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Access to Justice: Legal Concept and Characterization

Received: 5 February 2020    Accepted: 30 April 2020    Published: 4 August 2020
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What should be understood, at the same time, by Access to Justice? The present theme in Brazil has been shown to be relevant and pertinent, considering also the normative approaches and guidelines of our Civil Procedural Code that assimilates principles and guidelines, above all for the efficiency of the Judiciary and the need for a good jurisdictional provision. This article therefore addresses the challenge of answering that question by describing the main elements that portray the stage of development of the theme in Legal Science. The analysis of key concepts together with the exposure of the themes in order to clarify to the reader their pertinence in the legal scope is present in this approach. Without pretending to exhaust the subject, we seek to situate Access to Justice in the contemporary scenario and present the approaches commonly attributed to it, providing the methodological and terminological clarifications necessary for an adequate understanding of the theme, with an emphasis on demonstrating that the improvement of Justice needs above all to privilege legal institutions essential to Democracy, using above all the consolidated procedural bases. In this context, perspectives classified as legal-procedural and democratic-institutional are considered, as well as the concepts of access to the judiciary and access to rights, effective access, with visible and accounted results, both included in the universe of access to justice (lato sensu).

Published in International Journal of Law and Society (Volume 3, Issue 3)

This article belongs to the Special Issue Access to Justice, Law and Development

DOI 10.11648/j.ijls.20200303.15
Page(s) 106-113
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Science Publishing Group


Access do Justice, Characterization, Legal Concept

[1] For those interested, there are important historical rescues in Parosky (2008) e Carneiro (1999).
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[12] Principles and rules are both species of the legal norms. The discussions about the elements that set them apart are rich, but they don’t fit in this article. For the purposes of this work, we adopt the current according to which the distinction between norms-rules and norms-principles lies mainly in their degrees of abstraction and generality, with reflexes in the mechanisms of application. While rule norms are often circumscribed in factual assumptions that trigger predetermined legal consequences, principles, understood as the core commandments of the legal system, have open content and are noted for greater flexibility. The logic of application of the rules, because of this structural rigidity, is based on the premise of “all or nothing”: either the rule applies to a particular case or does not apply, because it consecrates definitive and exclusive rights, and does not boast flexible working mechanics. The impact of the principles, on the other hand, admits consideration. Given the open structure, the principles define prima facie rights, prescribing, as commandments of optimization, that these rights be realized to the greatest extent possible within the existing factual and legal possibilities. In case of collision between principles, therefore, weighting is allowed, also marked by numerous parameters that do not fit this topic. On the subject, see Alexy (2008, p. 86) and Dworkin (2011, p. 39-42).
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[17] In this regard, it is worth remembering the notable contribution of Konrad Hesse. According to the author, although the Constitution is conditioned by the historical reality (‘being’), it does not only configure the reproduction of this reality that conditions it, but it rather presents a normative force also able to conform and ordain the political and social order (‘must be’), with the weakest part not always being reputed when faced with real factors of power (Hesse, 1991).
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[20] Free translation: “Several concepts have close links to the idea of access to judge”.
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[22] Johnson Jr., E. (1979). Thinking about access: a preliminary typology of possible strategies. In M. Cappelletti, & B. Garth (Eds.), Access to justice: emerging issues and perspectives (v. 3, p. 7-8), Milano: Giuffrè; Alphen aan den Rijn: Sijthoff & Noordhoff. P. 7-8.
[23] Dworkin, R. (2007). O Império do direito. São Paulo: Martins Fontes. P. 122.
[24] Dogmatic analysis traditionally seeks to give evidence to basic concepts built on the logic of legal positivism. Regarding this topic, see Ferrari (2014, p. 775).
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[30] Free translation: “refers only to access to judicial protection, that is, to the composition of disputes through the courts. It fits and operates, in principle, in the universe of the process. In a broader sense, though insufficient, it means access to the protection of rights or interests violated through various legal mechanisms, judicial or otherwise. In either case, instruments of access to justice may be of preventive, repressive or reparative nature”.
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[32] Free translation: “first of the procedural rights”.
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[37] Lenzerini, F., & Mori, R. (2009). Accesso alla giustizia per i migranti a rischio di violazione dei diritti fondamentali. In F. Francioni, M. Gestri, N. Ronzitti, & T. Scovazzi (Eds.), Acesso alla giustizia dell’individuo nel diritto Internazionale e dell’unione europea (pp. 149-174). Milano: Giuffré. P. 155.
[38] Free translation: “the enforceability of a law constitutes an unavoidable condition to guarantee its effectiveness. In other words, the right of access to justice (...) is functional to the realization and effective enjoyment of the ‘primary rights’ recognized”.
[39] Sadek, M. T. (2001). Introdução: experiências de Acesso à Justiça. In M. T. Sadek (Ed.), Acesso à justiça (pp. 7-10). São Paulo: Fundação Konrad Adenauer.
[40] Free translation: “rights are dead letters in the absence of instances that guarantee their fulfillment. The Judiciary, from this point of view, has a central role. It is up to it to apply the law and, consequently, to guarantee the realization of individual and collective rights. Hence it is legitimate to say that the Judiciary is the main guardian of freedoms and citizenship”.
[41] Bobbio, N. (1992). A era dos direitos. Rio de Janeiro: Campus.
[42] Given the complementary nature of fundamental rights, the use of the word dimensions of fundamental rights has prevailed, primarily in relation to the designative generations of fundamental rights, precisely because the terminology generations, according to the doctrine, gives the impression that the series of rights conceived in the subsequent period it succeeds and exceeds the rights previously recognized, concealing the complementarity and coexistence between rights.
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[44] Woolf, L. (1996). Access to justice: final report. By the right honourable the Lord Woolf, Master of the rolls. London: HMSO. P. 02.
[45] Sunstein, C. R., & Vermeule, A. (2002). Interpretation and institutions. John M. Olin Program In Law and Economics, 156, 1-55.
[46] Santos, B. de S., Pedroso, J., Trincão, C., & Dias, J. P. (2002). O acesso ao direito e à justiça: um direito fundamental em questão. Coimbra: Observatório Permanente da Justiça Portuguesa (OJP). P. 11.
[47] Troisi, C. (2013). Forme e Modelli di ADR. Profili sostanziali. In G. Autorino, D. Noviello, & C. Troisi (Eds.), Mediazione e conciliazione nelle controversie civili e comerciali (2nd ed., pp. 37-78). Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli Editore. P. 75-76.
[48] Francioni, F. (2009). Il diritto di acesso alla giustizia nel diritto internazionale generale. In F. Francioni, M. Gestri, N. Ronzitti, & T. Scovazzi (Eds.), Acesso alla giustizia dell’individuo nel diritto Internazionale e dell’unione europea (pp. 3-44). Milano: Giuffré.
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  • APA Style

