Research Article | | Peer-Reviewed

The Legal Documents of Afghanistan's Higher Education and the Effects of the Country

Received: 25 November 2024     Accepted: 12 December 2024     Published: 24 January 2025
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Man is a social creature who has all kinds of needs in the society, and the fulfillment of such needs is impossible without legal documents. On the one hand, higher education develops systematically and seriously, and on the other hand, it leads to the development and development of the country, and on the other hand, obtaining higher education without legal documents and using it correctly is difficult and may be impossible. Because these legal documents are necessary for the development of higher education sectors, so that higher education sectors are developed appropriately, necessary and legally. It is important that a country's all-round growth, production, agriculture, livestock, technology, increase in exports and decrease in imports, employment, especially for the country and its citizens, higher education is necessary and necessary, so that higher education can develop appropriately and interestingly in the light of legal documents. Therefore, the research of the legal documents of higher education and their effects is of special and interesting importance. The most important problem is that the development of higher education is impossible without legal documents, because legal documents have many effects on higher education. Needs opportunities. This work eases this problem by obtaining higher education according to legal documents and makes it useful in less time with less possibilities. This type of research has been conducted in the library and in the field, and historical, descriptive, analytical and comparative methods have been used. As a result, I can say that by conducting this research, it will be proven that the citizens of the dear country of Afghanistan should have higher education for the development of the nation. And plays an important role. The life of the country and its citizens will move forward in a good way, and the country will develop and grow day by day.

Published in Science Journal of Education (Volume 13, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.sjedu.20251301.13
Page(s) 22-26
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Country, Higher Education, Legislative Documents, Law, Regulation, Bill, Policy

