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The Man Subject as a Component of a Person: Concept, Function, Contents, Types and Faculties

Received: 21 January 2025     Accepted: 7 February 2025     Published: 21 February 2025
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This article philosophically describes the Human Organism and the Man Subject. The general objective of this study was to philosophically analyze the Human Organism. The specific objectives were to identify the components of the Human Organism, to conceptualize the Man Subject, to differentiate the Man Subject from other elements of the Human Organism, to distinguish the Contents of the Man Subject from each other, to classify the Man Subject and to explain the faculties of the Man Subject that most affect their Serenity. The main materials used were the own Author of this article, the Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita, a video of Siamese twins, and two sons of the Author of this article. The methods used were Introspection with the practice of Attention, Bibliographical and Documentary research, Observation and simple Experimentation; each method used was accompanied by profound Reflections. The article contributes with a new vision about the components of the Human Organism, the concept of Man as a Subject, the Consciousness and the Mind, and explains the faculties of Man that most affect their Serenity. The Human Organism is formed by five elements, namely, Life, Man Subject, Consciousness, Mind and Body. The Life is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an uninfluenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that intuitively guides the Subject and administrates the Body. The Man Subject is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Contents and phenomena of the Organism according to guidelines from Life and or sources other than Life carrying out voluntary actions. The Consciousness is the set of Information of intuitive and or acculturative origin impregnated in the own Subject that establishes their pattern of innate tendencies and affective character. The Mind is the set of Information of reflective and or merely acculturative origin recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Subject's Body corresponding to the pattern of neuron connection and the flow of nerve impulses in the Brain that establish the Subject's daily behavior. The Body is the standardized set of materialized genetic information of hereditary origin that enables the visibility of the manifestation of the Life and the Subject. The frequent practice of the Think promotes attachment and causes Anxiety, however, the frequent practice of the Attention promotes detachment and causes Serenity.

Published in Humanities and Social Sciences (Volume 13, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.hss.20251301.15
Page(s) 41-48
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Human Organism, Life, Man, Consciousness, Mind, Body, Serenity

1. Introduction
The Depression and the Artificial Intelligence are crucial issues of the 21st century. Dealing with these issues correctly requires Man to know exactly who and what they is.
Thus, the general objective of this study was to philosophically analyze the Human Organism. The specific objectives were to identify the components of the Human Organism, to conceptualize the Man Subject, to differentiate the Man Subject from other elements of the Human Organism in terms of nature and function, to distinguish the Contents of the Man Subject from each other, to classify the Man Subject and to explain the faculties of the Man Subject that most affect their Serenity. The main materials used were the own Author of this article, the Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita, a video of Siamese twins, and two sons of the Author of this article. The methods used were Introspection with the practice of Attention, Bibliographical and Documentary research, Observation and simple Experimentation; each method used was accompanied by profound Reflection.
This study provides answers to the following existential questions: What are the elements that constitute the Human Organism and what is the difference between them? Who is Man? What is Man? What is the function of Man? Why is one Man different from another? Why do Men suffer from anxiety and how can we develop serenity?
2. The Concept and Function of the Man Subject
The concept of Man Subject is different from the concept of Person, Life, Consciousness, Mind and Body. In the expression ʻMan Subjectʼ, the word Man is a descriptive adjective that qualifies the word Subject, making it possible to differentiate ʻMan Subjectʼ from other types of Subjects, such as ʻDog Subjectʼ or ʻMonkey Subjectʼ, however, the own expression ʻMan Subjectʼ means ʻManʼ; Thus, in this text we have used the expression ʻMan Subjectʼ to clarify that Man is a Subject because performs actions. However, there is no such thing as a ʻMachine Subjectʼ, there is only a ʻMachine Organismʼ that has neither Life nor Subject.
A Person is a Human Organism. A Human Organism is formed by elements, processes and phenomena. The elements that constitute the Human Organism are Life, Subject, Consciousness, Mind and Body; examples of processes that occur in a Human Organism are Breathing, Digestion, Blood Circulation and Urine Formation; examples of phenomena that occur in a Human Organism are Sensations, Emotions, Feelings, Thoughts and Intuitions. The elements of the Human Organism are structural and do not pass; they are not the elements of the Human Body, because the elements of the Human Body include Chemical Substances, Cells, Organs and Apparatus ; processes are functional and continuous; while phenomena are situational and pass.