    Bruno Makowiecky Salles, Paulo Márcio Cruz. (2020). Access to Justice: Legal Concept and Characterization. International Journal of Law and Society, 3(3), 106-113. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijls.20200303.15

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    ACS Style

    Bruno Makowiecky Salles; Paulo Márcio Cruz. Access to Justice: Legal Concept and Characterization. Int. J. Law Soc. 2020, 3(3), 106-113. doi: 10.11648/j.ijls.20200303.15

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    AMA Style

    Bruno Makowiecky Salles, Paulo Márcio Cruz. Access to Justice: Legal Concept and Characterization. Int J Law Soc. 2020;3(3):106-113. doi: 10.11648/j.ijls.20200303.15

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    AB  - What should be understood, at the same time, by Access to Justice? The present theme in Brazil has been shown to be relevant and pertinent, considering also the normative approaches and guidelines of our Civil Procedural Code that assimilates principles and guidelines, above all for the efficiency of the Judiciary and the need for a good jurisdictional provision. This article therefore addresses the challenge of answering that question by describing the main elements that portray the stage of development of the theme in Legal Science. The analysis of key concepts together with the exposure of the themes in order to clarify to the reader their pertinence in the legal scope is present in this approach. Without pretending to exhaust the subject, we seek to situate Access to Justice in the contemporary scenario and present the approaches commonly attributed to it, providing the methodological and terminological clarifications necessary for an adequate understanding of the theme, with an emphasis on demonstrating that the improvement of Justice needs above all to privilege legal institutions essential to Democracy, using above all the consolidated procedural bases. In this context, perspectives classified as legal-procedural and democratic-institutional are considered, as well as the concepts of access to the judiciary and access to rights, effective access, with visible and accounted results, both included in the universe of access to justice (lato sensu).
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Author Information
  • Program in Legal Science (Stricto Sensu) – PPCJ, University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Itajaí, Brazil

  • Program in Legal Science (Stricto Sensu) – PPCJ, University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI), Itajaí, Brazil

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