Occupational Diseases and Illnesses Affecting Rice Farmers in Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State
Okereke D. I.
Okereke S. N.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 65-68
Received: 27 October 2015
Accepted: 28 October 2015
Published: 17 December 2015
Views: 7482
Abstract: The research project was carried out to identify occupational diseases and illnesses affecting rice farmers in Afikpo North local government area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain information from the area. A total of two hundred (200) questionnaires were designed and randomly distributed to selected rice farmers. The analytical tools used were frequency and percentage distribution tables. Results obtained showed that 51% of the respondents took ill at one time or the other, the diseases commonly suffered by the respondents are malaria 15.5%, typhoid 12.5%, cough 10%, AIDS 9.5%, hepatitis 8.5%, and yellow fever 8%, cholera and amoebiasis 7.5% respectively, ascariasis 7%, ulcer and diarrhea 5% respectively and hypertension 4%. The most serious diseases were identified as guinea worm infection 30%, followed by diarrhea and yellow fever 8% respectively, cholera 7%, ascariasis 6%, hepatitis 5.5% and amoebiasis 5%. The respondents that usually visit hospitals constituted 24.5%, herbal homes 19%, diagnostic laboratories 18%, self-medication 16%, chemists 11.5% and spiritual homes 11%. The inadequacy of medical services in the study area was also highlighted.
Abstract: The research project was carried out to identify occupational diseases and illnesses affecting rice farmers in Afikpo North local government area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain information from the area. A total of two hundred (200) questionnaires were designed and randomly distributed to selected rice farme...
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The Role of Library and Information Professionals in the Management of Indigenous Knowledge for the Attainment of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Development
Chinaka G. I.
Iwuoha C. U.
Abdullahi Z. M.
Aniedu O. N.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 60-64
Received: 27 October 2015
Accepted: 28 October 2015
Published: 17 December 2015
Abstract: This article discusses the best practices in the management of indigenous knowledge for attainment of sustainable entrepreneurial development. Within this context, the following were reviewed: The definition of indigenous knowledge, types of indigenous knowledge and major areas of application of indigenous knowledge. Such areas as agriculture, ecosystem medicine, conflict resolution, traditional attire, weaving, carving, pottery, smiting, raffia work and bone-setting were examined. The papers also looked into management of indigenous knowledge. Critical areas of management includes: preservation, protection, documentation and restoration were examined. Some global initiatives on indigenous knowledge system were also reviewed. The roles of library and information scientist in the management of indigenous knowledge for the attainment of sustainable entrepreneurial development were covered.
Abstract: This article discusses the best practices in the management of indigenous knowledge for attainment of sustainable entrepreneurial development. Within this context, the following were reviewed: The definition of indigenous knowledge, types of indigenous knowledge and major areas of application of indigenous knowledge. Such areas as agriculture, ecos...
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Entrepreneurship and Career Development Potentials for Nigerian Physicists
Alasi T. K.
Eke K. A.
Baruwa A.
Mesele-Arokoyo A. O.
Rasheed A. A.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 55-59
Received: 17 September 2015
Accepted: 18 September 2015
Published: 12 October 2015
Abstract: This paper review the entrepreneurial capacity among physicists and opportunities that abound to fresh graduates of physics who frequents white collar jobs. To achieve this, a critical assessment of who is an entrepreneur, features of the entrepreneurial process, levels of entrepreneurial development, essential characteristics of entrepreneurs, and perspectives of physics graduates in Nigeria was critically reviewed. The paper concluded that emphasis on adherences to entrepreneurial principles, practical contents and higher degree training in entrepreneurial physics would open up opportunities for fresh physicists within the myriads of job prospects in physics discipline.
Abstract: This paper review the entrepreneurial capacity among physicists and opportunities that abound to fresh graduates of physics who frequents white collar jobs. To achieve this, a critical assessment of who is an entrepreneur, features of the entrepreneurial process, levels of entrepreneurial development, essential characteristics of entrepreneurs, and...
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Assessment of Social Responsibility Initiatives of Corporate Organizations on the Entrepreneurial Development of Ishiagu, Ebonyi State Nigeria
K. A.
R. B.
H. I.
R. B.
T. K.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 50-54
Received: 8 September 2015
Accepted: 10 September 2015
Published: 12 October 2015
Abstract: The assessment of entrepreneurial level initiatives of Corporate Organizations who invest on communal lands without adequate impact assessment in Ishiagu, Ivo LGA of Ebonyi State, Nigeria have been carried out. This assessment spelt out the level of corporate social responsibility among other salient issues and the entrepreneurial level development of Ishiagu indigene. Beside this, other objectives include: level of compliant to environmental and socio-cultural sustainability. The findings of the study indicated a fair impact on entrepreneurial level of the inhabitant of the communities, fair ecological sustainability but poor socio-cultural sustainability. The paper concluded that legislation to enforce CSR be put in place by government and activities be monitor for compliance.