The Subject is similar to Life in terms of nature, the Life is Conscious-Intelligent Matrix and the Subject is also Conscious-Intelligent Matrix; Matrix as ‘the Being’ or ‘the Entity’ and not as Force or Energy, because is the Conscious-Intelligent ‘Being’ that produces and generates a given Force or Energy. The Subject is different from Life in terms of influenceability and function; the Life is an uninfluenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that intuitively guides the Subject and administrates the Body, while the Subject is an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Contents and phenomena of the Organism. The Life and the Subject are the same in all Human Organisms; the difference is in the Contents and in the management of the Contents and phenomena in each Human Organism.
Thus, the main function of the Life is build and keep the Body alive according to the existing conditions; a Body without Life is said dead or called corpse, Breathing and Blood Circulation are examples of signs of the existence of the Life in the Body. While the main function of the Subject is solve specific problems in the Organism managing Consciousness, Mind, Body, Sensations, Emotions, Feelings, Thoughts and Intuitions well or badly, according to their level of Consciousness and according to the impulses or stimuli of their Contents and their external environment; a Body without a Subject is said inanimate or without reactive and voluntary movements; reactive and voluntary movements are signs of the existence of the Subject in the Body.
The Subject can only act in a Body that has the Life, where it can be asleep - withdrawn into the center of the Life, or it can be awake - emerging from the center to the periphery, revealing itself through reactive and voluntary movements in the Body, such as speaking, walking and calculating. A Subject who acts in disharmony with their Life while awake needs to sleep profoundly to give their Life the opportunity to repair and re-establish the Body.
A Person can have two Subjects, as in the case of Siamese twins, and each one of these Subjects has its own Consciousness and, consequently, distinct tendencies and preferences; thus, a group formed by two Persons in which one of the Persons is a Siamese bi-twins is a group formed by three Subjects.
Therefore, the Man Subject is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Contents and phenomena of the Organism according to guidelines from the Life and or sources other than the Life carrying out voluntary actions.
3. Contents of the Man Subject
The Contents of the Man Subject are Consciousness, Mind and Body. The Man Subject is not divided into three parts, as Plato thought , but the Man Subject has three Contents that enable its contextualized manifestation. The Contents of the Man Subject are similar in terms of nature; the nature of Consciousness, Mind and Body is Information. Consciousness is different from Mind above all in terms of its location and function in the Human Organism; Consciousness and Mind are different from the Body in terms of the essence of Information and its function in the Human Organism.
3.1. The Consciousness
The Consciousness is located impregnated in the own Subject, like paint impregnated in water giving it a certain quality depending on the color of the paint. In this way, Consciousness, which is related to reminiscence, goes with the Subject from reincarnation to reincarnation, so it is imperative that the Man Subject takes advantage of any circumstance to perfect their Consciousness.
The Consciousness has the function of establishing the Subject's birth attitudes or pattern of innate tendencies; examples of patterns of tendencies are good or bad intentions and a meek or aggressive profile; thus, the Consciousness is the main element which makes it possible to distinguish one Subject from another and which makes it possible, for example, to explain why identical twins have different preferences and why children brought up by parents of excellent moral conduct take drugs.
The Consciousness defines the Subject's affective dimension or the Subject's know-be; The affective character of a Man Subject can be superior, marked by Wisdom, Love, Compassion, Self-building and Peace; or it can be inferior, marked by Ignorance, Hatred, Discompassion, Self-destruction and Conflict. Therefore, the Consciousness is the set of information of intuitive or acculturative origin impregnated in the own Subject which establishes their pattern of innate tendencies and affective character.
3.2. The Mind
The Mind is located recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Body of the Organism and corresponds to the pattern of the connection of neurons and the flow of nerve impulses in the Brain, thus, the Mind perishes with the perishing of the Brain in the perishing of the whole Body.
