures have quite a few advantages over surgical procedures, including an immediate cosmetic result and a short recovery period. Methods: The Briseida technique involves infil...
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Adverse Effects of Lipocryolysis: Analysis of 28 Cases
Rafaela Vidal
Laura Segura
Paulo Vergara
Hernán Pinto
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 6-7
Received: 5 November 2014
Accepted: 7 November 2014
Published: 31 December 2014
Abstract: Introduction: Lipocryolysis is an effective and safe technique for the treatment of localized adiposities. However, there is very little evidence regarding its adverse effects. Materias and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 28 clinical records. Results: The adverse effects of lipocryolysis are mild to moderate, and reversible. Discussion: Specific studies need to be carried out in order to survey adverse effects in a large number of subjects, including medium/long-term follow-up.
Abstract: Introduction: Lipocryolysis is an effective and safe technique for the treatment of localized adiposities. However, there is very little evidence regarding its adverse effects. Materias and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 28 clinical records. Results: The adverse effects of lipocryolysis are mild to moderate, and reversible. Discussion: Specific...
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An Autologous Anti-Aging Serum Confirms Its Beauty Enhancer Effect but Its Role as a Chronic Inflammation Modulator is not Clear
Pinto Hernán
Garrido Gorgojo Luis
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1-1, February 2015
Pages: 1-5
Received: 29 September 2014
Accepted: 23 October 2014
Published: 29 November 2014
Abstract: There are many biological theories that claim to be the final explanation of aging, though actually it is well accepted that none of them provides an explanation that allows a full understanding of the complicated, multi-factorial, unavoidable and deleterious aging process. Inflammation can be considered a core process of aging and vice versa, aging is sometimes referred as a chronic inflammatory state condition. AAS is highly concentrated in some growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines like Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra). Evidence suggested that AAS had two very well differentiated clinical effects: a systemic “anti-inflammatory-anti-aging” action and a local aesthetic action. To confirm the two effects with a multisession protocol and to assess a possible correlation between them were the aims of this work.
Abstract: There are many biological theories that claim to be the final explanation of aging, though actually it is well accepted that none of them provides an explanation that allows a full understanding of the complicated, multi-factorial, unavoidable and deleterious aging process. Inflammation can be considered a core process of aging and vice versa, agin...
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