1. Introduction
Man is a social creature who lives together with other human beings in the society. That the common life and activities in the society can be done in a good way without any hindrance or delay. And everyone has fulfilled their rights and obligations, men are forced to do all their activities in the light of rules, regulations and principles in order to ensure comprehensive social justice. That higher education leads to all-round development and growth of the country, higher education, which is expensive and ineffective than legal documents, in order to be useful, appropriate, interesting and valuable, it is necessary that the conditions of the time According to the availability of reliable education at the country, region and world level and related to legal documents, Legal documents also have a great role and influence in the growth and development of higher education and the country.
Therefore, it is necessary that the legal documents should be drafted and applied in a very serious manner, which are responsive to the conditions, requirements and demands of the dear country, the region and the world.
We need to mention that in this research, firstly, in the second step, we discuss the role of legal documents in higher education and legal documents in the third step, and finally, we discuss the results, debates, conclusions and suggestions.
1.1. Statement of Problem
Higher education has a special role in the development of the country and the legal documents on higher education have many effects:
So why is it that our higher education does not respond to all the problems of the country in spite of these legal documents. So here we will see if the main problem is in the legal documents or in higher education, and find an easy way to solve it.
1.2. Objectives of Research
The following objectives are obtained from this research:
1) Does the legal document have a role in higher education or not?
2) Our legal documents should respond to the problems of the country, region and the world.
3) To find obstacles in the way of higher education.
1.3. Questions of Research
The following research questions arise:
1) Is our higher education standard or not?
2) Do legal documents have a role in our higher education or not?
3) Do our legal documents respond to the demands of the country, the region and the world or not?
1.4. Hypotheses
1) Do we assume that all legal documents of Afghanistan have a good and appropriate role in our higher education?
2) We assume that Afghanistan's higher education and legal documents are responsive to the demands of the country, the region and the world.
1.5. Literature Review
There are many books and researches about higher education, which would be difficult to mention here, and there are also legal documents of our higher education. There are civil higher education laws, government and private regulations, various laws, policies and procedures, but there is no research under the title of the role of legal documents in higher education, that is why I consider this issue as a basic and important one. A valuable topic should be selected.
Higher education: It is the education that is conducted on the basis of the laws of the country, that is, higher education is obtained in institutions of higher education, based on the legal documents of the country.
1.6. Research Methodology
This librarian research is completed on analytical and descriptive method of research and wish the people campaign against cultivation, the legal documents of Afghanistan higher education and the effects of the country.
2. The Legal Documents of Afghanistan's Higher Education and the Effects of the Country
They are government and non-government universities and institutes that carry out their activities at the bachelor's, master's and doctorate levels according to the applicable laws, regulations and laws of the country. .
Establishment of Higher Education Institutions:
It is the creation of those legal persons who are created according to the valid legal documents of the country by taking into account the special conditions. .
2.1. Objectives of Higher Education Legislation (Ohel)
The legal documents of higher education have the following objectives:
1) To organize related matters related to the institutions and activities of public and private higher education.
2) Provision of education for scientific, professional and specialized personnel.
3) Increasing the quality and quantity of higher education through free and healthy competition between public and private higher education institutions. .
4) Scientific, professional and specialized self-determination in accordance with the continuous growth and development of the educational system of the people of the country.
5) Increasing the access of the country's youth to higher education. .
6) Removing the needs in necessary and necessary relationships and raising the educational level of the country's youth.
7) Strengthening the quality of knowledge by strengthening cooperation between public and private higher education institutions. And to improve the level of education and provide the best suitable and beneficial environment for the creation of knowledge.
8) Carrying out appropriate, excellent and valuable research in each field of scientific research and research projects. .
2.2. Rights and Obligations of Higher Education Institutions (Rohei)
Public and private institutions of higher education have special rights and obligations, that is, each institution, whether it is public or private, has rights on one side and obligations on the other, so it is necessary that the rights of public and private institutions of higher education To be provided according to the legal documents and in the same way, all public and private higher education institutions are obliged to fulfill all their obligations in a proper and regular manner without any hindrance or delay. .
2.3. Legal Documents of the Beloved Country
Every country has legal documents; we divide the legal documents of our dear country Afghanistan as follows:
Law: A law is a legal document that is approved by the legislative bodies and approved by the head of the country.
We will divide the laws in turn as follows:
1) Constitution
2) Organic law
3) Ordinary law .
2.3.1. Legislative Decree
It is a legal document issued by the head of the country in necessary and urgent situations for the purpose of organizing the affairs of the country until it is approved by the legislative bodies, and when the legislative decree is approved by the legislative bodies, it becomes a law. .
2.3.2. Provisions
It is a legal document approved by the Council of Ministers and signed by the head of the country as the head of the government. .
2.3.3. Plans
It is a legal document approved by the leadership council of the ministries or permanent institutions and signed by the minister of the relevant ministry or the head of the relevant institution. .
2.3.4. Reactions
Those are the policies and procedures of the organization on the basis of which the internal and external work of the organization is carried out. .
2.4. The Role of Legal Documents in Higher Education
All-round growth and development of countries, which is an urgent and urgent need for our dear countrymen, countries, so that the country is progressive and its citizens have a peaceful, secure life and fulfill all their needs and necessities and prevent all kinds of harm and calamities. .
It is necessary and interesting to cooperate with each other. In order for the above goals to be achieved properly, it is necessary that our dear countrymen should get higher education in the whole country, so that as much as possible, they should obtain higher education up to the bachelor's level and beyond the bachelor's degree to the master's and even doctorate level, in order to take the best and interesting and appropriate action in the all-round growth and development of the dear country of Afghanistan.
2.5. Legislative Documents of the Country in Higher Education
That is, laws, legislative decrees, regulations have special effects and roles.
Therefore, if all the legal documents are established in such a way that higher education responds to all the demands of the society, takes into account the needs of the country, the region and the world, then it is necessary that such education should go forward with legal documents. And legal documents such as laws, regulations, bills and policies should also be formulated by professional staff in a way that solves all the obstacles and existing problems of higher education and find the secrets of the development of the region and the rest of the world. The university should be built with a good and appropriate development legislation, which responds to the problems of the teacher, student, administration, and society on the one hand, and on the other hand, is responsible for the comprehensive development of the society. .
It is said that the educational system based on the comprehensive academic, research and financial independence of the teacher, administration, and student community, which has been and is being considered from time to time to the demands and values of the country, region and the world. .
Therefore, it is necessary to create legal documents and policies in such a way that, on the one hand, the profession has comprehensive academic, administrative and financial independence, and on the other hand, taking into account the economic, social and other rights and conditions of the people of the country. As long as every part respects religious and national values and is established according to Islamic and national values. .
Therefore, it can be said briefly that the legal documents of higher education have a special and extraordinary effect on the all-round growth and development of higher education and the dear country of Afghanistan.
3. Finding and Results
Higher education has a special impact on the comprehensive growth and development of the country, region and the world, and comprehensive growth and development is impossible and expensive without higher education. Therefore, it is necessary that higher education should be mandatory and mandatory on the basis of legal documents, for all citizens up to the bachelor's level and even at the master's and doctorate level. Help That citizens should not have any obstacles or problems to obtain higher education easily, and if there is any problem, solutions should be provided in the legal documents of the country, so that the existing obstacles to higher education and solving the problems and responding to the problems of the dear country, the countrymen, the region and the world, then as a result, there will be a developed, appropriate and effective higher education.
4. Discussion
That higher education based on legal documents will be beneficial for all aspects of society, and legal documents will also have a great impact on higher education. But we must accept that what kind of legal documents have an impact on the society and higher education. Here we see that the lack of legal documents is a problem, but here we must point out that only and only the existence of legal documents is our goal, such legal documents that our Education, standard curriculum, freedom, rights, obligation, to give a good, appropriate and effective response to the demands and needs of the beloved country, countrymen, region and the world and become friends with the development caravan of the rest of the world.
Therefore, we can briefly say that the legal documents of higher education play a special and fundamental role in the overall population of the society and have a full impact on it.
5. Conclusion
As a result, it has been proven that the continuous and stable development of a country is less expensive and difficult than higher education, and obtaining higher education is more expensive and complicated than legal documents. Effectiveness and society have played a fundamental and important role in all-round population, so it is necessary that higher education is based on legal documents, such legal documents that meet all the demands of higher education, dear country, countrymen, the region and the current world. To respond well to the needs, in order to have continuous and stable growth and development, therefore it can be said that the legal documents (laws, legislative decrees, regulations and plans) have special and extraordinary effects on higher education.
6. Recommendation
1) Obstacles to higher education and legal documents should be identified and eliminated.
2) Legal documents should be prepared by persons with professional and technical experience.
3) Legal documents should be made by considering Islamic and national values that are applicable.
4) Legal documents should be amended from time to time based on relevant needs.
5) Higher education and legal documents should not be politicized.