The Mind has the function of establishing the Subject's knowledge, and consequently the Subject's daily behaviors, manifested in the form of the Subject's daily actions or work; the examples of Information that constitute the Mind are the Subject's languages, the Subject's professional knowledge, the social or natural facts of which the Subject has information; Thus, each language or category of the Subject's knowledge is like an Application recorded in the Subject's Body Brain which enables the Subject to perform specific tasks automatically and which the Subject has access to in their Body Brain through electromagnetic interaction. The Mind defines the Subject's cognitive dimension or the Subject's know-know.
Therefore, the Mind is the set of information of reflective or merely acculturative origin recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Subject's Body corresponding to the pattern of neuron connections and the flow of nerve impulses in the Brain that establishes the Subject's daily behavior.
3.3. The Body
The Body exists as materialized genomic Information. The essence of the Information that forms the Consciousness and the Mind is above all sociocultural, but the essence of the Information that forms the Body is genetic and hereditary. The Body has the function of establishing the abilities of the Subject and is the tool of visibility for the manifestation of the Life and the Subject. The Body defines the Subject's motor dimension or the Subject's know-do. Therefore, the Body is the standardized set of materialized genetic information of hereditary origin that enables the visibility of the manifestation of the Life and the Subject.
4. Types of Men Subjects
The Men Subjects can be classified according to various criteria, such as maturity of the Consciousness and the element of the Organism on which the Subject is mainly based or attached.
4.1. Types of Subjects in Terms of Maturity of the Consciousness
The Maturity of the Consciousness is the degree of perfection of the quality of the Man Subject. Subjects can be young or old in terms of the maturity of their Consciousness.
4.1.1. Young Subjects
The Young Subjects are those who act in a utilitarian way under the guidance of others without care for their integrity. The Young Subjects constitute the majority of the Men Subjects on the Planet Earth.
4.1.2. Old Subjects
The Old Subjects are those who act correctly and harmoniously in any situation under their own guidance based on understanding resulting from attention and reflection. The Old Subjects are rare on the Planet Earth and examples include Lao Tzu, Siddartha Gautama , Socrates and Jesus Christ.
4.2. Types of Subjects in Terms of the Element of the Organism to Which They Are Attached
In terms of the element of the Organism to which the Subject is attached, the Men Subjects can be bodily, emotional, rational or spiritual.
4.2.1. Bodily Subjects
The Bodily Subjects are those who are mainly attached to the Body, focusing on bodily aesthetics. Examples: Bodybuilder and Makeup artist.
4.2.2. Emotional Subjects
The Emotional Subjects are those who are mainly attached to their own Consciousness, expressing their emotions without discretion. Example: Singer.
4.2.3. Rational Subjects
The Rational Subjects are those who are mainly attached to the Mind, producing knowledge by analyzing information. Examples: Scientist and Philosopher.
4.2.4. Spiritual Subjects
The Spiritual Subjects are those who are mainly attached to the Life, dedicating themselves to contemplation and harmony in the Nature. Example: Mystic.
5. Faculties of the Man Subject
The Man Subject has various faculties, including Feel, Know, Movement, Perceive, Attachment, Think, Attention, Reflect, Imagine and Create . The faculties are the same in all Men Subjects, but the way in which they are used is different and depends on the conditions of the Consciousness, the Body and the sociocultural environment of each Man Subject. Old Subjects use more Attention and Reflection, while Young Subjects use more Attachment and Think; in an Organism with a Body that has anaesthetized neurons, the Subject cannot Feel pain because the neurons have temporarily lost their property of enabling the Subject to feel stimuli; an authoritarian environment does not favour creativity. The faculties of the Man Subject that most affect their Wisdom and Serenity are Think, Reflect and Attention.
5.1. Think
Think is the attachment to the Thought. A Thought is information or an event that is recorded and fluent in the Brain. The habit of the Think promotes restlessness and is the main cause of Neuroses, while the progression of the poor quality of the Consciousness is the main cause of the Psychoses of the Man Subject.