Abstract: The assessment of entrepreneurial level initiatives of Corporate Organizations who invest on communal lands without adequate impact assessment in Ishiagu, Ivo LGA of Ebonyi State, Nigeria have been carried out. This assessment spelt out the level of corporate social responsibility among other salient issues and the entrepreneurial level development...
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Nigerian Cassava Potentials in National Economic Development
Nnadozie A. K. O.
Ume S. I.
Isiocha S.
Njoku I. A.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 47-49
Received: 25 July 2015
Accepted: 27 July 2015
Published: 12 October 2015
Abstract: Cassava had been a utility crop with diverse food provision and high yielding potentials. Apart from serving as food for human consumption, it has numerous industrial uses like chips, flour, starch and the leaves which have a high export demand. Nigeria’s comparative advantage in production has made it have a very high potential in face of the dwindling World oil prices. Nigeria cassava production has been with an annual output of over 38 million tons of tubers and was adjudged as one of the largest producers of cassava in the world. Total area harvested in 2009 alone was estimated to be 3.13 million hectares, with an average yield of 11.7 tons/ha-1. Its high employment income generation and 20 percent cassava flour inclusion in bread made it a crop to be harnessed and fully utilized to raise economic development in Nigeria.
Abstract: Cassava had been a utility crop with diverse food provision and high yielding potentials. Apart from serving as food for human consumption, it has numerous industrial uses like chips, flour, starch and the leaves which have a high export demand. Nigeria’s comparative advantage in production has made it have a very high potential in face of the dwin...
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Extension Farmer-Input Linkage System (REFILS) by Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs) in Nigeria, 1986-2011
Nnadozie A. K. O.
Ume S. I.
Isiocha S.
Njoku I. A.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 41-46
Received: 24 July 2015
Accepted: 25 July 2015
Published: 12 October 2015
Abstract: One of the most debilitating problems of research and policy in Agricultural Extension in developing countries like Nigeria is the rate at which available research results are lost. There is a lag of 50 years between discovery of innovations and their effective utilization in the field. The above scenario implicates weak research farmer linkage and exposes inefficient extension service which prevailed in pre and post independent Nigeria before the establishment of a state wide Agricultural development Project (ADPs) in 1986. An active and virile sustainable ADPs anchored on the Research-Extension farmer-input linkage system (REFILS) is a vibrant and veritable extension instrument for effective technology transfer by linking research to policy and development in Nigeria. The characteristics of an efficient and effective agricultural services examined includes ; use of subject matter specialists, motivation of staff, cost effective extension approaches, defined targets or clientele, flexibility and an efficient internal monitoring and evaluation component. Despite identified constraints and the prevailing economic realities, the ADPs REFILS approach has proved an integrated development model in linking research to policy and development in Nigerian agribusiness. This paper examined the REFILS techniques and the strategies that worked for their effectiveness such as the research component, the NGOs input linkage and technology transfer in agricultural business among others.
Abstract: One of the most debilitating problems of research and policy in Agricultural Extension in developing countries like Nigeria is the rate at which available research results are lost. There is a lag of 50 years between discovery of innovations and their effective utilization in the field. The above scenario implicates weak research farmer linkage and...
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Products’ Quality Preservation and Agricultural Transformation in Nigeria
B. A
J. B.
Bello R. S.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 35-40
Received: 18 July 2015
Accepted: 20 July 2015
Published: 12 October 2015
Abstract: This paper discussed mechanics of agricultural product deterioration and preservation technologies in the in the era of agricultural transformation in Nigeria from the agribusiness perspective. It also focused on the measures of promoting appropriate preservation technologies in the rural areas in order to reduce product losses. The paper concluded that adoption of simple, effective and appropriate preservation technologies, government involvement in establishing more agro-processing centers/storage facilities and provision of micro credit facilities in the rural areas would ensure food security in Nigeria.
Abstract: This paper discussed mechanics of agricultural product deterioration and preservation technologies in the in the era of agricultural transformation in Nigeria from the agribusiness perspective. It also focused on the measures of promoting appropriate preservation technologies in the rural areas in order to reduce product losses. The paper concluded...