Rights and Obligations of Higher Education Institutions


Objectives of Higher Education Legislation


The role of Legal Documents in Higher Education

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Saqib, N., Tayeb, B., Wasiq, A. G. (2025). The Legal Documents of Afghanistan's Higher Education and the Effects of the Country. Science Journal of Education, 13(1), 22-26.

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    ACS Style

    Saqib, N.; Tayeb, B.; Wasiq, A. G. The Legal Documents of Afghanistan's Higher Education and the Effects of the Country. Sci. J. Educ. 2025, 13(1), 22-26. doi: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20251301.13

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    AMA Style

    Saqib N, Tayeb B, Wasiq AG. The Legal Documents of Afghanistan's Higher Education and the Effects of the Country. Sci J Educ. 2025;13(1):22-26. doi: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20251301.13

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    AB  - Man is a social creature who has all kinds of needs in the society, and the fulfillment of such needs is impossible without legal documents. On the one hand, higher education develops systematically and seriously, and on the other hand, it leads to the development and development of the country, and on the other hand, obtaining higher education without legal documents and using it correctly is difficult and may be impossible. Because these legal documents are necessary for the development of higher education sectors, so that higher education sectors are developed appropriately, necessary and legally. It is important that a country's all-round growth, production, agriculture, livestock, technology, increase in exports and decrease in imports, employment, especially for the country and its citizens, higher education is necessary and necessary, so that higher education can develop appropriately and interestingly in the light of legal documents. Therefore, the research of the legal documents of higher education and their effects is of special and interesting importance. The most important problem is that the development of higher education is impossible without legal documents, because legal documents have many effects on higher education. Needs opportunities. This work eases this problem by obtaining higher education according to legal documents and makes it useful in less time with less possibilities. This type of research has been conducted in the library and in the field, and historical, descriptive, analytical and comparative methods have been used. As a result, I can say that by conducting this research, it will be proven that the citizens of the dear country of Afghanistan should have higher education for the development of the nation. And plays an important role. The life of the country and its citizens will move forward in a good way, and the country will develop and grow day by day.
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Author Information
  • Law and Poitical Science Faculty, Nangrahar University, Nangrahar, Afghanistan

  • Sharia and Islamic Studies Faculty, Nangrahar University, Nangrahar, Afghanistan

  • Law and Poitical Science Faculty, Nangrahar University, Nangrahar, Afghanistan