Thus, in the Human Organism, the habit of the Think has the impact of raising the level of Adrenaline in the blood; increasing the frequency of brain waves; causing the contraction of the muscular tissues of the Body which impede the activity of the Life in the Body or obstructs the normal flow of creative energy in the Body; cause Neuroses or diseases of the Nervous System, such as GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), PS (Panic Syndrome), Depression and Anxiety; cause Somatic or Body diseases, such as Hypertension, CVA (Cerebral Vascular Accident) and Paralysis . The symptoms of Neuroses, such as stress, insomnia, anger and a lack of meaning in life, lead to drug use.
5.2. Reflect
Reflect is to compare various Thoughts. The frequent practice of the Reflect is the main cause of the Wisdom of the Man Subject. In the Human Organism, the frequent practice of Reflect has the usefulness of providing vigor to the Brain, providing Wisdom and Righteousness to the Subject, promoting improvement in the Subject's Knowledge, promoting stability in the Mind and enriching the Subject's cognitive dimension.
However, the regular practice of movement is useful for energizing the Cerebellum, providing body flexibility and creativity, improving skills, promoting body strength and enriching the Subject's motor dimension.
5.3. Attention
Attention is to fix the sense on something; it is to fix sensation, hearing and or sight on something; it is to fix the action of feel, hear and or see something; such something can be, for example, own Thought, the sound of birds and or Emotion. The frequent practice of the Attention promotes stillness and is the main cause of the Serenity of the Man Subject.
In the Human Organism, the habit of the Attention has the impact of raising the level of Melatonin in the blood; decreasing the frequency of brain waves; causing relaxation of the muscular tissues of the Body, which allows the activity of the Life in the Body or allows the normal flow of creative energy in the Body; causing Serenity, Inspiration or Intuition, broadening the Consciousness or a wide view of life and discovering the meaning of life; causing vitality in the Body or allowing the Life to vitalize the Body and curing Neuroses . Thus, in the Human Organism, the frequent practice of the Attention has the utility of providing vigor to the Limbic System, providing Serenity and Intuition, promoting improvement in Attitudes, promoting expansion of the Consciousness and enriching the affective dimension of the Man Subject.
The Attention have relationship with the Think and the Attachment. The socio-economic pressures on the Subject throughout their social interactions enable the Body or create in the Brain of their Body and in their Body in general a pattern of neuron connections favorable to the automaticity of their state of the Think. The Subject is born with the state of the Attention, but because of the pressures that they suffers during its bodily existence, the state of the Attention is lost and the state of the Think is formed, which becomes automatic through its faculty of Attachment.
A Subject's new environments and habits give rise to new neuron connection patterns in their Body's Brain and in their Body in general, which adapt the Body to a new state that affects the Subject positively or negatively according to the type of environment and habit in which the Subject is immersed. Healthy environments and habits give rise to neural bonding patterns that adapt the Body to a virtuous state that affects the Subject positively, while unhealthy environments and habits give rise to neural bonding patterns that adapt the Body to a vicious state that affects the Subject negatively. It is not possible for the Man Subject to be in the Attention and to be in the Think at the same time; Attention excludes Think and Think excludes Attention; stop the Think is enter in the state of Attention. In this way, it is up to the Man Subject to Awaken, Perceive the state in which they is, correct their state, enable their Body or create a new pattern of neuron connections in the Brain of their Body and, consequently, in their Body in general, favorable to the automaticity of the state of the Attention, always entering in the state of the Attention.
The set of nerve impulses that occur in the human body produce a general electromagnetic field that exerts a force of attraction that causes the Subject's attachment to the Body and Mind and Consciousness and to the phenomena of their Organism. The Subject's position in relation to their thoughts determines their state of attachment or detachment to their thoughts. A Subject positioned inattentive to their thoughts becomes attached to their thoughts and is governed by their thoughts, the thoughts dominate the Subject when the Subject does not become aware of their thoughts; while a Subject positioned attentive to their thoughts becomes detached to their thoughts and is able to govern them with self-control, the thoughts disappear when the Subject becomes aware of their thoughts.