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Input Use Efficiency in Farm-Level Cassava Processing into Garri in Ivo LGA, of Ebonyi State, Nigeria
T. C. Nwaneri
J. A. Nwaneri
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 30-34
Received: 18 July 2015
Accepted: 20 July 2015
Published: 12 October 2015
Abstract: In 2007, the input use efficiency in farm level cassava processing into garri in Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria, was carried out. A random sampling technique was employed to select eighty cassava processors into garri. Scheduled interview was used to obtain cross sectional data. The quantity of cassava tubers processed by each garri producer, the inputs used and quantity of garri produced were extrapolated in metric tonnage for easy of analysis. Instrument of data descriptive statistical tools, production functional models, input use efficiency ratios and profitability ratios were used in data analysis. The result of the analysis shows that the average age of the cassava processors into garri was 52.10. Also 85% of the cassava processors are married and the average household size was 8. The average number of years in formal school was 10 and they had cassava farming occupation. The result further revealed that the farmers had 2.2 as their average farm size and 27.4 as the average garri production years of experience. From the survey, identifiable key resources include farm size, labour and other inputs as well as depreciated assets. The result indicated that the identified key resources (farm size, labour, other inputs, and depreciated assets) were inefficiently utilized by the garri producers, the enterprise however was profitable. The profit level could be increased if inefficiency in resource use is reduced through such measures as use of improved cassava varieties, improved processing equipment and facilities, and adult education and skill acquisition programmes.
Abstract: In 2007, the input use efficiency in farm level cassava processing into garri in Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, Nigeria, was carried out. A random sampling technique was employed to select eighty cassava processors into garri. Scheduled interview was used to obtain cross sectional data. The quantity of cassava tubers processed by each g...
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Evaluation of Blended Cooking Banana (Musa spp) and Soybean (Glycinemax (L.) Merrill) as Food Complement for Infants
Agomoh-Adeoye Q. C.
Ezenwa H. C.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 26-29
Received: 19 August 2015
Accepted: 20 August 2015
Published: 2 September 2015
Abstract: This work evaluated infant complementary food based on cooking banana (Musa Spp.; popularly called 'unere nkpunkpu' in igbo dialect) and Soybean (Glycine max L. merrill) flours. The flours were blended in various proportions (80:20 (CSA), 60:40(CSB) and 40:60(CSC)). Aliquots of blend were taken for proximate analysis, vitamins and minerals determination. Twenty mothers were used for the sensory evaluation. In the proximate analysis, the ash, fat and crude protein values were higher (P<0.05) than the controls while the controls had higher (P<0.05) carbohydrates and energy values in dry weight matter. The mineral and vitamin determination indicate that iron, sodium, pro-vitamin A values of some of the mixes were higher than the controls. The controls had higher (P<0.05) values in vitamin C and calcium. There was no significant difference in their phosphorus levels. The porridges were mixed with water, cooked and sweetened with sugar to taste and presented to the panel (mothers). The results of the sensory evaluation showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in colour, taste, texture and the overall acceptability. It could be concluded therefore that other sources of phosphorus and vitamins when added to the porridge could make better meal than the controls. The results also showed that the formulated porridges were naturally richer than the controls in some nutrients. With the satisfactory nutritive value and functional characteristics of the composite flours, they can be recommended to the infants and young children.
Abstract: This work evaluated infant complementary food based on cooking banana (Musa Spp.; popularly called 'unere nkpunkpu' in igbo dialect) and Soybean (Glycine max L. merrill) flours. The flours were blended in various proportions (80:20 (CSA), 60:40(CSB) and 40:60(CSC)). Aliquots of blend were taken for proximate analysis, vitamins and minerals determin...
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Mechanization and Agricultural Productivity Functions in Umuahia North LGA, Abia, Nigeria
Bello R. S.
Onyeanula P.
Saidu M.J.
Bello M. B.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 21-25
Received: 18 July 2015
Accepted: 20 July 2015
Published: 27 August 2015
Abstract: Index of mechanization and other productivity functions were used as indicators in assessing the impact of mechanization on agricultural production in Umuahia North LGA of Abia state, Nigeria. Analysis of research findings revealed that farmers in the area are predominantly small scale farmers with the major power source being human being. The level of agricultural mechanization was determined by a relationship between the various sources of farm power and the level of human involvement in each operation while the mechanization index was determined for the two identified sources of farm power; human and mechanical. Low level of mechanical power input, underutilization of available mechanical power and reliability on human power in most of these areas contributed to low production efficiency, low level of mechanization (37.12%) and high MI average of 96.59%.
Abstract: Index of mechanization and other productivity functions were used as indicators in assessing the impact of mechanization on agricultural production in Umuahia North LGA of Abia state, Nigeria. Analysis of research findings revealed that farmers in the area are predominantly small scale farmers with the major power source being human being. The leve...
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Economic Potentials of Oil Palm Production and Machinery Use in UDI, Enugu State, Nigeria
Bello R. S.
Bello M. B.
Essien B. A.
