An explanation of the mechanism for the difference in angle for separation and reattachment during stall on airfoils via potential flow and stall-prediction theories is proposed as follows: the reattachment angle of any given airfoil is the stall angle of the effective body which encompasses the physical body and its trailing viscous wake. Airfoil hysteresis exists, above certain Reynolds numbers, when the angle of attack increases beyond the catastrophic stall angle with the flow remaining separated until lowered below the stall angle of attack. The size of the hysteresis loop is determined by the difference in separation and reattachment angles. Within the clockwise hysteresis loop there exist two distinct airfoil geometries: the physical and the effective. The physical, or actual airfoil geometry, dominates the behavior of the pre-catastrophic lift. The much longer (relatively thinner) effective body dominates the hysteresis loop from catastrophic stall to reattachment, which is what the flow “sees” from the potential flow perspective. Wind tunnel tests were conducted at the United States Air Force Academy’s (USAFA’s) Sub-Sonic Wind Tunnel (SWT) where excellent agreement (less than half a degree) is found for all tests thus far.
Published in | Fluid Mechanics (Volume 10, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/ |
Page(s) | 1-10 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Stall, Hysteresis, Airfoil, Aerodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Flight Mechanics, Flow Control, Stall Hysteresis
Measurand | Bias | Percent of Full Scale |
Angle of Attack | .0025% | |
Coefficient of Lift | .036% | |
Reynolds Number | 1.01% |
α | Angle of Attack |
αs | Stall Angle |
c | Chord |
Cd | Section Drag Coefficient |
CD | Drag Coefficient |
Cl | Section Lift Coefficient |
CL | Lift Coefficient |
Cl max | Section Lift Coefficient at Stall Angle |
Cm | Section Pitch-moment Coefficient |
CM | Moment Coefficient |
EB | Effective Body Geometry |
LE | Leading Edge |
M | Mach |
PB | Physical Body Geometry |
q | Dynamic Pressure |
q∞ | Free-stream Dynamic Pressure |
Re | Reynolds Number |
x | Horizontal Distance from LE |
y | Vertical Distance from LEr |
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APA Style
II, W. M. (2025). An Explanation for the Existence of Stall Hysteresis. Fluid Mechanics, 10(1), 1-10.
ACS Style
II, W. M. An Explanation for the Existence of Stall Hysteresis. Fluid Mech. 2025, 10(1), 1-10. doi: 10.11648/
AMA Style
II WM. An Explanation for the Existence of Stall Hysteresis. Fluid Mech. 2025;10(1):1-10. doi: 10.11648/
@article{10.11648/, author = {Wallace Morris II}, title = {An Explanation for the Existence of Stall Hysteresis}, journal = {Fluid Mechanics}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {1-10}, doi = {10.11648/}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {An explanation of the mechanism for the difference in angle for separation and reattachment during stall on airfoils via potential flow and stall-prediction theories is proposed as follows: the reattachment angle of any given airfoil is the stall angle of the effective body which encompasses the physical body and its trailing viscous wake. Airfoil hysteresis exists, above certain Reynolds numbers, when the angle of attack increases beyond the catastrophic stall angle with the flow remaining separated until lowered below the stall angle of attack. The size of the hysteresis loop is determined by the difference in separation and reattachment angles. Within the clockwise hysteresis loop there exist two distinct airfoil geometries: the physical and the effective. The physical, or actual airfoil geometry, dominates the behavior of the pre-catastrophic lift. The much longer (relatively thinner) effective body dominates the hysteresis loop from catastrophic stall to reattachment, which is what the flow “sees” from the potential flow perspective. Wind tunnel tests were conducted at the United States Air Force Academy’s (USAFA’s) Sub-Sonic Wind Tunnel (SWT) where excellent agreement (less than half a degree) is found for all tests thus far.}, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - An Explanation for the Existence of Stall Hysteresis AU - Wallace Morris II Y1 - 2025/02/10 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/ T2 - Fluid Mechanics JF - Fluid Mechanics JO - Fluid Mechanics SP - 1 EP - 10 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2575-1816 UR - AB - An explanation of the mechanism for the difference in angle for separation and reattachment during stall on airfoils via potential flow and stall-prediction theories is proposed as follows: the reattachment angle of any given airfoil is the stall angle of the effective body which encompasses the physical body and its trailing viscous wake. Airfoil hysteresis exists, above certain Reynolds numbers, when the angle of attack increases beyond the catastrophic stall angle with the flow remaining separated until lowered below the stall angle of attack. The size of the hysteresis loop is determined by the difference in separation and reattachment angles. Within the clockwise hysteresis loop there exist two distinct airfoil geometries: the physical and the effective. The physical, or actual airfoil geometry, dominates the behavior of the pre-catastrophic lift. The much longer (relatively thinner) effective body dominates the hysteresis loop from catastrophic stall to reattachment, which is what the flow “sees” from the potential flow perspective. Wind tunnel tests were conducted at the United States Air Force Academy’s (USAFA’s) Sub-Sonic Wind Tunnel (SWT) where excellent agreement (less than half a degree) is found for all tests thus far. VL - 10 IS - 1 ER -