The Subject's activity of thinking and reflecting increases the frequency of the nerve impulses in the Brain and, consequently, of the electromagnetic field and its attractive force, giving rise to greater attachment or centering of the Subject in the Brain. An inattentive Subject is attracted by the force of attraction of the electromagnetic field originated by the nerve impulses of the thoughts in the Brain of their Organism, resulting in attachment to their thoughts. The inattentive Subject has no north and is therefore attracted to the north corresponding to the strength of the electromagnetic field of the flow of their thoughts, like an attraction between different poles. Attachment congests the electricity in the Brain and this increases nervous tension and causes the unnatural contraction of the organs and the consequent obstruction of the flow of the creative energy of the Life; this obstruction of the flow leads to the mortality of the Body.
On the other hand, the practice of focused Attention by the Subject reduces the frequency of nerve impulses and, consequently, of the electromagnetic field and its attractive force, giving rise to detachment. An attentive Subject even observes the phenomena of their Body, including their thoughts. Observing thoughts enables the Subject to emit an electromagnetic field with a repulsive force that makes thoughts disappear, resulting in detachment. The attentive Subject has north and thus repels the north corresponding to the strength of the electromagnetic field of the flow of their thoughts, like a repulsion between equal poles. Detachment decongests the electricity in the Brain and this reduces nervous tension and causes relaxation of the organs and the consequent normal flow of the creative energy of the Life, this normal flow give rise to the vitality of the Body.
Therefore, the frequent practice of the Think promotes attachment and produces in the Human Organism an environment of disharmony that makes the Subject suffer from Anxieties; but the frequent practice of the Attention promotes detachment and produces in the Human Organism an environment of harmony that makes the Subject enjoy Serenity.
6. Materials and Methods
The reasons of this study are two, an malaria in 2008 which it would cause the Author’s death as a result of the administration of Quinine Serum if the Author, who had lost all mobility nor his speech and only with his eyes open which allowed him to see the drops of the Serum and his wife, had not begged in himself to his wife ask to the nurse to cancel the Serum which was in fact cancelled making the Author turn off temporarily; a crisis of Anxiety and Panic in 2018 which was making the Author run to the Clinic where he was prescribed Amitriptyline which was causing heavy drowsiness and morbidity but was not eliminate the Anxiety. The fact that the Author was present in a body that had completely lost its mobility gave rise to the question, who am I? And the Anxiety attacks in 2018 gave rise to the question, why don't I have tranquillity? The Author asked himself this question with every desire to know and personally began a tireless search for practical answers in 2018. Thus, the main materials used were the own Author of this article, the Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita, a video of Siamese twins , and two sons of the Author of this article. The methods used were Introspection with the practice of Attention, Bibliographical and Documentary research, Observation and simple Experimentation; each method used was accompanied by profound Reflection.
Introspection was the starting point because it made it possible to elaborate the two questions, the practice of the Attention related to this search had two phases, the first phase consisted of listening to guided meditations on YouTube videos and this listening was abandoned because it was causing problem in the ears, the second phase consisted of listening to the sound of Nature such as birds and tree leaves caused by the wind, currently the Author mainly practices his own meditation called Diving into the Air Meditation; the practice of Attention made it possible to have valuable intuitions that worked as hypotheses for the search, the basic intuitions were the following: Man is not the Body nor the Life, each Man is born with their own pattern of tendencies. The other methods made it possible to obtain information that was compared with the Intuitions resulting in this article.
In the Bibliographical research, two main passages were analyzed, one from the Bible and the other from the Bhagavad-Gita, the passages are respectively the following, “Live by the Spirit, and you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh” (Gal. 5: 16) and “Lord Krishna and Arjuna, situated on a large chariot pulled by white horses, sounded their transcendental conch shells” . In the Documentary research, one Human Organism of Siamese bi-twins was analyzed.
In the Observation, the attitudes of two of the Author's sons were analyzed from the Fetus stage of the Organism of each of the son, one was born in 2020 and the other in 2022; the procedure was to touch the mother's belly with light pressure and, after each son was born, observe attitudes during social interactions. In the simple Experimentation, carried out in mid-2024, the reactive movements of the two sons were analyzed when they were in profound sleep and when they were awake; the procedure was to raise one of the arms and then let go.