Saidu M. J.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 16-20
Received: 18 July 2015
Accepted: 20 July 2015
Published: 27 August 2015
Abstract: The economic potential of oil palm production and machinery-use in Udi Local Government Area Enugu State, Nigeria has been investigated. Questionnaires, personal work and oral interview were used as means of information retrieval. Statistical tool were used in data analysis. Farm holding/ownerships are of three categories; Individual (small holding (68%)), communal (medium holding (23%)) and cooperative efforts (large scale holdings (9%)) from social groups and friends reduce economic cost on labour. A larger percentage of the small scale holders (40%) inherited the farm while (5%) claimed ownership of establishing the farm. About 20% operate on rental arrangements and 30% communally owned. The result of the profitability analysis in palm oil processing in the area showed an increased trend in profitability while factors like transport costs, high cost of plantation rentals, and poor extraction processes were most critical to inhabiting profitable palm oil processing in the area.
Abstract: The economic potential of oil palm production and machinery-use in Udi Local Government Area Enugu State, Nigeria has been investigated. Questionnaires, personal work and oral interview were used as means of information retrieval. Statistical tool were used in data analysis. Farm holding/ownerships are of three categories; Individual (small holding...
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Small Scale Enterprises (SMEs) and Agricultural Transformation: The Nigeria Experience
Bello R. S.
Bello M. B.
Saidu M. J.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 11-15
Received: 18 July 2015
Accepted: 20 July 2015
Published: 27 August 2015
Abstract: Nigerian agricultural sector has witnessed series of setbacks and interventions in its long history of development with minimal impacts from rural integration, development and promotion of small scale enterprises as well as private-public partnerships. This paper reviews the roadmap to Nigerian agricultural transformation in the face of government commitments, SMEs integration and domestic/foreign direct partnership in food security and sustainability.
Abstract: Nigerian agricultural sector has witnessed series of setbacks and interventions in its long history of development with minimal impacts from rural integration, development and promotion of small scale enterprises as well as private-public partnerships. This paper reviews the roadmap to Nigerian agricultural transformation in the face of government ...
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The Imperatives of Nigerian Agribusiness: Issues and Challenges
M. C. Igbokwuwe
B. A. Essien
M. U. Agunnanah
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 7-10
Received: 18 July 2015
Accepted: 20 July 2015
Published: 27 August 2015
Abstract: The revitalization of the ailing Nigeria agricultural sector through policy driven and result-oriented agricultural production practices; its drawbacks, repositioning, growth, development, specialization and production outputs from agribusiness perspectives forms the focal issues of discourse in this research work. Research outcome revealed three aggregate management decision tools that could be isolated from the respective identifiable operators within the agricultural production-market supply chain; the producer-cooperative, supplier-consumer, and processor-distributor, and each of them should be made to operate in tandem with the national economic growth policies in their internal decision making.
Abstract: The revitalization of the ailing Nigeria agricultural sector through policy driven and result-oriented agricultural production practices; its drawbacks, repositioning, growth, development, specialization and production outputs from agribusiness perspectives forms the focal issues of discourse in this research work. Research outcome revealed three a...
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Consumption Pattern and Demand Analysis of Dacryodes edulis in Umuahia Metropolis of Abia State
Adenegan K.
Olowoyo F. B.
Ajewole O. I.
Koyejo O. A.
Okelola O. E.
Issue: Volume 3, Issue 5-1, September 2015
Pages: 1-6
Received: 4 May 2015
Accepted: 29 July 2015
Published: 27 August 2015
Abstract: Consumption pattern and demand analysis of Dacryodes edulis commonly called ube by the Igbos in Umuahia, Nigeria was studied. The various uses and reasons for consumption of Dacryodes edulis, socio- economic characteristics of respondents, income elasticity, and chi square to determine the relationship between Consumption of Dacryodes edulis and some variables that affect it, are addressed. Simple random sampling was adopted. A well-structured questionnaire were used for Dacryodes edulis consumers at the household in two selected local government areas in Umuahia. A total of (160) one hundred and sixty questionnaires were administered, on a total of eight (8) villages in the city of Umuahia. Data obtained were subjected to simple descriptive statistics, which shows that almost all the respondents (92.0%) consume Dacryodes edulis and they got to know of Dacryodes edulis through family and friends due to its high medicinal value as claimed by 91.3% of the respondents. The income elasticity of Dacryodes edulis demand is 13%. The income elasticity is significant at 5% with coefficient of 0.13, this means that a percent increase in income leads to a 13% of change in Dacryodes edulis consumption.
Abstract: Consumption pattern and demand analysis of Dacryodes edulis commonly called ube by the Igbos in Umuahia, Nigeria was studied. The various uses and reasons for consumption of Dacryodes edulis, socio- economic characteristics of respondents, income elasticity, and chi square to determine the relationship between Consumption of Dacryodes edulis and so...
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