7. Results and Discussion
In Introspection with the practice of the Attention, the results were improvement of the Anxiety crisis, perception of the phenomena of the Human Organism, perception that the Man is not the Body nor the Life and that the each Man is born with their own pattern of tendencies.
In the analysis of the excerpt from the Bible it was noted that who must live by the Spirit is not the flesh nor the Spirit, and in the analysis of the excerpt from the Bhagavad-Gita it was noted that Arjuna is not the chariot nor the Lord Krishna. In these two results, the flesh or Body is the chariot, the Spirit or Life is the Lord Krishna and the one who must live by the Spirit is Arjuna or Soul; live is feel and know and act or live is be-be and know and do, according to Pasquali , The Man knows and feels and acts, thus, in these two results, who must live by the Spirit or Arjuna is a Man. Therefore, Man is not the Body nor the Life. Man is the one who must live in harmony with the Life .
In the analysis of the Human Organism of Siamese bi-twins it was found that the Human Organism of Siamese bi-twins has two Subjects with different preferences. Therefore, a Human Organism can have two Subjects and each Subject has its own tendency pattern.
In the Observation it was found that the first son threw his arms against the backrest and in social interactions revealed an active and somewhat aggressive pattern, the second son withdrew and revealed a passive and meek pattern. Therefore, each Man is born with their own pattern of tendencies or their way of being. The pattern of tendencies is the special quality or vision of life and world of a Man. The pattern of tendencies corresponds to subjective experiences and, consequently, to Consciousness which is the set of subjective states of the Subject when is awake . In the Observation it was also noted that languages and knowledge are learned during social interactions as information, this information is recorded in the Brain forming the Mind that determines daily behavior, in this way, the Mind is sociocultural information recorded in the Brain; If the Body is materialized genetic information and the Mind is sociocultural information recorded in the Brain, then the Consciousness is also information, but which is impregnated in the own Subject and which determines the personality with which the Subject is born; Consciousness and Mind and Body are elements that constitute the Human Organism because they are information with different functions located in different regions of the Organism.
In the simple Experimentation it was found that the arm fell in free fall when they were in profound sleep, but did not fall when they were awake. Therefore, Man is not the Body nor the Life; Man withdraws to the center of the Life during profound sleep interrupting their functioning in the Body and emerges from the center of the Life to the Body as a periphery at the moment they wakes up revealing himself through reactive and voluntary movements in the Organism (At. 17: 28) . The function of the Man in the Organism is to manage the Body through reactive and voluntary movements; if the function of the Man is to manage the Body, then the function of the Life is to administrate the Body and to guide the Man; Man can choose to follow the guidelines of the Life by living in harmony with the Life or not follow the guidelines of the Life by living in disharmony with the Life due to their faculty of free-will granted by their Life. The nature of the Man and the Life is “Matrix” , according to Max Planck in 1944, not as Information nor Force nor Energy, but as ‘the Conscious-Intelligent Being’.
Thus, the tireless search resulted in a new vision about the composition of a Human Organism and about the concepts of Man Subject, Life, Consciousness and Mind. A Human Organism is composed by Life, Man Subject, Consciousness, Mind and Body; this composition is different from the composition referred by René Descartes, in which the Human Organism is composed by Mind and Body ; and is different from the composition referred by Paul of Tarsus, in which the Human Organism is composed by Life and Man Subject and Body (1 Thess. 5: 23) . The Man Subject is not the Life, as referred in the Spiritist Religion ; it is not the Mind, as referred in the Scientific Psychology ; and it is not the Consciousness, as referred in the Neuroscience . The Man Subject is not divided into three parts, as Plato thought , but the Man Subject has three Contents that enable its contextualized manifestation.
Despite deep contemplation of himself, as a Man Subject, the Author confesses that he cannot see himself nor imagine himself as any type of Matter nor Energy nor Force nor Information. Therefore, the Author agrees with Siddhartha Gautama who saw the Void, with Jesus Christ who preferred to simply say "I Am!" (John 8: 58) , with Kant who realized the possibility of the Man Subject having an exact explanation about theyself but the impossibility of the Man Subject knowing what they is made of , and with Sartre who understood the Being as being the Nothing . Thus, in Physical and Matter terms, the Man Subject is the Nothing and the Life is also the Nothing, because they do not fit into any type of Matter nor Energy nor Force nor Information known by Man of the Planet Earth. But, in terms of Property, the Man Subject is an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Body, and the Life is an uninfluenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that administrates the Body. In this way, the Author imagines himself as the Nothing, but, only sees himself as an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Body; Planet Earth is a Dimension of Existence in which the Man Subject have the Power to clarify theyself and find the correct form of their existence in this Dimension, however, Planet Earth is a Dimension of Existence in which the Man Subject does not have the Power to know what they is made of.
8. Conclusion
The expression ʻMan Subjectʼ does not mean Person. Person is a Human Organism and can have two Men Subjects, as happens with Siamese bi-twins. A Person is formed by five elements distributed in two Entities and three Contents; the Entities are the Life and the Man Subject, they are Entities because they act, the Life acts in the construction of the Body and in the guidance of the Man Subject, while the Man Subject acts in the management of the Body; the Contents are the Consciousness and the Mind and the Body, they are Contents because they do not act and only establish the contextualized action of the Life and the Man Subject.
The Life is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an uninfluenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that intuitively guides the Subject and administrates the Body. The Man Subject is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Contents and phenomena of the Organism according to guidelines from Life and or sources other than Life carrying out voluntary actions. The Consciousness is the set of Information of intuitive and or acculturative origin impregnated in the own Subject that establishes their pattern of innate tendencies and affective character. The Mind is the set of Information of reflective and or merely acculturative origin recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Subject's Body corresponding to the pattern of neuron connection and the flow of nerve impulses in the Brain that establish the Subject's daily behavior. The Body is the standardized set of materialized genetic information of hereditary origin that enables the visibility of the manifestation of the Life and the Subject.
The Consciousness or the affective dimension of the Man Subject is located impregnated in the own Man Subject, the Mind or the cognitive dimension of the Man Subject is located recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Body of the Man Subject's Organism, while the Body or the motor dimension is located in the Body.
The frequent practice of the Think promotes attachment and produces an environment of disharmony in the Human Organism that makes the Subject suffer from Anxiety; however, the frequent practice of the Attention promotes detachment and produces in the Human Organism an environment of harmony that makes the Subject enjoy Serenity.


People-to-People Development Assistance


Cerebral Vascular Accident


Panic Syndrome


Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Author Contributions
Amâncio Maurício Xavier Rêgo is the sole Author. The Author read and approved the final manuscript.
This work is not supported by any external funding.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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    Rêgo, A. M. X. (2025). The Man Subject as a Component of a Person: Concept, Function, Contents, Types and Faculties. Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(1), 41-48.

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    Rêgo, A. M. X. The Man Subject as a Component of a Person: Concept, Function, Contents, Types and Faculties. Humanit. Soc. Sci. 2025, 13(1), 41-48. doi: 10.11648/j.hss.20251301.15

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    Rêgo AMX. The Man Subject as a Component of a Person: Concept, Function, Contents, Types and Faculties. Humanit Soc Sci. 2025;13(1):41-48. doi: 10.11648/j.hss.20251301.15

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  • @article{10.11648/j.hss.20251301.15,
      author = {Amâncio Maurício Xavier Rêgo},
      title = {The Man Subject as a Component of a Person: Concept, Function, Contents, Types and Faculties
      journal = {Humanities and Social Sciences},
      volume = {13},
      number = {1},
      pages = {41-48},
      doi = {10.11648/j.hss.20251301.15},
      url = {},
      eprint = {},
      abstract = {This article philosophically describes the Human Organism and the Man Subject. The general objective of this study was to philosophically analyze the Human Organism. The specific objectives were to identify the components of the Human Organism, to conceptualize the Man Subject, to differentiate the Man Subject from other elements of the Human Organism, to distinguish the Contents of the Man Subject from each other, to classify the Man Subject and to explain the faculties of the Man Subject that most affect their Serenity. The main materials used were the own Author of this article, the Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita, a video of Siamese twins, and two sons of the Author of this article. The methods used were Introspection with the practice of Attention, Bibliographical and Documentary research, Observation and simple Experimentation; each method used was accompanied by profound Reflections. The article contributes with a new vision about the components of the Human Organism, the concept of Man as a Subject, the Consciousness and the Mind, and explains the faculties of Man that most affect their Serenity. The Human Organism is formed by five elements, namely, Life, Man Subject, Consciousness, Mind and Body. The Life is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an uninfluenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that intuitively guides the Subject and administrates the Body. The Man Subject is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Contents and phenomena of the Organism according to guidelines from Life and or sources other than Life carrying out voluntary actions. The Consciousness is the set of Information of intuitive and or acculturative origin impregnated in the own Subject that establishes their pattern of innate tendencies and affective character. The Mind is the set of Information of reflective and or merely acculturative origin recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Subject's Body corresponding to the pattern of neuron connection and the flow of nerve impulses in the Brain that establish the Subject's daily behavior. The Body is the standardized set of materialized genetic information of hereditary origin that enables the visibility of the manifestation of the Life and the Subject. The frequent practice of the Think promotes attachment and causes Anxiety, however, the frequent practice of the Attention promotes detachment and causes Serenity.
     year = {2025}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - The Man Subject as a Component of a Person: Concept, Function, Contents, Types and Faculties
    AU  - Amâncio Maurício Xavier Rêgo
    Y1  - 2025/02/21
    PY  - 2025
    N1  -
    DO  - 10.11648/j.hss.20251301.15
    T2  - Humanities and Social Sciences
    JF  - Humanities and Social Sciences
    JO  - Humanities and Social Sciences
    SP  - 41
    EP  - 48
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2330-8184
    UR  -
    AB  - This article philosophically describes the Human Organism and the Man Subject. The general objective of this study was to philosophically analyze the Human Organism. The specific objectives were to identify the components of the Human Organism, to conceptualize the Man Subject, to differentiate the Man Subject from other elements of the Human Organism, to distinguish the Contents of the Man Subject from each other, to classify the Man Subject and to explain the faculties of the Man Subject that most affect their Serenity. The main materials used were the own Author of this article, the Bible and the Bhagavad-Gita, a video of Siamese twins, and two sons of the Author of this article. The methods used were Introspection with the practice of Attention, Bibliographical and Documentary research, Observation and simple Experimentation; each method used was accompanied by profound Reflections. The article contributes with a new vision about the components of the Human Organism, the concept of Man as a Subject, the Consciousness and the Mind, and explains the faculties of Man that most affect their Serenity. The Human Organism is formed by five elements, namely, Life, Man Subject, Consciousness, Mind and Body. The Life is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an uninfluenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that intuitively guides the Subject and administrates the Body. The Man Subject is the component of the Human Organism with the nature of an influenceable Conscious-Intelligent Matrix that manages the Contents and phenomena of the Organism according to guidelines from Life and or sources other than Life carrying out voluntary actions. The Consciousness is the set of Information of intuitive and or acculturative origin impregnated in the own Subject that establishes their pattern of innate tendencies and affective character. The Mind is the set of Information of reflective and or merely acculturative origin recorded and fluent in the Brain of the Subject's Body corresponding to the pattern of neuron connection and the flow of nerve impulses in the Brain that establish the Subject's daily behavior. The Body is the standardized set of materialized genetic information of hereditary origin that enables the visibility of the manifestation of the Life and the Subject. The frequent practice of the Think promotes attachment and causes Anxiety, however, the frequent practice of the Attention promotes detachment and causes Serenity.
    VL  - 13
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Natural Sciences and Mathematics, PPDA School of Teachers of the Future, Chimoio, Mozambique

    Biography: Amâncio Maurício Xavier Rêgo is an Education Specialist at the Ministry of Education in Mozambique and Trainer at the School of Teachers of the Future in Chimoio, completed a master's degree in Education Management and Administration in 2015 from the Catho-lic University of Mozambique in Chimoio and a degree in teaching Biology in 2007 from the Pedagogical University of Mozambique in Beira.

    Research Fields: Education and Spirituality